You despicable people. The Trump administration aims to enforce existing laws, which allow protests as long as they remain within legal boundaries. You are such dishonest fucks.
Threats of violence and death against Jewish students don't violate the law? At the very least they violate the schools rules yet the school has done nothing to stop these threats.
Peaceful demonstration against genocide on college campuses is protected by free speech in the US Constitution. You're un-American to say otherwise. Stop the gaslighting. The GENOCIDE of innocent children by Zionists in Israel is the real crime and it will be stopped. Don't get it twisted.
Claiming that the Israeli Zionists are committing genocide in Gaza is simply false.
And Orwellian, considering that Hamas’ openly spoken mission is to eradicate Jews from the River to the Sea.
Sad that you are so ill-informed and steeped in your oppressor-oppressed ideology that you throw away all of your credibility with false claims of genocide.
"And Orwellian, considering that Hamas’ openly spoken mission is to eradicate Jews from the River to the Sea."
1. Article 16 of the Hamas Charter literally says that their conflict is with the Zionist project NOT the Jewish people. And later on in that Charter, Hamas says that it's willing to accept a two-state solution along the international 1967 borders.
2. The statement "from the river to the sea" isn't calling for genocide against the Jews, it's calling for the liberation of Palestine which DOES NOT involve genocide against the Jews.
3. If we're going to argue "from the river to the sea" means genocide, then why aren't you giving the same shit to the Likud Party who openly say they want to take all the land between the river and the sea and establish a Jewish state. That actually is genocidal rhetoric and you're silent about it. I wonder why (I know why and so do you).
"Sad that you are so ill-informed and steeped in your oppressor-oppressed ideology that you throw away all of your credibility with false claims of genocide."
Comments like yours just expose that Zionists like you are unhinged, genocidal racists.
Hypothetical scenario. The Klan in Mississippi begin rallies shouting, "String em up!" threatening blacks in America, and I show up at Columbia U with hundreds of others wearing Klan hoods, medallions etc shouting the same thing.
You confront me and I tell you that I don't mean it to say hang black people. Is it safe to say I'm either an ignorant fool, completely void of the meaning of the phrase or I'm lying and I mean it as a threat of violence and death?
Can you think of any other reason for one to be repeating that phrase that would simply explain, much less justify repeating that phrase?
The anti-genocide protests were exactly that, anti-genocide. They were protesting Israel's genocide against the Palestinians. They weren't threatening the extermination of the Jews. Especially when many Jewish students, professors and organizations were involved in those protests (but people like you don't like to mention that part because it destroys your whole "Anti-Semitism" narrative about the protests).
So, are you ignorant about what happened or are you dishonest?
I genuinely cannot tell if this is willful hardcore leftist activism, or true uninformed ignorance from someone who consumes only leftist media. Or perhaps both.
I suspect it’s the latter, but it’s really hard to tell, as the old saw about the difficulty distinguishing evil from incompetence applies 100% here.
Yes, because protesting against genocide hurt some students feelings so we have to take away peoples First Amendment rights so that the white Jewish students can have their safe space (and yet, if there were black, gay, Muslim, female, Trans, Palestinian or even non-white Jews saying there was hatred against them, you'd be telling them to shut the fuck up and grow a thick skin).
It's funny how all the right's claims of "free speech", opposing "cancel culture" and whining about colleges coddling students disappears the second it comes to white people.
This is a clear First Amendment (free speech), and Fourteenth Amendment (Equal Protection Clause) violation that a third grader could argue before the S. Ct. and win. Trump is doing ok so far (for somebody blindfolded swinging a meat axe around), but he's on the wrong side of everybody on the issue of helping Israel annihilate the Palestinians in their homeland.
Oh, and how do peaceful protests against Judeonazi Holocausticism violate those legal boundaries exactly? Because they poke and pop those fragile Zionist bubbles encasing the snowflake echo chambers of yours?
If they are legal, they don’t. I’m Irish; the last thing I am is thin-skinned. I don’t understand what’s so difficult to understand: legal vs. illegal.
I suspect it means that Palestinians will govern themselves -- and I have heard Israelis say something similar regarding Israel.
You cannot take a slogan, and then claim that it somehow constitutes a deadly threat to any and all Jewish people, no matter where they are. That's bonkers.
If someone at a protest is saying, "Death to Frank Morris! Let's get Frank Morris!" that's a different issue.
This is Israel attempting to control the free speech of Americans, & it stinks.
If foreign students won't be deported for criticizing America, but WILL be deported for criticizing Israel, that is WRONG. Foreign students here on valid student visas have the same free speech rights as US citizens do, according to Glenn Greenwald.
"SF Bay Area," you *still* failed to demonstrate any illegality in peaceful protests against nazijew war crimes.
Imagine being so insecure to the level of boasting your ethnicity as a Hail Mary against anyone calling out the unsubstantiated garbage you propagand. "bUt iM [lists nationality]" Okay, and? So? Who cares?
I never claimed to have knowledge of specific protests. My point is that the administration labeled these as illegal protests, implying that if they were legal, they would be permitted. Furthermore, the administration didn’t specify any particular protest. So, I’m not sure why you keep focusing on this one.
Oh, so according to you, the mere designation of peaceful protests as "illegal" by a cabal of Zionist mangomongers entirely deprives their right to free speech? Are you this cultically dotarded to the point of not realizing these Zionist crime accomplices arbitrarily target free speech critical of atrocious Judeonazi deeds?
Fine, you win—unleash the free-for-all. Let every protest rip, legal or not, who cares? No more crying about "order" or Zionist overlords—just raw, untamed mayhem. Done, finished, case closed. Don’t come sobbing when your Antifa goons and Palestinian buddies get their skulls cracked in the mess you begged for.
First, I find it interesting that you used a CNN article, considering people like you often go back to referring to them as "fake news" whenever they say something you don't like.
Second, what exactly is your "evidence"? That a few people at the protest may have said something Anti-Semitic while the majority didn't?
Third, again, how do you address the many Jewish students, professors and organizations that took part in these protests and were often attacked by police and Zionist thugs? Or do those Jews not exist? Or are they not "real Jews"? I'm very curious about your response to that.
First, I find it interesting that you used, "people like me."
Second, I may have missed it but did you ever provide a 3rd possibility to my hypothetical scenario? If not am I to assume that you agree with my 2 explanations?
Those so-called "Jewish students" are neo-Nazijew genocidaire bootlickers for Holocaustic genocide against the Palestinian people, double putz "Frank Morris." Whatever reckoning those Nazi-Zionists face barely amounts to 0.1% of the brutality they sadistically cheer as the Palestinians are faced with for over a year.
Ironically, YOU are the anti-Jewish bigot here by conflating Jewishness with Holocaustic genocide.
We understand that policing campuses isn’t the president’s direct responsibility, but we respectfully disagree with the notion that these issues should be ignored. We’re thankful that measures are being taken to ensure safety and maintain an environment where students, faculty, and staff can thrive without fear of harassment, violence, or discrimination.
You remain unconvinced that a significant portion of Muslims seek to eliminate Jews, despite overwhelming evidence—including Hamas’s explicit aim to eradicate Jews. Even if Mosab Hassan Yousef lived with you as a roommate for two years, and tried to convince you, you’d still deny that many Muslims reject any possibility of peaceful coexistence with Israel. Their ambitions extend beyond Jews to Christians and ultimately everyone else, with some unrelenting until this goal is achieved. I’ll never convince you of this, just as you’ll never convince me they don’t harbor these intentions. Neither will any of the propaganda undermine this notion.
The evidence is clear: Pew Research polls demonstrate this mindset, though I’m certain you’ve never spent a minute examining them. Don’t just take my word for it—listen to Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens. They’ve compiled the data and can guide you to the research showing how a substantial segment of the Muslim world not only thinks this way but acts on it. Yet you cling to disbelief, even as their actions consistently reveal their intent. Edgar Allan Poe said, ‘Believe nothing you hear, and only half of what you see.’ My eyes may deceive me half the time, but what I’ve witnessed has convinced me that an element of evil runs through Islam.
