« Fighter helicopters «  are American Apaches, and « belly of ammunition «  is American hellfire missiles.

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Gaza: From the beginning, I wondered about events on Oct 7. First, Hamas' goal was to take hostages, not to kill civilians (this is haram in Islam); next, the photos of burned bodies should have made everyone wonder as Hamas did not possess weapons capable of such destruction. I remember raising questions on social media and being overwhelmed with accusations of being "pro-Hamas", and naturally, I had no trouble being pro-Hamas. Who wouldn't be?

Nuland: Vickie said that the peace proposal was fine, but then people read text hidden in addendums that Ukraine would have to limit its military. In other words, be neutral. But, when I heard about the peace plan, Ukrainian neutrality was first in importance. Vickie lies.

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I wish you wouldn't call them "pro-Palestinian outlets." First, you're using the words of the aggressors. This validates their world view.

Second, they're not so much "pro-Palestinian" as "pro-sanity" in a mad world.

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That's been bothering me for a long time.

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jews kill

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Will forever tolerate Jewish supremacy and apartheid in Palestine. Full stop. If the IDF invades Lebanon in force, the resulting regional war may end with Israel’s destruction. Again, US policy in the Middle East is another fiasco in the making.

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That if we expanded NATO to the gates of Moscow the Russians would react with fury in defense of their vital interests. But Billy boy Clinton thought he knew better than Kennan, one of the truly wise men of the age. We Americans must stop permitting fools to make policy. We need to clean house.

The second brutal fact we must face is that the Israeli policy of living by the sword in pursuit of Jewish supremacy is slow motion suicide. Neither the world in general nor South Africa in particular could tolerate white supremacy and its concomitant apartheid. Neither the world nor the Muslim Middle East

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The US is wrong & evil to support the wars in Ukraine & Gaza. The media here hides more than it tells the truth. Meanwhile the war victims live & die in the hell we pay for. Who knew things could be so awful, as we called America great. This is the price of ignorance. WAKE UP Americans!

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Well, well, well, the main stream media is utterly worthless. But we knew that, didn’t we? The brutal facts are that the Kursk incursion is senseless militarily and is hastening the collapse of the Donbas front. US policy in Ukraine is pure fiasco. Anybody with a flea’s intelligence knew that challenging a nuclear armed Great Power on its 1,000 kilometer border with Ukraine would end in tears. The USA any its allies are facing a decisive strategic defeat. What infuriates me the most is that George Kennan told one and all in the 1990’s

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