No, The Democrats Would Not Have Been Better For Gaza
Nor Are the Republicans, Both Parties Are Zionist To the Max.
As I wrote about in my last article, Donald Trump after meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu is now calling for America to ethnically cleanse the Palestinian population of Gaza so that the United States can “take over” and even signaled support for sending American troops to force Palestinians into “Jordan, Egypt or other Places”.
These disturbing developments have led liberal and democrat commentators to lambast those who refused to vote for Democrats over the party’s support of the genocide in Gaza.
The liberal commentator Brian Krassenstein said, “To Muslims who sat out the election because Kamala Harris was too ‘pro-Israel’: How do you feel now that the guy who beat Harris by a sliver just called for what appears to be the ethnic cleansing of 1.7 million Muslims in Gaza and for the US to take over the Gaza Strip.”
Similarly, former Kamala Harris campaign official Victor Shi said: “Not for nothing but VP Kamala Harris pushed for a ceasefire & called for a two-state solution repeatedly on the campaign. She also warned us this would happen. Yet, people decided to stay home. Elections have big consequences.”
These partisan comments ignore the reality of American politics in relation to Israel: that both parties support Israeli atrocities and destabilizing any country that challenges American and Israeli hegemony in the region.
In this article, I will explain why despite Trump’s vile subservience to Israel, the Democrats would not have been any better and explain how doing Israel’s bidding is a bipartisan policy.
Zionism Is A Bipartisan Policy
The partisan analysis on this issue ignores the fact that both political parties support Israeli atrocities and destabilizing countries in the Middle East that are not subservient to Israeli and American demands in the region.
In case anyone needs a refresher here is the history going back to the George W. Bush administration of both parties doing this.
George W. Bush
Attempted to back a coup against Hamas when they were elected in Gaza by arming the rival Fatah party in Egypt for a coup attempt
Supported Israel placing a brutal blockade on Gaza which caused malnutrition, made water undrinkable, limited electricity, and prevented anyone from leaving turning it into what former UK prime minister David Cameron called an “open-air prison camp”
Destabilized Iraq and Afghanistan through illegal invasion and occupation.
Supported Israel’s 2014 bombing campaign in Gaza which killed 2,251 Palestinians including 1,462 civilians.
Destabilized Libya through NATO regime change operation.
Destabilized Syria through billion-dollar "Timer Sycamore” covert CIA war.
Destabilized Yemen by backing Saudi Arabia’s genocidal war there.
Trump First Term
Supported Israeli annexation of the Syrian Golan Heights and illegal settlements in the West Bank.
Vetoed a bill that would have ended American support for the Saudi war in Yemen.
Further destabilized Syria through starvation sanctions and militarily occupying the oil and wheat-rich areas of the country.
Pulled out of the Iran Deal and put starvation sanctions on the country.
Supported Israel’s massacre of peaceful protests in Gaza.
Negotiated the “Abraham Accords” which allowed Israel to normalize with Arab States while continuing their oppression of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.
Joe Biden
Backed the Isreali Genocide In Gaza and complete destruction of its infrastructure.
Lied about getting a ceasefire in Lebanon, secretly greenlit Israeli invasion and pager terrorist attack.
Allowed Israel to bomb Syria’s military infrastructure.
Bombed Yemen on Israel’s behalf.
Trump's Second Term (so far)
Signaled support for ethnic cleansing of Gaza’s indigenous Palestinian population and the facilitating of an American/Israeli takeover, possibly using American troops.
As is demonstrated here, longtime bipartisan foreign policy has been to support Israel’s atrocities towards Palestinians and to either destabilize any force that may get in the way of Israeli and American supremacy in the region and get others to normalize with Israel to “sideline” the Palestinians.
The Democrats Paved The Way To This.
Much of Trump’s argument to justify his call for ethnic cleansing in Gaza hinges on the fact that Gaza is now unlivable.