Terrorism, by its very definition, reveals itself as evil. It’s the deliberate use of violence and fear—often against defenseless civilians—to force a political, religious, or ideological agenda. Look at the acts: bombing a school bus, flying planes into crowded towers, or slaughtering families in their homes. These aren’t accidents; they’re calculated to maximize suffering and chaos. The people who do this aren’t misguided heroes—they’re choosing a path that thrives on destruction over dialogue. You’ll likely dismiss them as false flags, brushing aside the true intent and the unfiltered views of the Arab and Persian world behind closed doors. Again, look at the Pew Research polls for evidence.
Evil isn’t just some abstract label here. It’s in the intent: targeting the innocent to send a message. It’s in the outcome: shattered lives, broken communities, and endless cycles of revenge. Take Hamas’s charter—it openly calls for killing Jews, not just resisting a state. Or Al-Qaeda’s 9/11 attack: nearly 3,000 dead, no military gain, just terror for terror’s sake. Studies, like those from RAND, show terrorism fails 93% of the time to achieve its political goals—yet the body count keeps rising. That’s not noble; it’s futile cruelty.
Even if you squint at the ‘freedom fighter’ excuse, it falls apart. Killing kids or commuters doesn’t liberate anyone—it alienates and hardens the enemy. History proves it: the IRA’s bombings didn’t win Irish independence; diplomacy did. Evil lies in picking the bloodiest, least effective option when others exist. Terrorists don’t just harm their targets—they poison their own cause, proving their moral rot. To defend that is to ignore the wreckage they leave behind.
Unless you acknowledge that Islam urgently requires reform, you’ll remain complicit in perpetuating the problem rather than confronting it.
I find certain elements of Jewish collective thought unappealing. The notion that they’re the 'chosen people' strikes me as absurd, and I can see why some resent their behavior as a result. But there’s a clear line between criticizing their actions and calling for their elimination over it.
There’s a time for hate, and that time is now. I despise terrorists and believe they should be eradicated—not out of spite, but because their actions jeopardize the peaceful existence every human deserves.
The Muslim population has been, and openly admits, that they want to genocide anyone who doesn’t convert to Islam. Don’t just take my word for it—dig into the Pew Research polls. Look at how Palestinians teach their kids to despise Jews from the cradle. It’s right there, plain as day.
Israel is at war with an evil enemy.
War isn’t genocide—terrorists butchering defenseless people in a sneak attack is. Muslims cowering behind civilians they’ve brainwashed to hate Jews, then crying when those civilians catch bullets, is a damn shame—but Hamas should’ve fucking thought about that before plotting and pulling off October 7th. Their blood’s on their own hands.
You’re obviously free to speculate all you want about situations you probably don’t personally know much about based on: hearsay, unsubstantiated gross generalizations about what ‘Muslims want’ (more hearsay), and cherry picked Israeli memes you like to parrot to demonize all Arabs in an effort to justify Israeli genocide. But, if you’re debating whether ‘genocide’ did or did not occur, I would suggest that a thoughtful person would consider the direct evidence (captured on video) of what Israel has done to Gaza over the last 1.5 years (plenty on Youtube), and the fairly well documented body counts the respective sides have suffered since Hamas initiated the war began on Oct 7th 2023 (see addendum below). In addition, there’s plenty of strong circumstantial evidence that the Israeli government just let the attack happen knowing that it was coming. As to ‘why’ Hamas attacked, a brief review of conditions, and Palestinian politics in the ‘largest open air prison (Gaza) since 1968 might be helpful to get some context. That is, if you’re open to some cognitive dissonance as a result of learning about the history underlying the current situation. Addendum: On the subject of disproportional response by the Israeli military based on body counts alone since October 7 due to aerial bombing in Gaza, between 46,000 and 70,000 Palestinians were killed with roughly 18,000 of those being children. Overall Israeli deaths have been pegged at 1,195 (including civilians). Since the bombing campaign in Gaza (mostly) ended, a forced starvation/denial of medical aid campaign will have taken a lot more.
"The Muslim population has been, and openly admits, that they want to genocide anyone who doesn’t convert to Islam."
Fearmongering lie
"Look at how Palestinians teach their kids to despise Jews from the cradle. It’s right there, plain as day."
You mean like how Zionists teach their children to despise Palestinians and tell that they're the chosen people and it's their promised land?
"Israel is at war with an evil enemy."
Isn't that the same mentality that you're accusing Muslims of having?
"War isn’t genocide"
Human Rights Organizations: "Israel is committing a genocide"
Human Rights Experts: "Israel is committing a genocide"
Survivors of the Holocaust: "Israel is committing a genocide"
The Palestinian People: "Israel is committing a genocide against us"
The ICJ: "Israel can be plausibly accused of genocide"
Israeli Politicians: "Our goal is to exterminate or drive out the Palestinians and take the land"
IDF Officials: "Our goal is to exterminate or drive out the Palestinians and take the land"
The UN Genocide Convention: "Under our rules, Israel is committing a genocide"
People with a basic sense of reality & morality: "Israel is committing a genocide"
Some rando Zionist troll: nO tHEy aREnt bECauSE i sAY sO
"terrorists butchering defenseless people in a sneak attack is."
You mean like how Israel bombs hospitals, schools, mosques, churches, universities and refugee camps? You mean like how Israelis shoot Palestinian children? You mean like how Israelis rape Palestinian prisoners? Or is all that OK since it's white people doing it?
"Muslims cowering behind civilians they’ve brainwashed to hate Jews, then crying when those civilians catch bullets, is a damn shame"
There's no evidence Hamas has ever used civilians as human shields. There is however evidence that Israel has done that. Every accusation is a confession.
"but Hamas should’ve fucking thought about that before plotting and pulling off October 7th."
Many of the people killed on October 7th were killed by Israel implementing the Hannibal Directive.
No, their blood is on the hands of the genocidal state of Israel slaughtering them. And you're supporting it. In fact, the deranged shit you say about Muslims could be transplanted into Nazi Germany. It just shows that Zionists are deranged, genocidal fascist scumbags.
I would have voted for Trump in the last election since i could not vote for Biden, but I did not since he seemed to be surrounded by pro=Israel apologists and evidently still is. . I am not a lawyer but I am a human being as are the Palestinians - AND the Israelies = but I cannot understand how anyone with a shred of compassion can watch women and children killed , homes, hospitals,churches, schools decimated by US bombs and still find excuses for what Israel is doing.
Blumenthal has an entire bibliography of antisemitic tropes. Are you saying I can't believe the videos that the actual terrorists streamed during their horrific attack?
I really didn't watch a man get his head chopped off with a garden hoe while he was still alive?
I didn't really see a young woman dragged from the front of a truck to the back where more men went at her already bloodied crotch?
Now, again, can you think of possible reason other than the 2 given in my hypothetical scenario?
Second, I find it funny that you're accusing a Jewish man of being Anti-Semitic.
Third, if those videos actually existed, every mainstream media outlet would be playing them non-stop.
Fourth, it's funny you have outrage over what Hamas did, but when we have video footage of Israeli soldiers killing civilians or raping prisoners...crickets from you.
Fifth, again, I already responded to your hypothetical scenario. It's not my fault you didn't bother reading it. I'll re-post it again.
This isn't remotely comparable and you know it.
The anti-genocide protests were exactly that, anti-genocide. They were protesting Israel's genocide against the Palestinians. They weren't threatening the extermination of the Jews. Especially when many Jewish students, professors and organizations were involved in those protests (but people like you don't like to mention that part because it destroys your whole "Anti-Semitism" narrative about the protests).
So, are you ignorant about what happened or are you dishonest?
I've already responded to it. Not my fault you ignored. But, I'll re-post it again:
This isn't remotely comparable and you know it.
The anti-genocide protests were exactly that, anti-genocide. They were protesting Israel's genocide against the Palestinians. They weren't threatening the extermination of the Jews. Especially when many Jewish students, professors and organizations were involved in those protests (but people like you don't like to mention that part because it destroys your whole "Anti-Semitism" narrative about the protests).
So, are you ignorant about what happened or are you dishonest?
Do you really not grok that Hamas uses Gazans as human shields, and openly seeks their deaths, for the primary purpose of winning sympathy from people like you?
I *AM* sure that you are completely unaware of the fact that Israel in reality has a FAR LOWER percent of collateral damage than any other army in the world fighting in densely populated areas.
So in your view civilian hostages taken and held should be ignored? Rapes and murder of civilians, including babies, should be ignored?
Yes, I grok that Hamas does all sorts of horrible things.
Where did you get the idea that I supported Hamas?
They are just as bad as the IDF.
