Can't thank you enough for taking the words right out of my mouth, Dissident. Currently I'm having a difficult time catching up with the news flow amidst other life priorities to juggle and your light-shining work is an imperative relief to behold in the face of 24/7 conniving shystery from abhorrent virtue-signalling egoheads ready to cynically concern-troll exploit any crisis for astronomically duplicitous PR points as if they're striving for a video game speedrun world record.
The left side of the coin is continued Zionist Holocausticism against Gaza. The right side of the coin is Zionist Holocausticism redirected against the Occupied West Bank.
For self-professed "leftists" to ostensibly shill on behalf of Judeonazi accomplice Ku Klux Kamala and then bask in self-landed heaps of praise as heroes for calling Trump a "Nazi" is as hypocritically lacking of self-awareness as it gets, confirming this old saying: "Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for THOU THAT JUDGEST DOEST THE SAME THINGS." (Romans 2:1)
Thank you for spelling it out. Biden made us complicit in this Genocide and many of us will never honor him because of it. The divide between the citizens and the political class on Gaza is shocking. It’s like they think we haven’t seen the destruction and don’t know we left Gazans without shelter, water, sanitation, electricity… For Trump and Netanyahu to sit and talk about building the Riviera there like it was typhoon that gutted it and not us was hypocritical to the max.
Dennis: You have the link. Read the site daily. Read the perspectives articles. Look into the Rank-and-file Committee section. Study their position papers. If you are in agreement, join some of the online meetings.
It’s about taking valuable real estate from its owners for resource pillaging by the oligarchs. And we’re the duplicitous fools (the taxpayers) who pay for the takeover and then pay for the ‘resource management.’ The Israeli people are the Uncle Tom direct facilitators who will be responsible and ultimately disgraced as cause, while the true cause will continue on to the next rape and pillage project. Until we see the truth we will continue as the ignorant tools of evil.
The only obstacle to peace between Israel and the Palestinians is what it has always been, that Palestinians refuse to stop trying to destroy the internationally recognized sovereign state of Israel. What plans are on the table to fix that?
Arafat apparently feared Palestinians would do the same to him, since he not only turned his back on his own agreement, he also started the second intifada. Rabin's death is not what killed Oslo. There are no such things as Judeonazis, by the way. Using such meaningless words betrays your lack of credibility.
Sorry, but the two approaches are NOT even close to being equivalent and you know it.
Trump wants to create a Golf Resort and Hotel mecca right along the Gazan cost that he an Jared are going to build and profit handsomely on. No where can you find ANY such plan by ANY key Democrat politician from Bill Clinton to Kamala Harris for such exploitation of a defeated, genocided and humiliated population.
What exceedingly sound logic you got there, Kevin. Ah yes, Harris only wants the Fourth Reich to continue unconditionally receiving arms shipments to continue Holocausting Gaza but at least she isn't enough of a meanie boasting intents of building a golf resort and hotel on stolen land, making her an absolute saint compared to Mango. Willie Brown's Mistress can do no wrong whatsoever!
You liberal shills for the Exalted Cyclops of the Ku Klux Kamala are a special class of manifested hypocritical derangement belonging in a penitentiary for life.
Oh, and I see you subscribe to Jennifer Rubin's contrary-against-truth rag "The Contrarian." LOL bwahahahahahahah 🫵🫵🫵🤣🤣🤣
Ew. You are the problem. When I see these types of responses, I know why Kamala lost. You wanted to fuck Kamala cause what does Willie have to do with the Palestinian War?
So you are suggesting that it was ok for Hammas to go into Israel and kill hundreds of Israel’s and as long as they gave back the hostages all is well. That is ridiculous
Can't thank you enough for taking the words right out of my mouth, Dissident. Currently I'm having a difficult time catching up with the news flow amidst other life priorities to juggle and your light-shining work is an imperative relief to behold in the face of 24/7 conniving shystery from abhorrent virtue-signalling egoheads ready to cynically concern-troll exploit any crisis for astronomically duplicitous PR points as if they're striving for a video game speedrun world record.
The left side of the coin is continued Zionist Holocausticism against Gaza. The right side of the coin is Zionist Holocausticism redirected against the Occupied West Bank.
For self-professed "leftists" to ostensibly shill on behalf of Judeonazi accomplice Ku Klux Kamala and then bask in self-landed heaps of praise as heroes for calling Trump a "Nazi" is as hypocritically lacking of self-awareness as it gets, confirming this old saying: "Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for THOU THAT JUDGEST DOEST THE SAME THINGS." (Romans 2:1)
Sir! Totally agree with your synopsis. I wrote something similar here:
Same bird, two wings.
