I have come to believe that one should never, ever take anything virtually every politician says at face value—especially when they are campaigning—regardless of party or individual. The political class and their media mouthpieces are the largest and most consistent sources of misinformation and propaganda on the planet. Their constant chattering about wanting to eliminate misinformation is about wanting opposing viewpoints censored so that their narratives are primary, not about wanting ‘factual’ information disseminated. Question everything.

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Kinda surprised you didn't mention Rubio or Hegseth also being anti-Russia hawks.

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I didn’t want to make the article too long but yes they are also Russia hawks.

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One can be wary of Russia without wanting war with Russia.

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Both Rubio and Hegseth support the proxy war in Ukraine

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Really bad situation that we have to on our hopes on Trump. Let’s hope Gabbard and Kennedy can influence him here in the right direction

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He said he would. Git ‘er done!!!

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NATO needs to go and the babies tortured in ukraine rescued and the politicians prosecuted

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Russia will determine when and how the war will end. At this point, I don’t think even Putin himself can control the course of events. This idea of assigning unique historical agency to powerful individuals is not allowing us to see the big picture.

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Sad to contemplate the future possibilities if the thrust of this article proves to be the reality

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Weird how often these folks think that if they just do this one little thing then the whole edifice of whatever they are opposing, Russia in this case, will collapse like some 300 IQ Jenga tower move.

And over and over and over again, their 300 IQ move turns into a 30 IQ quagmire, mass grave and money pit. Meanwhile billions of taxpayer dollars buys a few thousand yachts for our Ally's oligarchs and keeps the military industrial complex fat and happy.

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Any good that comes from Donald Trump's tenure will be an entirely accidental by product of his routinely nefarious dealings. He cares ONLY for power and personal gain.

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I think we’re missing one point here. There are two people to consider Trump and Putin. Putin has already opened comms to Trump and has said he’s willing and able to accept a plan to stop this war when Trump takes the whitehouse. Yesterday there was a recent video going around of Putin saying basically the same. If you’ve watched the interviews Trump did throughout his run you’ll remember one thing he said consistently when asked about the Ukraine war. Trump simply said he wants to stop the killing, of which I believe. Anything else said can be taken with a grain of salt and chalked up to political rhetoric. Zelensky will do what he’s told if not all money will be withdrawn.

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Jeanne, what does Stop The War mean?

Give half? all? of Ukraine to Russia?

Will EU keep supplying Ukraine?

They're Putin's next target.

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Lorna do you know why the war started?

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Nice. I am disappointed at the widespread wishful thinking about Trump as peacemaker re Ukraine. He's a committed American exceptionalist whose "plan" will be intimidation. He has no idea how far from reality that is, or what to do when it is rejected. Like any other US president in the present situation, he will be faced with accepting an undeniable, humiliating defeat or escalating the only way he can--with tactical nukes. I wouldn't bet on him accepting or being allowed to accept, defeat without using all the weapons at the US's disposal to avoid it.

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You wrote alot. But basically I believe you are off base on motives. NATO and Zilensky started and pushed the Ukraine War. NATO staying out of Ukraine was the original fundamental Russian demand on secession from Soviet union. NATO to not go into those territories. And since NATO starts with North Anerica. Really they are the ones pushing into territory it's mission did not define.

Deep State has been hot for Russia since end of WW2. Which is why we are staring at WW3.

Trump has ZERO interest in USA being world's police. ISIS HAS no real territory. Terrorism will Travel. So he planned to erase it. Which is not a war.

He followed Obama planned getting out of Afgabastan. Which was working and people were going back to having a democratic country and life. Only 2500 troops. And delay was carrit/stick policy Obama devised. Which was effective. Benchmarks met, troop reduction. Flair ups: no troops reduction. Veru solid withdrawal plan and Trump recognized that and continued it. Biden killed usa troops. Betrayed supporters wjo were killed or thrown in prison and kept billions of war tools to the enemy.

Trump believes in negotiations. And he's very good at it. Bidebs plan is ww3 and money promised long after he's gone to disrupt trumps plan. So if Ukraine is funded or greater war breaks out Trump may not be able to close it diwn on day 1. But that was BIDEN. DEEP STATE NATO not Trump.

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Fool me once, shame on you.

Fool me ad infinitum, shame on me.

Showman PT Barnum understood American culture, a culture that idolizes fakers like the Bushmen, the Clinton's, Obama's, Bidens and Trumps.

The Advertisers, Marketers, mainstream news media, the Selling of the President backed by lawyers.

Caveat emptor.

Capitalism is in its Death Agony.

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Charles, capitalism died awhile ago.

It's now monopoly, crony capitalism.

Should we call it Caputalism?

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I've been waiting since 2016 for ppl to figure out who Trump is. I'm beginning to feel fainthearted.

He has an excuse for everything, the radical left, the swamp, on and on, while he had the most powerful seat in the world and the support of the America ppl. He could have been transformative Yet he chose to be Israel's little bitch.

Now like a dog returning to his vomit he's going back to the neocons like we knew he would

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Would someone please explain

"end the proxy war"?


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