And the Western Zionist outlets, to add atrocious hypocritical insult upon injury, are now co-opting the plight of hounded Syrian minorities as they propagand duplicitous "condemnation" of those very Sunni supremacist Islamists funded by their own government/intelligence bosses.
It's a historical pattern: fund a secondary front of paid proxies to overthrow your real enemy, and once the regime change operation successfully plunges that nation/region into unprecedented chaos, 180 yourself into the most ferociously self-presented enemy of those frontist proxies you intricately facilitated the creation of. Last week I was investigating the historical trail of MI6 and the German government during WWI deploying Bolshevik terror against Russia, and certainly the playbook from then to now hasn't changed. Ditto in the case examples of Max Warburg lending financial support to Hitler, the CIA fomenting ISIS, and probably very soon down the line, the revealed script for why Anglo-American clandestine geopolitics elevated Zionism into power.
That’s, lookin in right places now. Trump is on to it, neocons go way back to the 1st Bush, Clinton, etc Follow the names start with Victoria Nulands, schools,, family members, sec. Of state even back to Carter. It’s deep & and really mucky, lots of carnage & blood & resources, And lots of billionaires expanding the old millionaire class………. And a mountain of Lies!
"There is no doubt that the Assads and the Ba'athist party were a brutal and corrupt regime that had clearly worn out any welcome they may have had in Syria a long time ago."
This is total bs and you are just parroting western propaganda.
Exactly this. Seems like all tge leaders who say no to a centralized banking cartel are brutal seething terrorists against thei own population. Just ask Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi.
And it’s funny, how the US projects it’s behavior onto to others… and how most refuse to see it.
Every Syrian person I’ve spoken with over the past decade and then-some has stated a clear preference for the Assad regime over what would likely follow should Assad be overthrown.
For a government by a minority group (Alawites) is characterized by an inherent commitment to protect all minorities. Majority rule, especially in the hands of Islamists, will do the opposite. This descends into mob rule, complete with attendant atrocities.
Their viewpoints were prescient.
And the “Neoconservatives” share a considerable portion of the blame.
The old adage, “Be careful what you wish for, it might just come true” is again proven wise advice.
Obama, Brennan, McCain, Hillary, Biden, Blinken...Great job idiots. One thing the CIA knows how to do is take a bad situation and screw it up beyond recognition. Brennan is probably loving this since he is the big Muslim. The stupidity in our government is beyond the pale. The last 3 Democratic Admins and Bush 43 should all be in jail for crimes against humanity.
Please - don’t mention Islam. We don’t want people reading about that warlord Mohammad. Or the Armenian genocide. Or jihad. Or the death penalty for apostasy. There’s nothing to see here, move along.
Very well done breakdown of the epic failures of the neo-con democrats in the Obama regime. Hard to believe but they actually made the mess that was created by the Bushes even worse.
Yeah, nice going, meddlers.
We always make things worse.
And we still have troops there -- as bait.
War pigs won't be happy til there's a war on every continent.
U.S. foreign policy=Murder,Inc
And the Western Zionist outlets, to add atrocious hypocritical insult upon injury, are now co-opting the plight of hounded Syrian minorities as they propagand duplicitous "condemnation" of those very Sunni supremacist Islamists funded by their own government/intelligence bosses.
It's a historical pattern: fund a secondary front of paid proxies to overthrow your real enemy, and once the regime change operation successfully plunges that nation/region into unprecedented chaos, 180 yourself into the most ferociously self-presented enemy of those frontist proxies you intricately facilitated the creation of. Last week I was investigating the historical trail of MI6 and the German government during WWI deploying Bolshevik terror against Russia, and certainly the playbook from then to now hasn't changed. Ditto in the case examples of Max Warburg lending financial support to Hitler, the CIA fomenting ISIS, and probably very soon down the line, the revealed script for why Anglo-American clandestine geopolitics elevated Zionism into power.
That’s, lookin in right places now. Trump is on to it, neocons go way back to the 1st Bush, Clinton, etc Follow the names start with Victoria Nulands, schools,, family members, sec. Of state even back to Carter. It’s deep & and really mucky, lots of carnage & blood & resources, And lots of billionaires expanding the old millionaire class………. And a mountain of Lies!
"There is no doubt that the Assads and the Ba'athist party were a brutal and corrupt regime that had clearly worn out any welcome they may have had in Syria a long time ago."
This is total bs and you are just parroting western propaganda.
2014 🇸🇾
2021 🇸🇾
Exactly this. Seems like all tge leaders who say no to a centralized banking cartel are brutal seething terrorists against thei own population. Just ask Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi.
And it’s funny, how the US projects it’s behavior onto to others… and how most refuse to see it.
Every Syrian person I’ve spoken with over the past decade and then-some has stated a clear preference for the Assad regime over what would likely follow should Assad be overthrown.
For a government by a minority group (Alawites) is characterized by an inherent commitment to protect all minorities. Majority rule, especially in the hands of Islamists, will do the opposite. This descends into mob rule, complete with attendant atrocities.
Their viewpoints were prescient.
And the “Neoconservatives” share a considerable portion of the blame.
The old adage, “Be careful what you wish for, it might just come true” is again proven wise advice.
Best we get out of this business.
Obama, Brennan, McCain, Hillary, Biden, Blinken...Great job idiots. One thing the CIA knows how to do is take a bad situation and screw it up beyond recognition. Brennan is probably loving this since he is the big Muslim. The stupidity in our government is beyond the pale. The last 3 Democratic Admins and Bush 43 should all be in jail for crimes against humanity.
The West = Biden-Obama
Please - don’t mention Islam. We don’t want people reading about that warlord Mohammad. Or the Armenian genocide. Or jihad. Or the death penalty for apostasy. There’s nothing to see here, move along.
Very well done breakdown of the epic failures of the neo-con democrats in the Obama regime. Hard to believe but they actually made the mess that was created by the Bushes even worse.