Israel's "far lower" collateral damage is Israeli propaganda, so I give it NO credence.
I never said any atrocities should be ignored.
I question our involvement in this region, on either side, or both sides. This is not our fight. It is an ancient tribal battle which has nothing to do with America.
Let Israel pay for its own slaughters, and let Hamas pay for its own atrocities.
You support the Palistinian people. The Palistinian people voted HAMAS in as it's government. When you speak about lesser damage, is that pre or post Oct 7th?
Sorry, Andy, but repeated bombings of refugee camps & aid workers cancel out Israel’s dropping of leaflets. The fact that refugees have nowhere left to run, nowhere in which to shelter from 2,000 pound bombs, renders Israeli leaflets & knocks on the roof meaningless — but keep telling yourselves how “moral” the IDF is.
The whole world knows exactly how “moral” the IDF is — and it’s right up there with Hamas.
The zionists are anti-white. The zionists are anti-Christian. The zionists have the same aims as the Islamists. Both religions require adherents to murder or enslave those who do not believe as they do.
No. It’s anti-white, anti-west. That doesn’t preclude white westerners from taking part in it. No more than sub Saharan Africans were precluded from selling others as slaves.
Considering how hostile Ashkenazi and gentile zionist are to white consciousness, this seem odd. Zionist loath the idea of whites even acknowledging white self instrest, so zionism being rotting in "white supremacy" is silly. 🤔
Zionism was rooted in colonialism (and more specifically, British colonialism) which was itself rooted in white supremacy and colonialism. Zionism also aligns closely with white supremacist ideology (Zionists do believe their the chosen people).
Further, most Zionists are actually Christian Zionists who it's pretty absurd to claim are "anti-white".
Christan zionist are against white identity, white consciousness, and white solidarity. They may not be anti white but they are certainly not white surpremist.
Legal protests don't cause damage to buildings or prevent certain people from going about their lives without threats to their safety. I walked through the crowd of protesters at Columbia University last year and was grabbed and pushed because one of them thought I was jewish. That is not a peaceful protest or protected speech.
Stop defending violent thugs and their antisemitic sponsors and report the facts.
The people whose safety are supposedly "endangered" are unrepentant bootlickers for a Judeo-Holocausticist regime. Get real, "Zippy": the Nazi-Zionists sowed the seeds of hatred flourishing into trees of strife crashing back down on them. It's you Zionists who in the first place chose to conflate all Jews with Zionism.
Emmanuel you ignorant fool. I am so glad you are brave enough to call people names from behind your keyboard. I bet you have never been afraid for your life because someone has vowed to kill you and your family. Your rich safe lifestyle affords you the luxury of writing this hateful trash. Go crawl back into you safe little room in your parent's basement and shut up. You do not have the creds to even mention jews and Hamas here.
Zippy, you are not free from the consequential fruits of your actions. It's past time you grow up from that kind of immature-whiny projection and acknowledge with realism the cause-and-effect trajectories of various life decisions.
Emmanuel you are a moron. I have lived a full life and have no regrets. I have fought in multiple wars and faced evil like you cannot imagine. Your vocabulary is awesome, but you have the writing ability of a tween. Just shut up and go away.
Prove you are real and not just some asshole living in you mom's basement in some God forsaken Ohio town eating cheetos and rubbing one out because trolling on Substack gets your needledick hard.
Legal peaceful protest can be made illegal with a stroke of a pen, so Trumps use of the term "illegal protest" isn't comforting.
If you were actually assaulted I condemn it, but we shouldn't lose our free speech because of it, and already have laws making assault illegal.
Trump is a zionist, zionist made it extremely obvious that destroying free speech is a goal of theirs. Freedom loving people don’t care about the "anti semitism" pretext.
I love it. If I was assaulted. Make me laugh. I know what assault is. Fortunately for me, I am 6'1" and 230 lbs. All I had to do was give the punk who grabbed and pushed me a look and he backed up and stopped. Had he come back at me, I would have ended it quickly and I think he figured that out before it got ugly. As for zionist being against free speech, stop talking shit and get educated.
After 10/7 zoglygites didn't even try to hide their anti speech agenda, claiming pro Palestinian protesters are supporting terrorist and calling for their arrest is clearly an anti free speech position.
Free speech is not accompanied by violence. We can smell your antisemitic stink through the internet. Just go away. No amount of reasoning will change your hate filled mind.
What about anti-whiteness? It’s open season to attack and marginalize whiteness. Seems Trump administration is picking winners and losers.
How about respecting the first amendment. Us white folk have put up with extreme hate because of the first amendment. Same with flag burning.
We are not a nation of antisemitism. Look no further than our congress. How many Jews do we elect to congress? How many Jews do presidents appoint to their cabinet?
I’m a pro Jew person. My daughter is Jewish, but Trump and RFK Jr are wrong for this. Respect the first amendment.
I’ll also add the most of the protesting on college campuses were foreigners.
No antisemitism should also mean no BLM, or talk about systemic racism which is code for hate Whitie.
Whiteness has never, does not, and never will exist. It's just a bullshit postmodernist woke adverb, and you show you're a sucker by using it.
There is no white race and never has been, any more than there's a black or brown race. It was an artificial concept invented by English planters in the Carolinas to divide and rule their slaves and hired hands.
I actually agree with you about a colorblind society because I remember MLK and that is what he wanted, but OTOH I am also a Son of the American Revolution and I don't believe it is in America's national interests to support Israel in any way, shape, or form.
So by attacking "foreigners" on our campuses opposed to another bunch of foreigners who are genocidal maniacs besides, you also make an enemy out of ME, and millions more Americans just like me. You should be more choosy about such things.
I wonder how fast you will turn on Israel when the time comes, and it will. It is inevitable.
I reject your classification system as the same unscientific propaganda that Woodrow Wilson believed in. There is only one human race. We just come in different ephemeral packaging, and all the arguments against that conclusion are designed to keep one group of people in power over another for completely bullshit reasons.
The Ayatollah thanks you for your devotion Infidel. The mullahs have unanimously decreed that you shall be spared when sharia law is imposed across our new Western caliphate! Allah Akbar! Continue your jihad against the imperialist colonisers that imposed free speech and you shall be freed for an eternity in paradise! Inshallah!
I was disquieted by this order, but it does very clearly say “illegal” protests. Your article doesn’t address that. In fact your article presupposes that these protests you are defending are legal rather than illegal. In which case they are outside the scope of the order. So if there is an issue here at all, you haven’t addressed it as far as I can see. The gloss put on the order by other members of the administration doesn’t rewrite the text of the order, which is very clear.
And by the way I think the students and anybody else should be able to protest whatever they want.
"Trump’s UN ambassador Elise Stefanik admitted that this order was created to stop “antisemitism and anti-Israel hate” explicitly admitting that they want to silence opposition and protest against Israel."
Aside from the above quote, these are zionist we are talking about. All anti Zionists protest might be illegal in their minds. Remember their behavior after 10/7. They may or may not acknowledge legal anti zionist protest even exist.
You are so full of shit. The issue is protesters being allowed to harass, assault, and BREAK FEDERAL HATE CRIMES LAWS (not protected by 1A)— ON Campuses, funded with Federal money, while abandoning their obligations to EEO and fair access to education.
These protesters have pushed beyond protected speech into threatening and discriminatory conduct that violates the rights of other students. The failure of these educational institutions to take action and enforce their own student CODE OF CONDUCT evenly and fairly, creates a HOSTILE EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT.
And @BenMedia, if Jews were targeting Arabs or Muslims and hitting, threatening, beating and harassing them because of their religious or national origin status…it may also meet Hate Crime/Discrimination stautes
I think they are interested in upholding the law. Like no face coverings, destroying private property, harassing others and attacking others. Physically attacking Jewish students and taking over classrooms is not protected civil rights
ARE YOU SERIOUS? No one, no school, no entity of any kind has been denied free speech. These colleges and universities have been receiving billions of dollars of government money for years, some more than their tuition, and have built up endowments and welcomed huge donations from foreign enities in exchange for special considerations and influence. All legal, while at the same time encouraging demonstrations, which in most demonstrations were accompanied with expressions of violence, threats and destruction of property, all illegal, while at the same time, not prosecuting or stopping these illegal and violent actions. THESE KIND OF ACTS HAVE BEEN GOING ON TO FORCE A POINT OF VIEW SINCE THE 1960s. We are not talking about civil rights, Martin Luther King, anti war etc but nefarious actors, big and not so big using the younger people to create a platform and future generations of like minded, educated, influential and politically active voices, voters and tax paying suckers to do their evil bidding. If you are serious and not a tool for evil, honestly do your homework and you will agree.
