The situation in Venezuela is complex and cannot be easily reduced to simple narratives, like these pinko commie pigs who write for the dissident try and explain. Here are the key factors contributing to the crisis:

- Economic Mismanagement:

- Reliance on oil revenues without diversification.

- Poor fiscal policies leading to budget deficits and inflation.

- Price controls and currency management hindered production.

- Declining Oil Prices:

- A sharp drop in global oil prices severely impacted government revenue, which is heavily dependent on oil exports.

- Political Instability:

- Ongoing power struggles and authoritarian governance have led to uncertainty and corruption.

- Suppression of opposition has stifled democratic processes and economic recovery.

- Impact of Sanctions:

- U.S. sanctions have targeted the oil sector and key government officials, squeezing the economy further.

- While aimed at promoting political change, sanctions have also according to some experts contributed to humanitarian hardships. It’s important to note this sanctions started in 2015 with Obama and intensified in 2017-2018. Many experts claimed that if there were no sanctions it’s pretty clear from past experience in Venezuela and their corrupt leaders would have pilfered any of the profits and not helped improve the standard of living for their citizenship. This has been their governments history of behavior.

- Social Issues:

- Widespread poverty, shortages of basic goods, and deteriorating healthcare services have compounded the crisis. This has been the case for well over 40 years dating back to the 70s when Pérez was president and he nationalized key industries and then in 98 with Chávez went full socialism.

- Mass migration resulting from the deteriorating living conditions has created regional challenges.

In Conclusion, understanding the crisis in Venezuela requires a nuanced view of the interplay between economic policies, political governance, global market dynamics, and external pressures. And acknowledging the country is currently being run by communist criminals who have zero intent on improving the life’s of their citizens.

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Your pathetic little island is fucked beyond salvation, you clueless British twats. You’re so far up your own asses you can’t even see the shitstorm you’re in. I don’t give a flying fuck if this offends your delicate sensibilities—cry about it on Substack for all I care. I read your dumbass comment and I’m baffled—how the hell do you think the CIA penned that? Those spineless deep-state pricks wouldn’t dare point fingers at the real mess in Venezuela, with all its tangled causes. Nah, they’d just pin it on Trump like the predictable, power-hungry bureaucrats they are. They’re the unelected scum pulling strings while your country crumbles. Wake the fuck up.

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We may have a pathetic little island but at least we don't have to consult AI to write comments on Substack like you do.

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Go fuck yourself😤 🤡

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The CIA wrote your comment, huh?

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You mean Biden’s secret police force?

You write about authoritarians and tyrants, and somehow you are sympathetic to the assholes who steal from Venezuelans and drove their economy into the ground. You lefty libtards are something else.

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No, I mean the lame stream media which is told what to write by the CIA.

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What Grim or The Dissident have written reflects the narrative that mainstream media promotes. With Trump in power, there seems to be a concerted effort to ensure that everyone experiences Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS).

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Forget who is in the White House.... read my main comment on this post. I did not appreciate you editing your comment to insult me - I am not "sympathetic to the assholes who steal from Venezuelans" and I am certainly NOT a lefty libtard, I am a Brit - so mind your manners.

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Trump is not a globalist.

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The UK is heading for a civil war within five years, thanks to the establishment not listening to the real British people, I.e. the indigenous English, Welsh and Scottish people. You have an Islamist fifth column in the UK, being watched by MI5. Unfortunately that surveillance is not picking up all that is going on in the background. “Since March 2017, MI5 and the police have together disrupted 43 late-stage attack plots. Some of those plotters were trying to get hold of firearms and explosives, in the final days of planning mass murder. Our vital work together has saved numerous lives.”

From MI5 Director General Ken McAllum:

“The headline split of our counter terrorist work remains roughly 75% Islamist extremist, 25% extreme right-wing terrorism. But under that headline, much has shifted. Straightforward labels like “Islamist terrorism” or “extreme right wing” don’t fully reflect the dizzying range of beliefs and ideologies we see.” The UK has serious problems having introduced an ideology called Islam into the UK, and the Government is refusing to do what is really needed to do about it, which is mass deportation. The “extreme right wing” only exists because of the Islamist threat in the UK.

