Free speech is one thing, but inciting violence, threatening people, disrupting a university, causing property damage, etc are another. This is a Green Card fake student here by the good graces of the U.S. who is no longer welcomed. It’s not his speech that is the problem. Stop pretending that this is a free speech issue.
He did not incite violence; he protested against violence. Universities are places for protesting because students are meant to be safe to express themselves. Higher education institutions have historically been critical in fostering change and activism. He was legally in this country, and therefore, he has full access to rights and liberties. It was free speech for MAGA when it was blatant racism, misogyny, etc., but now it is too far when criticizing our government and universities for funding Israel.
So these privileges for foreigners and rights for citizens can be revoked for legal residents, but not for citizens. I see no issue with the deportation. He is a guest of this country, he should act like it.
It was a riot,property damage is not free speech; disruption of academic schedules is robbing students of something (supposedly of value that their parents or their progeny paid for wfiat money & they paid with their time. No , they were not as dramatic as the ‘mostly peaceful protests oftge spring of 2020, but followed the same playbook.
I understood that Trump is supposed to be a peace maker. If so then why is he taking sides in this war instead of holding Israel accountable for their crimes against humanity??!! The same goes for the Taliban in Syria!!
Because it is Hamas that is guilty of crimes against humanity, remember Hamas started it October 7,2023 & if you want to get historical then they started it (or their fore fathers did in 1947).
Remember: it’s the Jews who started the Warsaw uprising and massacred the peaceful German Nazis who were just doing their jobs of keeping the Germans living next to the ghetto safe!
Explain your self. Hamas incursion & atrocities broke a cease fire on October 7, 2023; they were the aggressors & now they are paying the price. You are a lying or ignorant fool.
Get ready for another massive wave of Orange Bolshevist denialism. Those Clementine Communist mangomongers border MSM Hillary-shillery liberal depths of abysmal totalitarian fascisimping.
These protests often include support for Hamas and other radical groups. We know these groups have infiltrated our country. Should we be allowed to take preemptive action to prevent festering? If not, when would it be reasonable to do so?
This is non-sense. What we are dealing with here are paid and well trained political chaos makers. This person should be arrested, jailed, deported if he is lucky. I would rather squeeze information out of him to find his co-conspirators who I believe are formenting evil upon our country. Let's see assault, creating a riot, taking over a building, etc. That sounds like a few years in prison to me maybe longer. Send the professional disruptor to Gitmo and go collect his 'terrorist' friends as well.
So anyone who commits crimes while wearing a keffiyeh is a free speecher and anyone who you disagree with is a communist who endorses gulags? We are talking about a paid political terrorist here not a grandma. He should be labeled a terrorist and be sent to Gitmo along with any of his buddies who are also terrorists. If you do not want to be jailed or kicked out of the United States try protesting peacefully and not taking over universities. Doesn't sound like you get it. Maybe you endorse such behavior?
So if I dress up in a Keffiyeh and assault both verbally and physically Jewish Americans then we are blaming 'Zionist hoodlums?' Not following your logic but please continue to embarrass yourself with this non-sense.
Their is no excuse for the behavior of this movement on Jewish people or the college communities where this happening. No excuse.
Zionish hoodlums? What and who in the world are you talking about? You just spurt non-sense. Are you talking about regular law abiding Americans? Christians? Jews? Who does this label represent? Please be specific you are not making any sense?
“…because he had led protests against the genocide in Gaza”
Your biggest problem is that there is no genocide in Gaza. Just a bunch of terrorist who would like nothing more than to see you dead and destroy your way of life.
CLAIM (of ‘authority’ or ‘presumption’) borders on insanity. Protests by the CLAN, MLK JR, UNIONS, WOMENS MARCH, JAN6 INSURRECTIONISTS, RIGHT TO WORK folk, Teamsters, Nurses... Endlessgroips.… C’MON TRUMP! Your racist, ignorant, pontificating DIVISION of Americans is a DISEASE that demands TREATMENT!😵💫😰🤡😎
The concept of free speech presented here is Communist. It goes back to the Berkeley Free Speech Movement. Don’t be confused by their patter about free speech being allowed anywhere at any time. They are talking about THEIR free speech… the Marxist vomit spewed out of these anti-Semites’ mouths. Anyone who speaks out for Israel (or the POTUS) is a “fascist” to be silenced by threats and anger and riots. I hope they start yelling obscenities at the Marines in the tanks armed with canister shot. They can outswear and outshoot any rioters.