So "Truth Seeking Missle" you approve of eliminating all Jews from the river to the sea? Does that include from the Hudson River to the Atlantic?
Hamas has run an open air prison in Gaza since they were elected in 2017? 70% of Gazans claim to approve of Hamas. They used schools, hospitals and homes as hiding spots so that they can cry when people are killed and dance when Israeli are killed.
OK, we’r making progress. Why then, correct me if I’m misunderstanding what your original post said, paraphrasing, Trump is violating the 1st Amendment by stopping “free speech” on college campuses. My first response was questioning the accuracy of you characterization of the effort to bring to light the method used and enabled by complicit entities in governmental agencies and colleges and foreign entities to influence thinking, attitudes, opinions and voting in the US. Your response missed the mark. Now I understand,to a degree your point of view, fine, no problem. By the way….Jeremiah was instructed by the God Of Israel, Issac and Jacob to tell and warn his people of what was to come as a result of their distancing from God. Yes, Knowledge, that is Knowledge of the truth is a big heavy burden but it does set you free anything less is a lie and as Jordan Peterson might say, “ we know how that worked out”.
Well, try The Rock of Ages for starters. Ever hear of Krystal Night? Free speech is free speech but not for everyone period. WOW!!! A perfectly sculpted example of a protester throwing verbal stones.
So, still expressing 1st Amendment rights throwing verbal stones. By your latest responses a question for you…..Breaking shop owners windows and ransacking and burning and threatening a certain people is the “free speech” that is free speech? Why not, it’s free speech for everyone.
Sounds like the Hannibal Directive was known of by the military and civilians alike. The massacre instigated by the Muslim occupiers of the Gaza Strip is the primary cause of the deaths of Israel’s civilians. At no time did the IDF make its own citizens the primary target but they were fully aware those same citizens would not survive the effort to stop the advance of Hamas. Next is to ask if it was more humane for the IDF to take this action or to let the innocent citizens be subjected to torture, rape and likely death at the hands of Palestinian demons. We have seen enough body bags filled with those same hostages being returned lately.
> "The full scope of Israel’s use of the Hannibal Directive on October 7th was laid out in July of last year in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. The paper reported that “at 7:18 A.M” on October 7th, the IDF gave the order “Hannibal at Erez” calling for the Hannibal directive to be issued at the Erez border crossing. The order was given again by the IDF at “7:41 A.M”. Haaretz also reported that the order to do the Hannibal Directive was also given at “Re'im army base, where the divisional headquarters were located, and the Nahal Oz outpost in which female spotters were based.”
The case law you are citing is incorrect. The appropriate case law was settled about 100 years ago, and it involved telling, “FIRE!!!” in a crowded theater. There is also the point that your “free speech” ends just short of my nose. The government is not forced to send/spend funds when either of those ends is violated.
Interesting. I find his interpretation of 1st amendment right to be rather broad. I don’t quite buy into “you can say anything you want until someone else physically acts on your words”. Once you lay violent hands on a person you commit an act of battery—and that happens both when you prevent someone from going to class or when you try to prevent someone from walking in front of a moving truck. In both cases, the intent may provide some mitigation, but not an excuse.
You do realize that scenario of yelling fire in a crowded theater was literally created to justify censoring and imprisoning anti-war activists during WW1, right? (by the way, the first people it was used on were Jews)
You despicable people. The Trump administration aims to enforce existing laws, which allow protests as long as they remain within legal boundaries. You are such dishonest fucks.
None of the protests violated legal boundaries. You just don't like the protests and you want to get rid of them.
Threats of violence and death against Jewish students don't violate the law? At the very least they violate the schools rules yet the school has done nothing to stop these threats.
Peaceful demonstration against genocide on college campuses is protected by free speech in the US Constitution. You're un-American to say otherwise. Stop the gaslighting. The GENOCIDE of innocent children by Zionists in Israel is the real crime and it will be stopped. Don't get it twisted.
Are threats of violence and death protected by the first amendment?
And where exactly were these threats of violence and deaths against Jewish students?
Also, many Jewish students, professors and organizations were taking part in those protests.
You're definition of "hating Jews" just means opposing Israel.
Words mean things.
Claiming that the Israeli Zionists are committing genocide in Gaza is simply false.
And Orwellian, considering that Hamas’ openly spoken mission is to eradicate Jews from the River to the Sea.
Sad that you are so ill-informed and steeped in your oppressor-oppressed ideology that you throw away all of your credibility with false claims of genocide.
"Claiming that the Israeli Zionists are committing genocide in Gaza is simply false."
Human Rights Organizations: "Israel is committing a genocide"
Human Rights Experts: "Israel is committing a genocide"
Survivors of the Holocaust: "Israel is committing a genocide"
The Palestinian People: "Israel is committing a genocide against us"
The ICJ: "Israel can be plausibly accused of genocide"
Israeli Politicians: "Our goal is to exterminate or drive out the Palestinians and take the land"
IDF Officials: "Our goal is to exterminate or drive out the Palestinians and take the land"
The UN Genocide Convention: "Under our rules, Israel is committing a genocide"
People with a basic sense of reality & morality: "Israel is committing a genocide"
Some rando Zionist troll: nO tHEy aREnt bECauSE i sAY sO
"And Orwellian, considering that Hamas’ openly spoken mission is to eradicate Jews from the River to the Sea."
1. Article 16 of the Hamas Charter literally says that their conflict is with the Zionist project NOT the Jewish people. And later on in that Charter, Hamas says that it's willing to accept a two-state solution along the international 1967 borders.
2. The statement "from the river to the sea" isn't calling for genocide against the Jews, it's calling for the liberation of Palestine which DOES NOT involve genocide against the Jews.
3. If we're going to argue "from the river to the sea" means genocide, then why aren't you giving the same shit to the Likud Party who openly say they want to take all the land between the river and the sea and establish a Jewish state. That actually is genocidal rhetoric and you're silent about it. I wonder why (I know why and so do you).
"Sad that you are so ill-informed and steeped in your oppressor-oppressed ideology that you throw away all of your credibility with false claims of genocide."
Comments like yours just expose that Zionists like you are unhinged, genocidal racists.
Yes, leftists claim that Israel is the one committing genocide, so they are committing genocide.
Wow, you really showed me. I see the error of my ways now. I defer to you superior intellect and wisdom.
And where exactly were these threats of violence and deaths against Jewish students?
Also, many Jewish students, professors and organizations were taking part in those protests.
You're definition of "hating Jews" just means opposing Israel.
Hypothetical scenario. The Klan in Mississippi begin rallies shouting, "String em up!" threatening blacks in America, and I show up at Columbia U with hundreds of others wearing Klan hoods, medallions etc shouting the same thing.
You confront me and I tell you that I don't mean it to say hang black people. Is it safe to say I'm either an ignorant fool, completely void of the meaning of the phrase or I'm lying and I mean it as a threat of violence and death?
Can you think of any other reason for one to be repeating that phrase that would simply explain, much less justify repeating that phrase?
This isn't remotely comparable and you know it.
The anti-genocide protests were exactly that, anti-genocide. They were protesting Israel's genocide against the Palestinians. They weren't threatening the extermination of the Jews. Especially when many Jewish students, professors and organizations were involved in those protests (but people like you don't like to mention that part because it destroys your whole "Anti-Semitism" narrative about the protests).
So, are you ignorant about what happened or are you dishonest?
Before You argue with a Zionist.
"against Jewish students" It might interest you to learn what "Jewish" even means:
We get it. You're a Jew who hates Jews.
Either you didn't read the article I linked or you cannot be bothered to acknowledge reality. Pitiful.
Did I bother to read the article that you wrote espousing your rationale for hating Jews?
Please stop insinuating that you have some intellectual high ground and go away.
“None of the protests violated legal boundaries.”
I genuinely cannot tell if this is willful hardcore leftist activism, or true uninformed ignorance from someone who consumes only leftist media. Or perhaps both.
I suspect it’s the latter, but it’s really hard to tell, as the old saw about the difficulty distinguishing evil from incompetence applies 100% here. don't have an actual response beyond whining about the Left?