He argued that the ethnic cleansing is justified because Gaza is “a demolition site, virtually every building is down, their living under fallen concrete that’s very dangerous and very precarious”.
This is what Netenyahu always intended for Gaza, to be able to justify his eventual plan of ethnic cleansing and expanding Israeli territory into Gaza.
The important context is that it is the Biden administration and the Democrat’s fault that Gaza is now destroyed.
As former Isreali spokesman Haim Rubinstein revealed, Hamas offered to release the Isreali hostages before the genocide started in exchange for them not entering Gaza. As he said:
We later found out that Hamas had offered on October 9 or 10 to release all the civilian hostages in exchange for the IDF not entering the Strip, but the government rejected the offer.
Had the Biden administration forced Israel to take this deal, they could have prevented the destruction and genocide in Gaza but they chose not to.
Instead, they sent billions of dollars of weapons shipments to Israel, never once putting pressure on them to stop their genocide.
As the Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported, the only reason there is even a ceasefire in Gaza at all is because Trump’s Middle East envoy, Steven Witkoff, put some mild pressure on Israel to do it.
They also reported that the Ceasefire deal has been on the table for the past half year, but Israel repeatedly rejected it and the Biden administration did not pressure them to accept it. As they wrote:
In fact, Witkoff has forced Israel to accept a plan that Netanyahu had repeatedly rejected over the past half year.
There is also little doubt that Kamala Harris would have continued the Biden administration’s policy if elected.
In the 2024 debate against Donald Trump, Harris repeated the “mass rape on October 7th” lie to justify the Democrat’s continued backing of the genocide in Gaza. She also openly stated that as president she would continue to arm Israel no matter what saying “I will always give Israel the ability to defend itself”.
The official DNC platform for 2024 which Kamala Harris signed onto openly states that they would continue to back Israel no matter what saying:
President Biden and Vice President Harris believe a strong, secure, and democratic Israel is vital to the interests of the United States. Their commitment to Israel’s security, its qualitative military edge, its right to defend itself, and the 2016 Memorandum of Understanding is ironclad.
The platform also openly supported Israel’s genocide in Gaza saying that “The United States strongly supports Israel in the fight against Hamas”.
The Democrats are the ones responsible for the destruction of Gaza that led to Trump and Netanyahu's plan to take it over.
One of the most disturbing revelations from the recent Trump/Netenyahu meeting is that Trump after meeting him blurted out that Gaza’s current population is “1.7 or 1.8 million people”. Given that its population was 2.2 to 2.3 million people before the genocide in Gaza, this would mean that in its genocidal campaign, Israel killed 500,000 people 90 percent of who are civilians and 70 percent of who are women and children.
The United Nations has also found that “About 80% of victims were killed (by Israel) in residential buildings or similar housing”.
These are the genocidal actions supported by the Biden administration and democrats that Trump is now continuing through his ethnic cleansing plan.
Benjamin Netanyahu’s plan from the beginning has been clear: kill as many civilians as possible in Gaza and make it unlivable so that Palestinians will be forced to leave and Israel can take over.
The Democrats under Joe Biden supported the first part of the plan and now the Republicans under Trump are supporting the second part.
Trump Is Just More Vulgar When Justifying American Foreign Policy.
The other important aspect of this story is that Trump’s policy of ethnic cleansing in Gaza was the Democrat’s policy as well, they were just better at hiding it.
For starters, the aforementioned DNC platform signaled support for all the prerequisites needed to facilitate the ethnic cleansing in Gaza.
For one the platform openly supported war with Iran, even attacking Trump for not being hawkish enough on Iran saying:
All of this stands in sharp contrast to Trump's fecklessness and weakness in the face of Iranian aggression during his presidency. In 2018, when Iranian-backed militias repeatedly attacked the U.S. consulate in Basra, Iraq Trump’s only response was to close our diplomatic facility. In June 2019, when Iran shot down a U.S. surveillance aircraft operating in international airspace above the Straits of Hormuz, Trump responded by tweet and then abruptly called off any actual retaliation, causing confusion and concern among his own national security team.
