Mass Rape Claims On October 7th Turn Out To Be A Hoax.
It turns out the alleged "Mass Rapes" on October 7th never happened.
Debunked Claims
The final nail in the coffin has come out proving that no Rapes occurred on October 7th by Hamas militants, let alone mass rapes. Moran Gez, an Isreali prosecutor prosecuting cases against Palestinians for alleged crimes on October 7th admitted in an interview with the Israeli newspaper Ynet that there is no evidence to back up this claim.
In the interview, she admitted that on the rape claims it “will be very difficult to prove these offenses”. She admitted that this was because there are no victim complaints of rape occurring at all saying “we don't have any complaints”.
She admitted that her team “approached women's rights organizations and asked for cooperation” but found that “they simply weren't contacted” by any alleged victims of rape on October 7th.
She even admitted that “the vast majority” of rape claims on October 7th “will not be able to meet the threshold of proof in court”.
Gez claims that this lack of evidence was because “victims were murdered, or because women who were raped aren’t willing to expose it” but as Drop Site News pointed out she excludes the more obvious conclusion, that being that “no rapes occurred” on October 7th.
A look at video footage of October 7th shows a similar lack of evidence. An investigation into the “mass rape” claims from the Time of London Newspaper found that “In all the Hamas video footage and all the photographs here were no depictions of rape”. The paper even “hired a leading Israeli dark-web researcher to look for evidence of those images, including footage” and reported that “None could be found”.
But if there are no survivors of Mass Rape on October 7th and there is no video evidence of it occurring, where did the claims originate from?
The above-mentioned Times of London investigation found that the claims mainly came from “Zaka”, “an ultra-orthodox volunteer force among the first responders on October 7” with no training in forensics.
The investigation that many of Zaka’s claims actually came from religious Jewish scripture, the mass rapes for example come from Zaka memebers who “cleaved to stories handed down about the horrors of the pogroms.”
The article pointed out that the reason Zaka volunteers claim there was mass rape on October 7th was because their
main education is religious. They’ve read a lot of Jewish texts that depict the raping of women. These texts kind of reappear again and again in Jewish stories and they reappear every time there is a major event against Jewish communities.”
The article also pointed out that many of Zaka’s other claims about what happened on October 7th turned out to be false such as the claim that they “found a baby baked alive in an oven” and that there was a “pregnant woman and her slaughtered fetus”
In total, this proves beyond a reasonable doubt that mass rape did not happen on October 7th. There is no victim testimony or video evidence to back up these claims and the only real “witnesses” are a bunch of discredited religious fanatics who are likely getting the claims from religious scripture.
Manufacturing Consent in Action.
Now that this WMD level lie has been proven to be a Hoax, it is worth looking back at how it was used by the media and politicians to justify backing the Isreali genocide in Gaza.
In December of 2023, Joe Biden used these claims to justify his continued backing of the genocide in Gaza when he claimed that he had seen “Reports of women raped (By Hamas) repeatedly raped and their bodies being mutilated while still alive”.
Kamala Harris similarly used this lie to justify the Democratic party’s support of the Genocide in Gaza during her debate with Donald Trump where she claimed that “women were horribly raped” on October 7th.
Donald Trump also repeated the lie when he shared the documentary “Screams Before Silence” on TruthSocial which tried to launder the false “mass rape” claims including by using supposed “confessions” from Hamas members which later turned out to have been extracted under torture.
The mainstream media, just like both political parties, did their part to launder this lie. The New York Times published an infamous article titled “Screams without words” that tried to prove rape occurred on October 7th but was later debunked when “witnesses” named in the story came out to say they were mischaracterized.For example, a spokesperson for the “Kibbutz Be’eri” came out to say that two supposed victims listed in the piece were not in fact victims of rape.
Similarly, CNN, BBC AP NBC, and other mainstream media outlets put out articles laundering this debunked claim.
The Atlantic- which is edited by former IDF prison guard Jeffery Goldberg - put out a piece that accused journalists who correctly stated there was no mass rape on October 7th of “rape denialism” “anti-sematism” and even put them in league with Holocaust deniers.
In reality, this false claim was pushed so hard by the mainstream media and both political parties because it was the best way to convince Americans that their tax dollars going to fund Israel’s slaughter in Gaza was justified.
Journalist Max Blumenthal reported that after polls came out showing that 70 percent of the democratic base favors a ceasefire in Gaza, Israel hired pollster Frank Luntz to conduct focus groups over which atrocity allegation on October 7th would create the most support for Israel.
Results from this focus group leaked to Blumenthal showed that “mass rape” polled the highest as the alleged crime that upset Americans the most.
This is when the propaganda went into overdrive and the media and politicians from both parties hammered this lie over and over again.
In reality, this lie was a textbook example of one of the oldest tricks in manufacturing consent: atrocity propaganda. To explain this simply, it’s the act of creating false claims of human rights atrocities to drum up support for real atrocities.
The U.S. has long used this trick to manufacture consent for war. In the run-up to the first Iraq war, they used false claims that Saddam Hussien was throwing babies out of incubators to justify it.
Similarly, the U.S. and other NATO nations used false claims that Qaddafi was using rape as a weapon and was about to massacre his civilians to justify the NATO regime change operation to topple him.
The Mass rape hoax is simply the latest installment of this. By generating this hoax, the American establishment was able to manufacture consent for Israel's mass murder of civilians in Gaza which both Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International have said constitutes genocide.
This WMD-level lie of fake atrocities has been used to justify the support of one of the worst real atrocities in recent history where 90 percent of the casualties are civilians and the largest group of people killed are children aged five to nine.
The claim was not only used to justify those atrocities but was also used to justify real rape, such as the rape of Palestinian detainees by the IDF that is on video.
The mass rape lie will go down in history with Iraq WMDs and Russiagate in terms of official lies but this time with even more horrific consequences.
They were other eyewitness besides Zaka volunteers, you know that right? Palestinian terrorists have admitted they were there to rape women. Let me guess they are liars too?
We saw video proof of women being pulled out of cars with torn clothes and blood running down their legs. I guess that wasn't rape. I call BS on this.
We all know there were rapes, that's why they picked the concert venue to attack. Otherwise, they would have attacked military targets.