Thank you for spelling it out. Biden made us complicit in this Genocide and many of us will never honor him because of it. The divide between the citizens and the political class on Gaza is shocking. It’s like they think we haven’t seen the destruction and don’t know we left Gazans without shelter, water, sanitation, electricity… For Trump and Netanyahu to sit and talk about building the Riviera there like it was typhoon that gutted it and not us was hypocritical to the max.
It is imperative to draw the necessary conclusions from the dissolute nature of the entire political spectrum.
When regime’s can no longer govern as they have governed in the past, people can no longer live as they have lived in the past.
The US is in a pre-revolutionary condition. Neither party can, nor is interested in presenting a solitary solution to any of multiple crises.
It is essential that the working class, the proletariat, the 90%, transfer all power from the ruling class to itself.
Without this and more, war, dictatorship, social repression, and global war, ending in thermonuclear holocaust are inevitable.
Edit: Syntax.
This transfer of power - how does that work? If only....
Dennis: You have the link. Read the site daily. Read the perspectives articles. Look into the Rank-and-file Committee section. Study their position papers. If you are in agreement, join some of the online meetings.
It’s about taking valuable real estate from its owners for resource pillaging by the oligarchs. And we’re the duplicitous fools (the taxpayers) who pay for the takeover and then pay for the ‘resource management.’ The Israeli people are the Uncle Tom direct facilitators who will be responsible and ultimately disgraced as cause, while the true cause will continue on to the next rape and pillage project. Until we see the truth we will continue as the ignorant tools of evil.
I suspect that a President Kamala would have simply allowed the slaughter to continue.
Well said. Except where you claimed Kamala lost by a sliver. No, she didn’t.
The only obstacle to peace between Israel and the Palestinians is what it has always been, that Palestinians refuse to stop trying to destroy the internationally recognized sovereign state of Israel. What plans are on the table to fix that?
When Palestinians agreed to Oslo, PM Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated in the culminated events of a Zionist conspiracy. Try harder, Judeonazi shill.
Arafat apparently feared Palestinians would do the same to him, since he not only turned his back on his own agreement, he also started the second intifada. Rabin's death is not what killed Oslo. There are no such things as Judeonazis, by the way. Using such meaningless words betrays your lack of credibility.
After Rabin's assassination Peres betrayed the peace vision.
"n0 suCh tH1nGz aZ Judeonazis" You might want to check the horse's mouth:
The only obstacle?
Uh huh.
Help me out. What could Israel do to make peace with the people who want to destroy them.
They could start by treating them as humans, rather than vermin.
They did until October 7 happened, proving, once again, Sauce cannot be trusted.
Even his own brothers don't want him!
Beat Harris by a sliver? Obviously not at all aware of the landslide that hasn’t occurred since the early 1980’s……report more accurately!
Sorry, but the two approaches are NOT even close to being equivalent and you know it.
Trump wants to create a Golf Resort and Hotel mecca right along the Gazan cost that he an Jared are going to build and profit handsomely on. No where can you find ANY such plan by ANY key Democrat politician from Bill Clinton to Kamala Harris for such exploitation of a defeated, genocided and humiliated population.
What exceedingly sound logic you got there, Kevin. Ah yes, Harris only wants the Fourth Reich to continue unconditionally receiving arms shipments to continue Holocausting Gaza but at least she isn't enough of a meanie boasting intents of building a golf resort and hotel on stolen land, making her an absolute saint compared to Mango. Willie Brown's Mistress can do no wrong whatsoever!
You liberal shills for the Exalted Cyclops of the Ku Klux Kamala are a special class of manifested hypocritical derangement belonging in a penitentiary for life.
Oh, and I see you subscribe to Jennifer Rubin's contrary-against-truth rag "The Contrarian." LOL bwahahahahahahah 🫵🫵🫵🤣🤣🤣
Ew. You are the problem. When I see these types of responses, I know why Kamala lost. You wanted to fuck Kamala cause what does Willie have to do with the Palestinian War?
So you are suggesting that it was ok for Hammas to go into Israel and kill hundreds of Israel’s and as long as they gave back the hostages all is well. That is ridiculous
You Zionists would do well ceasing your self-induced allergy towards reality -- the Israelis were killed by their own Judeo-SS under Hannibal Directive orders:
So what do you think Hamas Hezbollah Fatah PLO Iran will do if unopposed?
Wipe Israel off the map, go Jew hunting, no?
Okay. How do you do that with people who are focused on destroying you?
Repulsive. Everyone should see and distribute this one
Not necessarily because they are ideologically convinced but because the majority of them are on the ziolobbys payroll! 🤑