Trump's just doing it to a) win back the part of his base that's starting to question his promise of "no new wars" in the wake of everything that he's been doing and b) to help manufacture consent for future military interventions (like how liberals talked about how bad the Iraq War was and then proceeded to support interventions in Libya, Syria, etc. while claiming they were different).

Plus, Trump's expressing some deranged Imperialist fantasies about Canada, Mexico, Greenland and Panama. So, he's very clearly a fraud.

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Good points, definitely what he seems to be doing for sure.

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Trump's policies didn't match up to his rhetoric during his first term, so there's no reason to expect things will be any different in his second.

I'm willing to wager that he will try to wind down the Ukraine War, and Trump's first instinct is always to make deals before resorting to war, but other than that it's hard to say because I don't think Trump has any real idea of what he is going to do himself.

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I would be surprised as well if Trump has an actual foreign policy strategy. All the mixed signals resolve if you assume he’s operating from a vague sense of “Stick it to America’s adversaries” coupled with “Get someone else to do the fighting & pay for it”.

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The US is run by unelected Zionist neocons from the state department. Blinken/Nuland are responsible for the mess in Ukraine. Biden hasn't run anything since he was elected. He's nothing more than pot holder.

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Let’s not forget Obama’s role in messing with Ukraine. I guarantee Trump hasn’t forgotten. https://www.cato.org/commentary/americas-ukraine-hypocrisy

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True enough.

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Great piece! Thank you.

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I don’t buy the Netanyahooooo power line. As if one lone demon can pull so many levers.

Going back decades the system of power in the states has bought into the idea that external enemies unite and distract people from what’s really going on, plus the fact that wars are profitable, and that there’s all that oil in the ground.

The power structure, wielding its power through the states (before that GB), has been fucking with that part of the world long before bibi was even a loveless, cold shag in his parent’s bedroom. I love listening to Jeffrey, and he’s often on the money, but so many commentators but into this geopolitical line that Israel is the tail that wags the dog - sure, it’s a powerful lobby, but if it ever even threatened to interrupt the flow of power and capital, it’d be choke chained to heel toot sweet. It is a real stretch of rationale to lump much of those events at Bibi’s feet.

Governments are the admin wing of the globe spanning power structure - not the top of the pyramid. And leaders come and go, and are easily dispensed with if they truly threaten the status quo. Whereas:

Dead Iraqis, profitable

Country ‘Reconstruction’, profitable

Theft of resources, profitable

Dead Palestinians, profitable

Construction of beach front condos and mochachocajaffaorange frapuccinos units, profitable.

Dancing to Bibi’s tune, that’s a dicey investment the power structure just would not entertain.

Paddy Chayefsky saw this clear as day way back in the 70’s - i once again reproduce it here.


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Actions speak louder than words, especially in the midst of a war on words, massive psyops, propagandists claiming credibility and widespread mind control/warfare -- while nations embrace every kind of perverse ideology and the globalists are licking their lips in anticipation of the collapse of the west so they can complete their conceited, centralized, transnational totalitarian electronic panopticon amidst the endless culling wars for those deemed (initially) expendable? With hand-crafted plagues and the master of ceremonies of one of the largest of them ever perpetuated and a staff of technocratic-leaning, bought-and-paid for stooges, we should accept that there is no level to which anyone in a perceived position of "power" will not stoop (willingly and glibly) to enable the "master plan" to proceed, while the uni-party continues to provide entertainment, distraction and division to keep the masses at bay, and one another's throats. Whatever happens, deflection, rhetoric and shaming will flourish and truth as it was once known and defined will continue to be redefined and relegated to the latest accepted sound byte for placating the uneasy spectators who are mostly clueless about their already decided upon fate.

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"Nyet means nyet"

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Netanyahu is demonic

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Is any of it really surprising? It’s how the world rolls. The details may be different but this is what the old guard of the world has been doing for decades.

There are two objectives to wars that don’t involve politics, yeah I know they all do. They win the war, and win it as quickly as possible. Trump have us glimmer of this when he told our military bro get rid of ISIS and got out of their way. Hopefully the destruction of the liberal elite through out the world will be the turning point. But in reality, it is what war is, and has always been. There is nothing new under the sun.

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I'm not getting caught flat-footed on the question of "What the heck is Trump about?" this time around. Plenty of people have suggested Trump converted to judaism several years ago. His father referred to Rabbi Israel Wagner as "my rabbi", he gave his daughter to a Chabad Jew, no easy feat for a non-Jew. I agree. Trump is an American Zionist Jew (which doesn't mean having to support Bibi).

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I can’t get on board with that-he’s spoken of Jesus as the Son God, and his Christmas speech was on the same subject.

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What Trump really believes is anyones guess, other than white supremacy, world domination, power and money. He will say and do anything, even if he contracdicts himself, in order to achieve his goals.

Just look at the strongmen he admires most: Orban, Putin, Xi Jinping,, Kim Jong Un, Netenyahu, and Adolf Hitler. He surrounds himself with sychophants and demands total loyalty and he will throw anyone who doubts him under the bus. Rules, Laws and the Constitution are for suckers and losers.

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Shelley reads the headlines, woot!

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Do you work for CNN or MSNBC? I hope they pay well.

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I guess that’s where our beliefs will part ways. I believe he’s got the best interests and intentions for the United States of America. That is what drives him to be President, even though he’s likely in danger of assassination at any time. I’m with him.

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It will be interesting to watch the developments!

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I was just saying to my husband last night, it would be interesting to see how our future historians write about this current episode. That is IF anyone is still around in 100 years time and writing books is still a thing. LOL

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Whaaaaaaaat? The Neocon Project for a New American Century is still alive? Say it isn't so! If you pick at the scab the is Donald Trump, you'll find the old GOP still oozing about.

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I hate him. He’s becoming more senile each day. He’s a mean psycho coward who like mob bosses gets others to do his bidding for him. Musk I believe is abetting very crazy things in order to distract people & continue his coup to rape & deconstruct our country. He’s going at lightening speed & making huge mistakes he has to walk back. He is careless & overly confident he can run America like his car company. No respect or civility in this monster out of a horror movie. I would like to see him get to Mars, take all his illegitimate children & baby making women & stay there. Bring Mom too.

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Sachs and Napolitano are speakers of truth to the best of their knowledge and use of intuition. There lies a disposition of disbelief in the sincerity or goodness of human motives and actions and is ever so present in the spirit of the times. We know now more than ever that this is true. Where does a person who rejects all conventional desires for wealth, power, glory, social recognition, conformity, and worldly possession's fit in this matrix of confusion?

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Because this is his second and final term in office, Trump doesn’t need to retain voters, so he doesn’t have to please his base. Trump will do whatever he pleases.

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Very interesting! Long thought Dems and republicans were both asses but this is even more thought provoking!

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