All of the MAGA people who thought Trump was anti-war and would be "America First" have been proven to have been duped.

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Politicians lie. In fact, it is their preferred conduct. When will people face this fact?

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Then America is last

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We, the US, are Israel’s ally due to our shared Western values, and geopolitical situation. Israel’s fight is our fight. Our destruction follows theirs. Its rules of warfare are strict in preventing casualties to children and women who are not fighters. The perspective of the cabinet nominees is widespread in America, and it would be difficult to find capable people who do not love Israel. 🇮🇱, even God forbid Christian Zionists - who comprise most of our populace.

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Perhaps the deaths you cite could have been avoided if Hamas did not attack Israel on October 7th. Apologists for Islamic antisemitism have the lion share of blame for civilian deaths. Had Israel been permitted to attack Hamas as they intended, many lives on both sides would have been saved even though Hamas cowards use the civilian population as shields.

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Sorry but I can’t go along with what you are suggesting. Just because you take money for your campaign from different parties doesn’t make you a Zionist or any other name you are giving in this piece. It all comes back to Israel was attacked by Hamas not the other way around. Did they really think that Israel would just let that go? They had to know that this whole thing would be the result!

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America-first and Israel-first are aligned, if you believe that freedom to speak and freedom to listen are the freedoms that come before all others and if you believe that all people—especially women—ought to share those freedoms.

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Radical Islamic Terrorist organizations Iran and the rest.. support Biden Harris and Israel is continuing to be America greatest ally under Trump .

There. That's all.

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Terrible anti-semitism in every word he says, in every breath he takes.

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Absolutely fantastic compilation, TD; Orange Bolshevism is 100% controlled opposition. I certainly didn't know that tidbit about Gabbard before; given her longtime military background and conveniently "coincidental" political prominence in the arena, I wouldn't be surprised if she has some backdoor intel ties.

More on Hegseth to continue from my note-restack: his chest tattoo is blatant Knights Templar symbolism. It looks like the entire modus operandi of Zionism serves as the outer facilitator for Jesuit/Freemasonic "neo-Templar" aims of rebuilding the Temple of Solomon, masked as the "Third Jewish Temple," to ultimately bring Jerusalem under full Roman control. The full dialectical puzzle and final world order agenda is quite the doozy to solve but hopefully one day soon I'll get it compiled down. :)

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Senior Advisor to President Trump will be Benjamin Netanyahu.

Ben will have a room in the White House so the Mossad will no longer have to spy on Donald like they did with Bill Clinton.

Donald will be on Israels leash.

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I'm not sure how it is in any way surprising that Trump is even more pro-Israel than Harris

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“Hardcore zionists” is a stretch

This is politics, and as always the proof will be in the pudding .

The Middle East theater of war looks more like a psyops designed to normalize was in the minds of people in the region and the world.

How else would you explain so many deaths and the best any punk ass country could muster was a verbal condemnation while the money kept flowing

Ludicrous bullshit

And the Arab countries aren’t any better

Where are all the troops getting poisoned at Israel border to apply pressure to stop the war?


Because like everything in this digital age

Without money to organize and push

The so called humans just stay glued to their phones awaiting instructions on how to feel and what to do

We are in the lemmings era of humanity

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Biden is quite literally playing chicken with the existence of the human race and y’all still yapping about Israel.

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