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That is a globalist plan known as the Pentagon Brief by Thomas P Barnett. It is not a British plan. https://francesleader.substack.com/p/ww3-the-pentagon-brief

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Very disappointing.

Thanks for covering.

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Thanks for your research too

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A nation should be able to feed itself. Do you think your readers are stupid?

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Brigitte Gabriel



Lebanon was the only Christian-majority nation in the Middle East.

It's where I was born.

We prided ourselves on inclusivity. Always welcoming Arab Muslim refugees from all over the Middle East.

We had the best economy despite having no natural oil. The best universities.

They called Beirut the "Paris of the Middle East" and the Mountains of Lebanon was a tourist destination.

My early childhood was idyllic, my father was a prosperous businessman in town and my mother was at home with me, an only child.

Slowly, the Arab Muslims began to become the majority in Lebanon and our rights began to wither away.

Soon, we would find ourselves unable to leave our small Christian town without fear of being stopped and killed by Arabs. In Lebanon your religion is on your government issued ID.

As the war intensified and the radical Islamists made their way south, my home was hit by an errant rocket and my life was forever changed.

We spent the next almost decade in a bomb shelter, scraping together pennies and eating dandelions and roots just to survive.

If it was not for Israel coming in and surrounding our town, I do not know If I would be here today.

Lebanon is now a country 100% controlled and run by Hezbollah. I lost my country of birth.

I thank God every single day I was able to immigrate to America and live out the dream that BILLIONS of people only dream of having.

Now here in America, my adopted country that I have come to love so much, I see the same threats and warning signs happening now that took place in Lebanon when I was a child.

This is my warning to you, America, reverse course now while you still can.

It's not too late to save our freedom and preserve it for the next generation.

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Venezuela has been incapable of drilling and processing oil on their own due to lack of engineering,raw materials,parts,qualified labor etc.? Is that true? When you contract out any portion of this you become dependent on business deals which require political shenanigans. You are then affected and controlled by other counties interests. This defines Venezuela’s problem not being self reliant or better self sufficient. Just look how the political agendas destroyed everything. Why do it again? Trump is business as usual and he betting on the US self reliance not Venezuela’s survival. If you’re gonna sell oil then drill it,refine it and deliver it yourself otherwise the political structure will undermine you.

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The Government of Venezuelan killed the golden goose: Oil production. Just a

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I have to disagree with the president on this topic. The sanctions should never have been applied in the first place. When Hugo Chavez was elected it was on a platform of Venezuela’s resources belong to the Venezuelan people. The country and its state oil company was being looted by an upper class interested only in getting wealthier. Maduro continued those policies. After his first election the U.S. immediately that the election was rigged despite the fact that the outside observers declared the election to be fair. The U.S. then imposed sanctions not just on Venezuela but also on some of the international observers, that’s pathetic like a child not getting its own way. The U.S. the conjured up an alternative president in Juan Guiado and what an utter failure that was. Still, Guiado seems pretty happy living in Miami curtesy of American taxpayers. If Maduro is such a bad guy and so hated why is it that three U.S. sponsored coups all failed? A far better policy would be to remove all sanctions, bring Venezuela back into the fold and explore the economic opportunities represented by the country’s oil and lithium reserves.

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Yeah, and our Secretary of State is descended from Cuban exiles, who have it in for any leftist movement anywhere, but especially in Latin America. I think Trump thinks he can push those countries around like Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson did. He can't do that with Venezuela.

Venezuela will survive. Their economy has been improving of late, and while they have to worry about an American-sponsored coup they don't have to worry about a military invasion. They have a state of the art Russian air defense system partially operated by Russians. Trump's not going to touch that.

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Just earlier at a food distribution facility I was quipping about piles of moldy fruit attaining the criteria of "presidential quality." Guess I wasn't off the mark?