Second, the platform signaled support for Israel's bombing of Hezbollah in Lebanon saying “The Lebanese people deserve to live in an independent and sovereign Lebanon that is free from the grip of Iran-backed Hezbollah”. This policy was later carried out by the Biden administration when they secretly gave Israel the green light to invade Lebanon and take out Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.
Finally -and most importantly- the platform called for Saudi Arabia to be brought into the Abraham Accords saying “He (Joe Biden) also directed his Administration to build on the Abraham Accords and work on a historic normalization deal between Israel and Saudi Arabia.”
While not explicitly endorsing ethnic cleansing, this policy would allow Netenyahu to ethnically cleanse Gaza unopposed. By taking out Hezbollah and Iran this weakens two of Israel’s main geopolitical enemies in the region who may have stood in the way of the ethnic cleaning plan.
Furthermore, adding Saudi Arabia to the Abraham Accords would allow Israel to ethnically cleanse Gaza while normalizing with the powerful Arab State.It would stop Saudi Arabia from opposing ethnic cleansing in Gaza and cause them to side with Israel As Vox put it :
Arab nations, like Saudi Arabia, are key backers of Palestinians in their decades-long dispute with Israel. But by getting them to interact with Israel, the idea was that they might let their support for the Palestinians slip and side a little closer with the Israelis.
Finally, as journalist Mattew Petti noted in Reason Magazine, the plan to ethnically cleanse Gaza was already supported by the Biden administration.
Petti pointed out that Trump’s plan to relocate Palestinians from Gaza to Egypt was also supported by the Biden administration. As he put it:
On October 14, 2023, The Economist alluded to diplomatic discussions about paying off Egypt's debt in exchange for taking in refugees. That following day, the independent Egyptian news outlet Mada Masr reported that Egypt was "coming under pressure from western countries who are also offering economic incentives in an effort to come to a deal" over Palestinian refugees.
Furthermore, the article quoted Josh Paul, the former State Department official who resigned over Biden’s Gaza policy, saying that Trump’s call for ethnic cleansing has been a longtime American policy. As the article says:
Josh Paul, a former State Department official who resigned in protest of Biden's approach to Gaza, says that Trump's approach "remains an outsourcing of U.S. policy to [Israeli Prime Minister] Benjamin Netanyahu." Netanyahu's goal, Paul adds, is to empty out Gaza, whether "through killing, forced deportations, or simply making it unlivable and then creating an exit route for those who are in urgent need."
Two Sides Of The Same Coin
Partisan debates over Gaza are ridiculous. In reality, both parties are supportive of Benjamin Netanyahu’s plan to take over the Gaza strip. While Trump may be cruder about it, he is simply continuing the longstanding bipartisan American zionist policy.
Can't thank you enough for taking the words right out of my mouth, Dissident. Currently I'm having a difficult time catching up with the news flow amidst other life priorities to juggle and your light-shining work is an imperative relief to behold in the face of 24/7 conniving shystery from abhorrent virtue-signalling egoheads ready to cynically concern-troll exploit any crisis for astronomically duplicitous PR points as if they're striving for a video game speedrun world record.
The left side of the coin is continued Zionist Holocausticism against Gaza. The right side of the coin is Zionist Holocausticism redirected against the Occupied West Bank.
For self-professed "leftists" to ostensibly shill on behalf of Judeonazi accomplice Ku Klux Kamala and then bask in self-landed heaps of praise as heroes for calling Trump a "Nazi" is as hypocritically lacking of self-awareness as it gets, confirming this old saying: "Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for THOU THAT JUDGEST DOEST THE SAME THINGS." (Romans 2:1)
Sir! Totally agree with your synopsis. I wrote something similar here:
Same bird, two wings.