Got it.
You got me.
If you are really so clueless that you are unaware that many of the protests violated legal boundaries, then neither I, nor anyone else, can help you.
Yes, because protesting against genocide hurt some students feelings so we have to take away peoples First Amendment rights so that the white Jewish students can have their safe space (and yet, if there were black, gay, Muslim, female, Trans, Palestinian or even non-white Jews saying there was hatred against them, you'd be telling them to shut the fuck up and grow a thick skin).
It's funny how all the right's claims of "free speech", opposing "cancel culture" and whining about colleges coddling students disappears the second it comes to white people.
No, you just pissed off the wrong guy.
You mean the pathetic whiney troll?
Cry me a river and go fuck yourself snowflake
This is a clear First Amendment (free speech), and Fourteenth Amendment (Equal Protection Clause) violation that a third grader could argue before the S. Ct. and win. Trump is doing ok so far (for somebody blindfolded swinging a meat axe around), but he's on the wrong side of everybody on the issue of helping Israel annihilate the Palestinians in their homeland.
Oh, and how do peaceful protests against Judeonazi Holocausticism violate those legal boundaries exactly? Because they poke and pop those fragile Zionist bubbles encasing the snowflake echo chambers of yours?
If they are legal, they don’t. I’m Irish; the last thing I am is thin-skinned. I don’t understand what’s so difficult to understand: legal vs. illegal.
Because Israeli supporters claim that the phrase "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" is somehow a "threat."
Please explain what that phrase means.
I suspect it means that Palestinians will govern themselves -- and I have heard Israelis say something similar regarding Israel.
You cannot take a slogan, and then claim that it somehow constitutes a deadly threat to any and all Jewish people, no matter where they are. That's bonkers.
If someone at a protest is saying, "Death to Frank Morris! Let's get Frank Morris!" that's a different issue.
This is Israel attempting to control the free speech of Americans, & it stinks.
If foreign students won't be deported for criticizing America, but WILL be deported for criticizing Israel, that is WRONG. Foreign students here on valid student visas have the same free speech rights as US citizens do, according to Glenn Greenwald.
Try again. What river and what sea?
"SF Bay Area," you *still* failed to demonstrate any illegality in peaceful protests against nazijew war crimes.
Imagine being so insecure to the level of boasting your ethnicity as a Hail Mary against anyone calling out the unsubstantiated garbage you propagand. "bUt iM [lists nationality]" Okay, and? So? Who cares?
I never claimed to have knowledge of specific protests. My point is that the administration labeled these as illegal protests, implying that if they were legal, they would be permitted. Furthermore, the administration didn’t specify any particular protest. So, I’m not sure why you keep focusing on this one.
Oh, so according to you, the mere designation of peaceful protests as "illegal" by a cabal of Zionist mangomongers entirely deprives their right to free speech? Are you this cultically dotarded to the point of not realizing these Zionist crime accomplices arbitrarily target free speech critical of atrocious Judeonazi deeds?
Fine, you win—unleash the free-for-all. Let every protest rip, legal or not, who cares? No more crying about "order" or Zionist overlords—just raw, untamed mayhem. Done, finished, case closed. Don’t come sobbing when your Antifa goons and Palestinian buddies get their skulls cracked in the mess you begged for.
Because he specifically designated the pro-Palestine, anti-genocide protests.
And why does it matter if the Trump Administration deemed them illegal?
If the Biden Administration had deemed right wing protests "illegal" would you have agreed they were just because the president said so?
Exactly, death treats towards Jewish students is not only free speech but should be encouraged among as it's towards those "Judeonazi Zionists!"
No death threats were issued against Jewish students.
On the other hand, Zionists were threatening students, including Jewish ones, for being pro-Palestine.
So you deny the link I provided?
What would you take as evidence?
On a side note, what evidence did provide again? Sorry, but want disclosure so I can prepare for your next rebuttal.
First, I find it interesting that you used a CNN article, considering people like you often go back to referring to them as "fake news" whenever they say something you don't like.
Second, what exactly is your "evidence"? That a few people at the protest may have said something Anti-Semitic while the majority didn't?
Third, again, how do you address the many Jewish students, professors and organizations that took part in these protests and were often attacked by police and Zionist thugs? Or do those Jews not exist? Or are they not "real Jews"? I'm very curious about your response to that.
First, I find it interesting that you used, "people like me."
Second, I may have missed it but did you ever provide a 3rd possibility to my hypothetical scenario? If not am I to assume that you agree with my 2 explanations?
Those so-called "Jewish students" are neo-Nazijew genocidaire bootlickers for Holocaustic genocide against the Palestinian people, double putz "Frank Morris." Whatever reckoning those Nazi-Zionists face barely amounts to 0.1% of the brutality they sadistically cheer as the Palestinians are faced with for over a year.
Ironically, YOU are the anti-Jewish bigot here by conflating Jewishness with Holocaustic genocide.
Am I right?
Emmanuel Goldstein is either the Jew among all Jews
Or all of your ranting is antisemitic dribble vaguely disquised acceptable hatred.
Do you think anyone was fooled?
Enter the Jew who hates himself and his family lineage.
You described concisely far better than what took me 4x as many words to write!
It’s not the presidents job to police college campuses
We understand that policing campuses isn’t the president’s direct responsibility, but we respectfully disagree with the notion that these issues should be ignored. We’re thankful that measures are being taken to ensure safety and maintain an environment where students, faculty, and staff can thrive without fear of harassment, violence, or discrimination.
We voted for this.
You remain unconvinced that a significant portion of Muslims seek to eliminate Jews, despite overwhelming evidence—including Hamas’s explicit aim to eradicate Jews. Even if Mosab Hassan Yousef lived with you as a roommate for two years, and tried to convince you, you’d still deny that many Muslims reject any possibility of peaceful coexistence with Israel. Their ambitions extend beyond Jews to Christians and ultimately everyone else, with some unrelenting until this goal is achieved. I’ll never convince you of this, just as you’ll never convince me they don’t harbor these intentions. Neither will any of the propaganda undermine this notion.
The evidence is clear: Pew Research polls demonstrate this mindset, though I’m certain you’ve never spent a minute examining them. Don’t just take my word for it—listen to Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens. They’ve compiled the data and can guide you to the research showing how a substantial segment of the Muslim world not only thinks this way but acts on it. Yet you cling to disbelief, even as their actions consistently reveal their intent. Edgar Allan Poe said, ‘Believe nothing you hear, and only half of what you see.’ My eyes may deceive me half the time, but what I’ve witnessed has convinced me that an element of evil runs through Islam.
Terrorism, by its very definition, reveals itself as evil. It’s the deliberate use of violence and fear—often against defenseless civilians—to force a political, religious, or ideological agenda. Look at the acts: bombing a school bus, flying planes into crowded towers, or slaughtering families in their homes. These aren’t accidents; they’re calculated to maximize suffering and chaos. The people who do this aren’t misguided heroes—they’re choosing a path that thrives on destruction over dialogue. You’ll likely dismiss them as false flags, brushing aside the true intent and the unfiltered views of the Arab and Persian world behind closed doors. Again, look at the Pew Research polls for evidence.
Evil isn’t just some abstract label here. It’s in the intent: targeting the innocent to send a message. It’s in the outcome: shattered lives, broken communities, and endless cycles of revenge. Take Hamas’s charter—it openly calls for killing Jews, not just resisting a state. Or Al-Qaeda’s 9/11 attack: nearly 3,000 dead, no military gain, just terror for terror’s sake. Studies, like those from RAND, show terrorism fails 93% of the time to achieve its political goals—yet the body count keeps rising. That’s not noble; it’s futile cruelty.
Even if you squint at the ‘freedom fighter’ excuse, it falls apart. Killing kids or commuters doesn’t liberate anyone—it alienates and hardens the enemy. History proves it: the IRA’s bombings didn’t win Irish independence; diplomacy did. Evil lies in picking the bloodiest, least effective option when others exist. Terrorists don’t just harm their targets—they poison their own cause, proving their moral rot. To defend that is to ignore the wreckage they leave behind.
Unless you acknowledge that Islam urgently requires reform, you’ll remain complicit in perpetuating the problem rather than confronting it.
I find certain elements of Jewish collective thought unappealing. The notion that they’re the 'chosen people' strikes me as absurd, and I can see why some resent their behavior as a result. But there’s a clear line between criticizing their actions and calling for their elimination over it.