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Unfortunately Trump is no different from other US presidents who have systematically murdered or destabilised any country that doesn’t march to the beat of Americas drum

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I've read and heard talk about Trump getting a Nobel Peace Prize. Well, he shouldn't get one because he doesn't deserve one. The absence of kinetic warfare isn't the equivalent of peace.

Peace is people from different nationalities living together in conviviality. According to this definition Trump has never brought peace.

If anyone outside your country is suffering as a direct or indirect result of your country's policies then you are war. You may be conducting that war through so called soft power but you are still at war. Sanctions, blockade, asset freezes are, according to the U.N. Charter, acts of war.

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This to me is THE greatest failure of all Social Media vs old fashioned newspapers: anonymity disguised as “free speech”.

Propaganda hides behind faceless, nameless, writings that may contain supporting links to the article to build a narrative completely controlled by the writer (aka “rabbit hole”) while hiding the larger context required to see the bigger picture: who’s the writer and what is their bias (we all have them, but we don’t all hide them).

Regards to Venezuela: the current regime in charge just cancelled the overwhelming election by the people who elected their new President, exposing yet again the dictatorship that is starving their own people.

President Trump’s method of applying tariffs and “reciprocation” (in lieu of other hidden charges and fees) is to end the practice of importing goods into the US from Countries and offshore Corporations that charge us more than we charge them.

That’s called “Free & Fair Trade” aka Free Enterprise by Free People. To do anything less is National Suicide by The Enemies Within:

The UniParty of career politicians getting rich in office selling out they people they are supposed to represent to globalist Corporations who’s only mission is to make profit for shareholders (CRONY fake Capitalism) with their own corrupt tax code full of loopholes bought from those sold out politicians.

DOGE: Follow the money. Always, follow the money. Now it is time to arrest the criminals at the Top, politicians included.

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The Trump administration and every administration since Eisenhower has nothing to do with America. America has been and will be subservient to Israel and other international brands. Oil did not go to America during the gulf wars it went to Israel. America is a front for the largest military in the world (Israel). America is just the largest warehouse. We don't own our financial institutions, universities, media, roads, bridges, natural resources, national parks. What's being worth a half a trillion dollars if a child can make you do their dishes. What's a half a trillion dollars to any one person if you are the chosen one . What’s Billions in aid going to Israel when America spent trillions on wars for Israel. Bibi and family don't bring their dirty laundry with them on vacation because they want their laundry done. They do it because every waking moment in a Israeli life is focused on power. What better way to show power over someone else than humility. They are what the nazis would have become given 70 years.

After all the documented Americans killed by Israel you will never hear in the American press the draconian measures Israel is imposing on the American people's freedom of speech. As a matter of fact you would have better luck hearing it in the Israeli press. JD Vance will criticize other nation on freedom of speech on all other issues besides Israel. This is because he's full of shit. Just like cooking oil spray Barbie who released the Epstein list and immediately started blaming the the FBI when it was the same list from the Epstein trial that anyone can look up. No one could have seen this coming except for the people who know who Epstein is. They do have the dead people on the list they can blame everything on to the woke and second amendment first Americans who get all their information from people who spend a hour in make up and wardrobe before delivering the next act.

I wonder when and where Epstein will resurface. He's not so old that he couldn't make a come back into polite society in a few years. After all everyone else on the list is still trafficking people.

Israel doesn't gives a shit about other nations. If Israel had any interest in Venezuela or Texas for that matter they would look like Gaza. And Texans would pay for it. Because Israel keeps American's the least informed and most highly propagandized people in the world. If America wants to go beat up the other kids in the neighborhood or shoot their toys into space so be it. Dinner is at 5pm sharp, and don't be late. Or Israel will show you being spanked in front of all your friends.

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Trump wants Maduro to rule Venezuala like Melei rules Argentina. God help the people that can't benefit from their country's wealth because of the greedy Autocrats and Oligarchs stealing it all.

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Trump is a globalist, so action against Venezuela is expected because the international crime syndicate is still following the Pentagon Brief of 2004. If you do not know what that is read this:


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Trump is not a globalist. He’s a nationalist.

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