As Frank Zappa famously said: “The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Isn't it sad that People can be so influenced by money? "OMG! They're pulling the money feed! Quick! Do something!" We can solve for that. Which will solve for most issues We see...
Its incredibly disappointing. I'm conservative, but after several trips to the Middle East and a couple to Gaza specifically -- and I have ZERO skin in the game -- it is UNDENIABLY an occupation. It is what it is.
This is getting just plain weird (and I'll even say "evil") pretending like it is something else and NOT being able to cal lit that.
Hamas is a recognized terror organization. Protesters are aiding and abetting it and conducting themselves in a bigoted, anti-Semitic manner in violation of multiple federal laws. The crackdown is long overdue and should be carried out expeditiously and to the full extent of the law. Any of those involved who are not citizens should be prosecuted and deported; those who are citizens should be prosecuted; those who are students should be expelled; schools who aid and abet them should be defunded. Hit them hard, hit them fast, hit them often. The teachers need to learn their lesson so that never again will Jews be discriminated against and the two-tier DEI system is smashed to atoms forever.
Free speech is one thing, but inciting violence, threatening people, disrupting a university, causing property damage, etc are another. This is a Green Card fake student here by the good graces of the U.S. who is no longer welcomed. It’s not his speech that is the problem. Stop pretending that this is a free speech issue.
He did not incite violence; he protested against violence. Universities are places for protesting because students are meant to be safe to express themselves. Higher education institutions have historically been critical in fostering change and activism. He was legally in this country, and therefore, he has full access to rights and liberties. It was free speech for MAGA when it was blatant racism, misogyny, etc., but now it is too far when criticizing our government and universities for funding Israel.
So these privileges for foreigners and rights for citizens can be revoked for legal residents, but not for citizens. I see no issue with the deportation. He is a guest of this country, he should act like it.
It was a riot,property damage is not free speech; disruption of academic schedules is robbing students of something (supposedly of value that their parents or their progeny paid for wfiat money & they paid with their time. No , they were not as dramatic as the ‘mostly peaceful protests oftge spring of 2020, but followed the same playbook.
I understood that Trump is supposed to be a peace maker. If so then why is he taking sides in this war instead of holding Israel accountable for their crimes against humanity??!! The same goes for the Taliban in Syria!!
Because it is Hamas that is guilty of crimes against humanity, remember Hamas started it October 7,2023 & if you want to get historical then they started it (or their fore fathers did in 1947).
Do you have Alzheimer’s disease or something?
Remember: it’s the Jews who started the Warsaw uprising and massacred the peaceful German Nazis who were just doing their jobs of keeping the Germans living next to the ghetto safe!
You are being sarcastic, aren’t you?!
No you are! when you said Hamas started it on October 7th 2023. You seem to have Alzheimer’s disease.
Explain your self. Hamas incursion & atrocities broke a cease fire on October 7, 2023; they were the aggressors & now they are paying the price. You are a lying or ignorant fool.
I also believe one of his major donors is a lady who is a 100% Pro-Israel.
I like Trump (sorta) , but this is wrong. You HAVE to be able to label things what they really are.
Get ready for another massive wave of Orange Bolshevist denialism. Those Clementine Communist mangomongers border MSM Hillary-shillery liberal depths of abysmal totalitarian fascisimping.
These protests often include support for Hamas and other radical groups. We know these groups have infiltrated our country. Should we be allowed to take preemptive action to prevent festering? If not, when would it be reasonable to do so?
This is non-sense. What we are dealing with here are paid and well trained political chaos makers. This person should be arrested, jailed, deported if he is lucky. I would rather squeeze information out of him to find his co-conspirators who I believe are formenting evil upon our country. Let's see assault, creating a riot, taking over a building, etc. That sounds like a few years in prison to me maybe longer. Send the professional disruptor to Gitmo and go collect his 'terrorist' friends as well.
OK "AmericanMutt," so you hate free speech and endorse Communist gulags for peaceful dissenters. Got it.