There’s a time for hate, and that time is now. I despise terrorists and believe they should be eradicated—not out of spite, but because their actions jeopardize the peaceful existence every human deserves.
Palestinians in their homeland. That’s funny.
The Muslim population has been, and openly admits, that they want to genocide anyone who doesn’t convert to Islam. Don’t just take my word for it—dig into the Pew Research polls. Look at how Palestinians teach their kids to despise Jews from the cradle. It’s right there, plain as day.
Israel is at war with an evil enemy.
War isn’t genocide—terrorists butchering defenseless people in a sneak attack is. Muslims cowering behind civilians they’ve brainwashed to hate Jews, then crying when those civilians catch bullets, is a damn shame—but Hamas should’ve fucking thought about that before plotting and pulling off October 7th. Their blood’s on their own hands.
You’re obviously free to speculate all you want about situations you probably don’t personally know much about based on: hearsay, unsubstantiated gross generalizations about what ‘Muslims want’ (more hearsay), and cherry picked Israeli memes you like to parrot to demonize all Arabs in an effort to justify Israeli genocide. But, if you’re debating whether ‘genocide’ did or did not occur, I would suggest that a thoughtful person would consider the direct evidence (captured on video) of what Israel has done to Gaza over the last 1.5 years (plenty on Youtube), and the fairly well documented body counts the respective sides have suffered since Hamas initiated the war began on Oct 7th 2023 (see addendum below). In addition, there’s plenty of strong circumstantial evidence that the Israeli government just let the attack happen knowing that it was coming. As to ‘why’ Hamas attacked, a brief review of conditions, and Palestinian politics in the ‘largest open air prison (Gaza) since 1968 might be helpful to get some context. That is, if you’re open to some cognitive dissonance as a result of learning about the history underlying the current situation. Addendum: On the subject of disproportional response by the Israeli military based on body counts alone since October 7 due to aerial bombing in Gaza, between 46,000 and 70,000 Palestinians were killed with roughly 18,000 of those being children. Overall Israeli deaths have been pegged at 1,195 (including civilians). Since the bombing campaign in Gaza (mostly) ended, a forced starvation/denial of medical aid campaign will have taken a lot more.
"The Muslim population has been, and openly admits, that they want to genocide anyone who doesn’t convert to Islam."
Fearmongering lie
"Look at how Palestinians teach their kids to despise Jews from the cradle. It’s right there, plain as day."
You mean like how Zionists teach their children to despise Palestinians and tell that they're the chosen people and it's their promised land?
"Israel is at war with an evil enemy."
Isn't that the same mentality that you're accusing Muslims of having?
"War isn’t genocide"
Human Rights Organizations: "Israel is committing a genocide"
Human Rights Experts: "Israel is committing a genocide"
Survivors of the Holocaust: "Israel is committing a genocide"
The Palestinian People: "Israel is committing a genocide against us"
The ICJ: "Israel can be plausibly accused of genocide"
Israeli Politicians: "Our goal is to exterminate or drive out the Palestinians and take the land"
IDF Officials: "Our goal is to exterminate or drive out the Palestinians and take the land"
The UN Genocide Convention: "Under our rules, Israel is committing a genocide"
People with a basic sense of reality & morality: "Israel is committing a genocide"
Some rando Zionist troll: nO tHEy aREnt bECauSE i sAY sO
"terrorists butchering defenseless people in a sneak attack is."
You mean like how Israel bombs hospitals, schools, mosques, churches, universities and refugee camps? You mean like how Israelis shoot Palestinian children? You mean like how Israelis rape Palestinian prisoners? Or is all that OK since it's white people doing it?
"Muslims cowering behind civilians they’ve brainwashed to hate Jews, then crying when those civilians catch bullets, is a damn shame"
There's no evidence Hamas has ever used civilians as human shields. There is however evidence that Israel has done that. Every accusation is a confession.
"but Hamas should’ve fucking thought about that before plotting and pulling off October 7th."
Many of the people killed on October 7th were killed by Israel implementing the Hannibal Directive.
"Their blood’s on their own hands."
No, their blood is on the hands of the genocidal state of Israel slaughtering them. And you're supporting it. In fact, the deranged shit you say about Muslims could be transplanted into Nazi Germany. It just shows that Zionists are deranged, genocidal fascist scumbags.
Those same Islamist extremists are 100% Zionist-funded:
I would have voted for Trump in the last election since i could not vote for Biden, but I did not since he seemed to be surrounded by pro=Israel apologists and evidently still is. . I am not a lawyer but I am a human being as are the Palestinians - AND the Israelies = but I cannot understand how anyone with a shred of compassion can watch women and children killed , homes, hospitals,churches, schools decimated by US bombs and still find excuses for what Israel is doing.
Them people murdered and slaughtered over a thousand Jews. They murdered babies. They want Jews dead. So, I don’t really care how Israel retaliates.
I feel the same about the Mexican cartels murdering American citizens.
Many of the people killed on October 7th were killed by the IDF implementing the Hannibal Directive.
And I find it funny that you're outraged over Hamas murdering babies (which didn't happen) but not over Israel murdering babies and children in Gaza.
But many of the Israelis killed on Oct. 7th were killed by the IDF, and it is immoral to target civilians, no matter which side is doing it.
We all watched the videos Palistinians streamed that day as they raped, beheaded, and burned to death over 1000 Israeli citizens.
First, many of the Israelis killed on October 7th were killed by the IDF implementing the Hannibal Directive.
Second, there were no rapes or beheadings, those claims have been debunked.
Blumenthal has an entire bibliography of antisemitic tropes. Are you saying I can't believe the videos that the actual terrorists streamed during their horrific attack?
I really didn't watch a man get his head chopped off with a garden hoe while he was still alive?
I didn't really see a young woman dragged from the front of a truck to the back where more men went at her already bloodied crotch?
Now, again, can you think of possible reason other than the 2 given in my hypothetical scenario?
First, no actual response to what I linked.
Second, I find it funny that you're accusing a Jewish man of being Anti-Semitic.
Third, if those videos actually existed, every mainstream media outlet would be playing them non-stop.
Fourth, it's funny you have outrage over what Hamas did, but when we have video footage of Israeli soldiers killing civilians or raping prisoners...crickets from you.
Fifth, again, I already responded to your hypothetical scenario. It's not my fault you didn't bother reading it. I'll re-post it again.
This isn't remotely comparable and you know it.
The anti-genocide protests were exactly that, anti-genocide. They were protesting Israel's genocide against the Palestinians. They weren't threatening the extermination of the Jews. Especially when many Jewish students, professors and organizations were involved in those protests (but people like you don't like to mention that part because it destroys your whole "Anti-Semitism" narrative about the protests).
So, are you ignorant about what happened or are you dishonest?
The fact that Hamas commits atrocities does not absolve the IDF of doing the same.
Two things can be true at the same time: both Hamas & the IDF commit war crimes.
Which has NOTHING to do with interfering with free speech on US college campuses.
Troll harder, Frank.
Maybe you can engage in my hypothetical scenario as he continues to refuse to do so.
I've already responded to it. Not my fault you ignored. But, I'll re-post it again:
This isn't remotely comparable and you know it.
The anti-genocide protests were exactly that, anti-genocide. They were protesting Israel's genocide against the Palestinians. They weren't threatening the extermination of the Jews. Especially when many Jewish students, professors and organizations were involved in those protests (but people like you don't like to mention that part because it destroys your whole "Anti-Semitism" narrative about the protests).
So, are you ignorant about what happened or are you dishonest?
What river and what sea?
“many”?!?!? 🙄🙄
You have absolutely zero evidence for your “many” claim.
Are you truly so evil that you would hide behind such a false claim to help justify supporting baby-killing murderers and rapists?
The proof for the "many" claim was in the link provided.
This issue was also covered by Israeli media.
Do some research.
So you understand neither math nor English.
Given your derangement, makes sense.
Uh huh.
"Te Reagan," please go learn what a "Jew" even is:
Do you really not grok that Hamas uses Gazans as human shields, and openly seeks their deaths, for the primary purpose of winning sympathy from people like you?
I *AM* sure that you are completely unaware of the fact that Israel in reality has a FAR LOWER percent of collateral damage than any other army in the world fighting in densely populated areas.
So in your view civilian hostages taken and held should be ignored? Rapes and murder of civilians, including babies, should be ignored?
Yes, I grok that Hamas does all sorts of horrible things.
Where did you get the idea that I supported Hamas?
They are just as bad as the IDF.
Israel's "far lower" collateral damage is Israeli propaganda, so I give it NO credence.
I never said any atrocities should be ignored.
I question our involvement in this region, on either side, or both sides. This is not our fight. It is an ancient tribal battle which has nothing to do with America.
Let Israel pay for its own slaughters, and let Hamas pay for its own atrocities.
You support the Palistinian people. The Palistinian people voted HAMAS in as it's government. When you speak about lesser damage, is that pre or post Oct 7th?
My sympathies lie with civilians, wherever they are.
Even if those civilians raped and murdered hundreds of innocent men women and children?
Once "civilians" engage in combat, they are no longer civilians.
War crimes are wrong. Period.
“Israel's ‘far lower’ collateral damage is Israeli propaganda, so I give it NO credence.”
Then you are either evil or a moron.
Sorry, Andy, but repeated bombings of refugee camps & aid workers cancel out Israel’s dropping of leaflets. The fact that refugees have nowhere left to run, nowhere in which to shelter from 2,000 pound bombs, renders Israeli leaflets & knocks on the roof meaningless — but keep telling yourselves how “moral” the IDF is.
The whole world knows exactly how “moral” the IDF is — and it’s right up there with Hamas.
We’ve been watching it in action for years.
As usual, it depends on whose ox is getting gored. Is anyone shocked. The Euros must be finding this hilarious after the JD Vance scolding in Munich.
The zionists are anti-white. The zionists are anti-Christian. The zionists have the same aims as the Islamists. Both religions require adherents to murder or enslave those who do not believe as they do.
The more than 10 million members of Christians for Israel are zionists.
Perhaps he forgot to put Ashkenazi before zionist, because Ashkenazi zionist are certainly anti white.
"zionists are anti-white" No, silly, Zionism is white supremacist imperialism. You would do well checking some historical reality:
Look at his last name. If he's anything like his musician namesake, you have zero chance of getting through to him. Nice try, though.
No. It’s anti-white, anti-west. That doesn’t preclude white westerners from taking part in it. No more than sub Saharan Africans were precluded from selling others as slaves.
Them Saharan Africans are still selling slaves. They typically sell to Muslims.
Zionism is rooted in white supremacy and colonialism. It's not anti-West by any means.
How mind-boggling realityphobic are you, "Royce"? Who the f--- do you think funded political Zionism to begin with, some African Islamic caliphates?
The British Empire
Zionism is rooted n white supremacy and colonialism.
And most Zionists are actually Christians.
Considering how hostile Ashkenazi and gentile zionist are to white consciousness, this seem odd. Zionist loath the idea of whites even acknowledging white self instrest, so zionism being rotting in "white supremacy" is silly. 🤔
Zionism was rooted in colonialism (and more specifically, British colonialism) which was itself rooted in white supremacy and colonialism. Zionism also aligns closely with white supremacist ideology (Zionists do believe their the chosen people).
Further, most Zionists are actually Christian Zionists who it's pretty absurd to claim are "anti-white".
Christan zionist are against white identity, white consciousness, and white solidarity. They may not be anti white but they are certainly not white surpremist.
I don’t think it’s “most”
There are more Christian Zionists in America than there are Jews in the entire world.
Actually, this is almost surely the one accurate thing that Ben has said
Sorry you don't like facts
Yes, you are.
Legal protests don't cause damage to buildings or prevent certain people from going about their lives without threats to their safety. I walked through the crowd of protesters at Columbia University last year and was grabbed and pushed because one of them thought I was jewish. That is not a peaceful protest or protected speech.
Stop defending violent thugs and their antisemitic sponsors and report the facts.
The people whose safety are supposedly "endangered" are unrepentant bootlickers for a Judeo-Holocausticist regime. Get real, "Zippy": the Nazi-Zionists sowed the seeds of hatred flourishing into trees of strife crashing back down on them. It's you Zionists who in the first place chose to conflate all Jews with Zionism.
Emmanuel you ignorant fool. I am so glad you are brave enough to call people names from behind your keyboard. I bet you have never been afraid for your life because someone has vowed to kill you and your family. Your rich safe lifestyle affords you the luxury of writing this hateful trash. Go crawl back into you safe little room in your parent's basement and shut up. You do not have the creds to even mention jews and Hamas here.
Zippy, you are not free from the consequential fruits of your actions. It's past time you grow up from that kind of immature-whiny projection and acknowledge with realism the cause-and-effect trajectories of various life decisions.
Emmanuel you are a moron. I have lived a full life and have no regrets. I have fought in multiple wars and faced evil like you cannot imagine. Your vocabulary is awesome, but you have the writing ability of a tween. Just shut up and go away.
Ah...did the snowflake get their feelings hurt?
Prove you did that.
Fuck off Troll.
Cry me a river
Prove you are real and not just some asshole living in you mom's basement in some God forsaken Ohio town eating cheetos and rubbing one out because trolling on Substack gets your needledick hard.
Hey - why did you have to go dissing Ohio?
I was with you all the way until that part… 😏
Ah...did they touch a nerve there?
Legal peaceful protest can be made illegal with a stroke of a pen, so Trumps use of the term "illegal protest" isn't comforting.
If you were actually assaulted I condemn it, but we shouldn't lose our free speech because of it, and already have laws making assault illegal.
Trump is a zionist, zionist made it extremely obvious that destroying free speech is a goal of theirs. Freedom loving people don’t care about the "anti semitism" pretext.
I love it. If I was assaulted. Make me laugh. I know what assault is. Fortunately for me, I am 6'1" and 230 lbs. All I had to do was give the punk who grabbed and pushed me a look and he backed up and stopped. Had he come back at me, I would have ended it quickly and I think he figured that out before it got ugly. As for zionist being against free speech, stop talking shit and get educated.
After 10/7 zoglygites didn't even try to hide their anti speech agenda, claiming pro Palestinian protesters are supporting terrorist and calling for their arrest is clearly an anti free speech position.
Free speech is not accompanied by violence. We can smell your antisemitic stink through the internet. Just go away. No amount of reasoning will change your hate filled mind.
Yeah...I don't believe you
You don't have to. It is a free country, but you are the asshole that fights against freedom. So fuck off.
You're literally advocating banning protests you don't like.
You're projecting when you accuse others of fighting against freedom and you know it.
What about anti-whiteness? It’s open season to attack and marginalize whiteness. Seems Trump administration is picking winners and losers.
How about respecting the first amendment. Us white folk have put up with extreme hate because of the first amendment. Same with flag burning.
We are not a nation of antisemitism. Look no further than our congress. How many Jews do we elect to congress? How many Jews do presidents appoint to their cabinet?
I’m a pro Jew person. My daughter is Jewish, but Trump and RFK Jr are wrong for this. Respect the first amendment.
I’ll also add the most of the protesting on college campuses were foreigners.
No antisemitism should also mean no BLM, or talk about systemic racism which is code for hate Whitie.
Most protests were foreigners? Prove that. Also most anti-israel protests in 2023-2024 were not even on campuses.
Whiteness has never, does not, and never will exist. It's just a bullshit postmodernist woke adverb, and you show you're a sucker by using it.
There is no white race and never has been, any more than there's a black or brown race. It was an artificial concept invented by English planters in the Carolinas to divide and rule their slaves and hired hands.
I actually agree with you about a colorblind society because I remember MLK and that is what he wanted, but OTOH I am also a Son of the American Revolution and I don't believe it is in America's national interests to support Israel in any way, shape, or form.
So by attacking "foreigners" on our campuses opposed to another bunch of foreigners who are genocidal maniacs besides, you also make an enemy out of ME, and millions more Americans just like me. You should be more choosy about such things.
I wonder how fast you will turn on Israel when the time comes, and it will. It is inevitable.
"White" and "Black" describe different breeds of homo-sapians.
Race=Breed=sub species.
I reject your classification system as the same unscientific propaganda that Woodrow Wilson believed in. There is only one human race. We just come in different ephemeral packaging, and all the arguments against that conclusion are designed to keep one group of people in power over another for completely bullshit reasons.
Pure, unmitigated bullshit right out of eugenics texts. Fuck off, Nazi.