So anyone who commits crimes while wearing a keffiyeh is a free speecher and anyone who you disagree with is a communist who endorses gulags? We are talking about a paid political terrorist here not a grandma. He should be labeled a terrorist and be sent to Gitmo along with any of his buddies who are also terrorists. If you do not want to be jailed or kicked out of the United States try protesting peacefully and not taking over universities. Doesn't sound like you get it. Maybe you endorse such behavior?
Paid political terrorist? Are you talking about the Zionist hoodlums? Sounds about right.
So if I dress up in a Keffiyeh and assault both verbally and physically Jewish Americans then we are blaming 'Zionist hoodlums?' Not following your logic but please continue to embarrass yourself with this non-sense.
Their is no excuse for the behavior of this movement on Jewish people or the college communities where this happening. No excuse.
Physically assaulting Jewish Americans? Indeed, the Zionist hoodlums did physically assault the students all over the country. You got that right.
Zionish hoodlums? What and who in the world are you talking about? You just spurt non-sense. Are you talking about regular law abiding Americans? Christians? Jews? Who does this label represent? Please be specific you are not making any sense?
You have to realize that they are always right and “fascists” are always wrong.
Fuck off Nazi scum 😤
“…because he had led protests against the genocide in Gaza”
Your biggest problem is that there is no genocide in Gaza. Just a bunch of terrorist who would like nothing more than to see you dead and destroy your way of life.
Is there a line? What does a liberal and free society do when faced with an illiberal movement that intends to undermine said society?
“… illegal protests…”
The ‘definition’ of this Presidential
CLAIM (of ‘authority’ or ‘presumption’) borders on insanity. Protests by the CLAN, MLK JR, UNIONS, WOMENS MARCH, JAN6 INSURRECTIONISTS, RIGHT TO WORK folk, Teamsters, Nurses... Endlessgroips.… C’MON TRUMP! Your racist, ignorant, pontificating DIVISION of Americans is a DISEASE that demands TREATMENT!😵💫😰🤡😎
TDS , Brucie boy. Who is paying you to post Soros, or js there still $$ in your USAID account?
Or are you just off your meds?
The concept of free speech presented here is Communist. It goes back to the Berkeley Free Speech Movement. Don’t be confused by their patter about free speech being allowed anywhere at any time. They are talking about THEIR free speech… the Marxist vomit spewed out of these anti-Semites’ mouths. Anyone who speaks out for Israel (or the POTUS) is a “fascist” to be silenced by threats and anger and riots. I hope they start yelling obscenities at the Marines in the tanks armed with canister shot. They can outswear and outshoot any rioters.
Never forget that Trump is the snake that you let in even though you knew he was a snake.
And….”Politics is the entertainment division of the military-industrial complex”
In their system they there was nothing between them - if you are Palestinian, same outcome.
That is true. I abstain from voting in the UK. We have the same Uniparty here.
As Frank Zappa famously said: “The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Isn't it sad that People can be so influenced by money? "OMG! They're pulling the money feed! Quick! Do something!" We can solve for that. Which will solve for most issues We see...
Money Motivates the Most Marvelous Manifestations! (article):
Obsoleting Money (article):
Its incredibly disappointing. I'm conservative, but after several trips to the Middle East and a couple to Gaza specifically -- and I have ZERO skin in the game -- it is UNDENIABLY an occupation. It is what it is.
This is getting just plain weird (and I'll even say "evil") pretending like it is something else and NOT being able to cal lit that.
Hamas is a recognized terror organization. Protesters are aiding and abetting it and conducting themselves in a bigoted, anti-Semitic manner in violation of multiple federal laws. The crackdown is long overdue and should be carried out expeditiously and to the full extent of the law. Any of those involved who are not citizens should be prosecuted and deported; those who are citizens should be prosecuted; those who are students should be expelled; schools who aid and abet them should be defunded. Hit them hard, hit them fast, hit them often. The teachers need to learn their lesson so that never again will Jews be discriminated against and the two-tier DEI system is smashed to atoms forever.
I did not vote for Trump precisely because of his subservience to the jews.
Why don’t you just come right out and say it? Say what you are really feeling: Hitler was right, “we should have let him finish off them damned Kikes!
You are a despicable almost human being.
Are you a jew?
No but you are truly a bigot