Fuck off Boomer, you people can't die off fast enough. Say hi to your mixed raced grandkids for me.
"[w]hat about" Ah yes, the classic Orange Bolshevist whataboutist deflection tactic.
It’s not a deflection. It’s a fact.
You certainly didn't prove so.
Many of those protests were organized by Jewish students, who oppose the actions of the IDF.
Thanks so much for covering this.
It's important that Trump supporters don't overlook his administration's threats to free speech.
Yupper, that is unconstitutional. Protest is fine but taking over buildings and physically threatening other students and teachers is not.
Which didn't happen
The Ayatollah thanks you for your devotion Infidel. The mullahs have unanimously decreed that you shall be spared when sharia law is imposed across our new Western caliphate! Allah Akbar! Continue your jihad against the imperialist colonisers that imposed free speech and you shall be freed for an eternity in paradise! Inshallah!
So no actual point beyond a weird racist rant?
Oh, please.
I was disquieted by this order, but it does very clearly say “illegal” protests. Your article doesn’t address that. In fact your article presupposes that these protests you are defending are legal rather than illegal. In which case they are outside the scope of the order. So if there is an issue here at all, you haven’t addressed it as far as I can see. The gloss put on the order by other members of the administration doesn’t rewrite the text of the order, which is very clear.
And by the way I think the students and anybody else should be able to protest whatever they want.
"Trump’s UN ambassador Elise Stefanik admitted that this order was created to stop “antisemitism and anti-Israel hate” explicitly admitting that they want to silence opposition and protest against Israel."
Aside from the above quote, these are zionist we are talking about. All anti Zionists protest might be illegal in their minds. Remember their behavior after 10/7. They may or may not acknowledge legal anti zionist protest even exist.
Bad and incorrect assumption. didn't actually read the article, did you?
You are so full of shit. The issue is protesters being allowed to harass, assault, and BREAK FEDERAL HATE CRIMES LAWS (not protected by 1A)— ON Campuses, funded with Federal money, while abandoning their obligations to EEO and fair access to education.
These protesters have pushed beyond protected speech into threatening and discriminatory conduct that violates the rights of other students. The failure of these educational institutions to take action and enforce their own student CODE OF CONDUCT evenly and fairly, creates a HOSTILE EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT. all the Jewish students, Jewish professors and Jewish organizations that were taking part in those protests were breaking hate crime laws?
Zionist brain-rot is so fun.
And @BenMedia, if Jews were targeting Arabs or Muslims and hitting, threatening, beating and harassing them because of their religious or national origin status…it may also meet Hate Crime/Discrimination stautes
If anyone was hitting kicking threatening or blocking students—yes, that is not 1A protected speech or peaceful protesting
I think they are interested in upholding the law. Like no face coverings, destroying private property, harassing others and attacking others. Physically attacking Jewish students and taking over classrooms is not protected civil rights
Which didn't happen
ARE YOU SERIOUS? No one, no school, no entity of any kind has been denied free speech. These colleges and universities have been receiving billions of dollars of government money for years, some more than their tuition, and have built up endowments and welcomed huge donations from foreign enities in exchange for special considerations and influence. All legal, while at the same time encouraging demonstrations, which in most demonstrations were accompanied with expressions of violence, threats and destruction of property, all illegal, while at the same time, not prosecuting or stopping these illegal and violent actions. THESE KIND OF ACTS HAVE BEEN GOING ON TO FORCE A POINT OF VIEW SINCE THE 1960s. We are not talking about civil rights, Martin Luther King, anti war etc but nefarious actors, big and not so big using the younger people to create a platform and future generations of like minded, educated, influential and politically active voices, voters and tax paying suckers to do their evil bidding. If you are serious and not a tool for evil, honestly do your homework and you will agree.
Don't you dare tell me what I can say on a campus. And genocide deserves violence.
So "Truth Seeking Missle" you approve of eliminating all Jews from the river to the sea? Does that include from the Hudson River to the Atlantic?
Hamas has run an open air prison in Gaza since they were elected in 2017? 70% of Gazans claim to approve of Hamas. They used schools, hospitals and homes as hiding spots so that they can cry when people are killed and dance when Israeli are killed.
Who exactly is seeking genocide?
OK, we’r making progress. Why then, correct me if I’m misunderstanding what your original post said, paraphrasing, Trump is violating the 1st Amendment by stopping “free speech” on college campuses. My first response was questioning the accuracy of you characterization of the effort to bring to light the method used and enabled by complicit entities in governmental agencies and colleges and foreign entities to influence thinking, attitudes, opinions and voting in the US. Your response missed the mark. Now I understand,to a degree your point of view, fine, no problem. By the way….Jeremiah was instructed by the God Of Israel, Issac and Jacob to tell and warn his people of what was to come as a result of their distancing from God. Yes, Knowledge, that is Knowledge of the truth is a big heavy burden but it does set you free anything less is a lie and as Jordan Peterson might say, “ we know how that worked out”.
Don, free speech is free speech, period. And just what eroded rock do you cower under?
Well, try The Rock of Ages for starters. Ever hear of Krystal Night? Free speech is free speech but not for everyone period. WOW!!! A perfectly sculpted example of a protester throwing verbal stones.
"but not for everyone" Then it's not free speech. How dimwitted are you?
So, still expressing 1st Amendment rights throwing verbal stones. By your latest responses a question for you…..Breaking shop owners windows and ransacking and burning and threatening a certain people is the “free speech” that is free speech? Why not, it’s free speech for everyone.
Of course it's not free speech when Nazi-Zionist savages threaten and assault peaceful protesters.
Emmanuel loves his name calling. Poor little man. Writes like a child.
Pro-Palestinian protesters = Pro-Isreali massacre supporters. We should do more word association, it’s fun 🤩
Sounds like the Hannibal Directive was known of by the military and civilians alike. The massacre instigated by the Muslim occupiers of the Gaza Strip is the primary cause of the deaths of Israel’s civilians. At no time did the IDF make its own citizens the primary target but they were fully aware those same citizens would not survive the effort to stop the advance of Hamas. Next is to ask if it was more humane for the IDF to take this action or to let the innocent citizens be subjected to torture, rape and likely death at the hands of Palestinian demons. We have seen enough body bags filled with those same hostages being returned lately.'re defending Israel murdering their own citizens, then turn around and blame Hamas.
Zionist brain rot is so bizarre to witness.
> "The full scope of Israel’s use of the Hannibal Directive on October 7th was laid out in July of last year in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. The paper reported that “at 7:18 A.M” on October 7th, the IDF gave the order “Hannibal at Erez” calling for the Hannibal directive to be issued at the Erez border crossing. The order was given again by the IDF at “7:41 A.M”. Haaretz also reported that the order to do the Hannibal Directive was also given at “Re'im army base, where the divisional headquarters were located, and the Nahal Oz outpost in which female spotters were based.”
Being pro-Palestine doesn't mean you support massacring Israelis.
On the other hand, it does seem like being pro-Israel requires you to support massacring Palestinians.
Hamas = IDF
The case law you are citing is incorrect. The appropriate case law was settled about 100 years ago, and it involved telling, “FIRE!!!” in a crowded theater. There is also the point that your “free speech” ends just short of my nose. The government is not forced to send/spend funds when either of those ends is violated.
You have a popular misconception of that case law. Watch Glenn Greenwald on the subject.
Did not find anything particularly relevant.
Not in hundreds of broadcasts?
I looked him up and scanned a bunch of stuff—no, I did not go past about a year’s worth. My time is worth something, too.
Did you try searching for his first amendment work?
Interesting. I find his interpretation of 1st amendment right to be rather broad. I don’t quite buy into “you can say anything you want until someone else physically acts on your words”. Once you lay violent hands on a person you commit an act of battery—and that happens both when you prevent someone from going to class or when you try to prevent someone from walking in front of a moving truck. In both cases, the intent may provide some mitigation, but not an excuse.
You do realize that scenario of yelling fire in a crowded theater was literally created to justify censoring and imprisoning anti-war activists during WW1, right? (by the way, the first people it was used on were Jews)
Funny how free speech depends on one’s politics… Flag burning needs to stop then.. and especially any crap from BLM. Slippery slope.
I can say what I want as a US citizen, but I can’t threaten you. We can Disagree. You call for murder of innocents.
[citation needed, Ed]
I see we're just making shit up now (or perhaps just projecting)