Amazing how Israel can kill countless more innocents than Hamas but doesn’t get the “terrorist” categorization. In Britain , the law is that only terrorists without well funded lobbies can be criticized.

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That’s simply because Israel doesn’t kill more innocents than Hamas, let alone “countless.”more. stop reading Al Jazeera and get your facts straight

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Do the math. It isn’t even close. Every year. Every decade. The Palestinians lose more civilians. And they are the ones subjected to occupation and siege and harassment, beatings, torture, kidnappings. The Israeli PR machine makes sure everyone only focuses on the one day where the losses went the other way. Stop being a dupe.

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Doug "Holocaust denier #945,021,821,656" Taylor says what?

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All the good little Nazis are lining up to protect their Zionist sponsors from their citizens' deservedly bad opinion of them. Poor little Zionists. Apparently 'words [really] do hurt'. BDS forever.

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This is so dangerous and certainly shows that "freedom of expression" has now been taken away. What a disaster for the all of us, for the world.

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The genocide perpetrated by Israel and its allies in the western empire - and YES, it has been and remains a brutal genocide - shows the utter absence of morality in the leaders of these nations. I support the rights of Palestinians to their very lives, as well as the land they have lived on for many years.

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Ok Dad, support whom you like but make a careful choice, keep your eyes open, and learn a little history before going all in with the so called Palestinians

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There’s no genocide. You lose all credibility when you blatantly lie and mischaracterise something so obvious. No one can really now believe anything you write. You’re either demented or deceitful, or a shill for torturing, murdering rapists. Beneath contempt.

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How pitiful; you Zionist white supremacist shills never cease denying the existence of that very Holocaust you brazenly justify.

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Zionist White Supremacist, eh? It’s amazing I have any time left in my day for normal things, like my family, my friends, my job. I don’t really have time to dedicate myself fully to the old Zionist White Supremacy. If I rolled my eyes any harder at you, and that abandoned barn you call a brain, I would hurt myself. Just keep smashing “baddy words” together. It doesn’t make you look retarded. At all.

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wow such a convincing counterpoint

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Project harder, Zionist "Oli Blah."

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You are proving Oli's point. You really are a stupid antisemite.

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Case in point 😂

You just have buzzwords you don’t understand. You’re not a serious person.

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Holocaust denialism. Desperate times desperate measures.

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What holocaust do you refer to?

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What holocaust do you deny? The one Nazis carried out in Namibia, all over Europe or the last 15 months in Ga’za?

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Just buzzwords. Nazi Nazi Nazi. Everything is a Nazi. Your mum is a Nazi. Your dog is a Nazi when he pees on the carpet. No point talking to someone who uses words they don’t understand to attack people they don’t like while ignoring far greater crimes. Your hatred is just a fashion accessory you’re wearing. Do something useful and maybe you’ll be a happier person instead of a worthless bitch.

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Interesting that HAMAS has morphed, in the eyes of the world, into a terrorist organisation despite having been formed in the early 2000s along the lines of the philosophy of the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt and with the assistance and blessing of Netanyahu.

His purpose of course was to split the governorship of Gaza and the West Bank, thus avoiding a unified Palestinian resistance to Israeli crimes and leaving his man (BN) Mahmoud Abbas to govern the West Bank.

How gullible are the western chattering classes and government mouthpieces i.e. the press, to push this theme of the absolute evil of Hamas in its attempt to destroy Israel.

whilst the reality is Israel is committing a barbaric genocide on the whole of the Palestinian people Gaza and the West Bank, with, what seems the absolute approval of Western authorities.

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Oh for god's sake, they are still using the totally-uninspired "《insert accused individual》 is a Hama's supporter" accusation?

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So it looks like the Brits have become equal opportunity depressors: on the one hand they outsource sexual abuse, grooming, and rape of poor young white girls (to soften them up for their pedophile elites?) to South Asian Muslim men, & I guess to salve their conscience in some sick way, suppress press freedom of uppity white guys.

I am again reminded to be ever thankful for the original Tea Party, Paul Revere, George Washington and the rest for the Declaration, the Constitution and all 10 Amendments in the Bill of Rights.

Britain is in crisis, indeed; prayers urgently needed.

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Only Jews can be pedophiles? Or have people cover for them? Explain P Diddy.

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No but they do have a safe haven called the only “Jewish State” in the world to run and hide in and avoid criminal prosecution. You know like P Diddy is facing in the US. Oh and by the way, Israel is also trying to legalize pedophilia in case you missed the memo.

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Oops, you mean Britain is reaping the very consequences of white supremacist imperialism they sowed elsewhere?

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And that is/was worse than the Japanese imperialism leading up to . Causing WWII exactly how?

Or the Muslim imperialism beginning with the rise of the ‘prophet’ and continuing to present?

Man is fallen; this has been going on since Cain killed Abel. Power corrupts.

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Your whataboutism proves nothing; and indeed, man is fallen -- (Na)tional (zi)onist apologists like you choose to epitomize that trend like none another.

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It is true, & I am neither a Zionist nor a Nazi.

Just a sinner saved by grace.

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By the "grace" of who, Roger? That's right, your father the devil, because you demonstrate no intention of doing the will of Jehovah.

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Neither you nor I can do the will of Jehovah on our own strength, that is the point of the Sermon on the Mount.

Your implied conceit that you can condemns you.

I pray for an epiphany for you, that you would be granted that insight and accept the free gift of that grace, whether or not we ever come to agreement on this.

I accept that I may be wrong, but do not necessarily concede that I am.

Have a pleasant day.

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Do we all forget that United Kingdom is a monarchy.... there is no absolute freedom under a monarchy

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"Pro reporter" is an oxymoron.

Oh, and there is no genocide in Gaza. There would be if Gazans could pull it off.

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Palestinians raise their eyebrows. Zionists: they want to genocide us all! Meanwhile thousands of children killed in an actual live streamed genocide, and there’s still holocaust denialism.

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I'm not following. Probably me.

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"there is no genocide in Gaza" Hasbarapologist Holocaust denier #68,018,619,031,824,037 "JasonT" says what now?

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No genocide in ‘Palestine’. Population in Gaza grew & growing, Healthy diverse Arab population in Israel, West Bank population @ least stable.

Are ‘Palestinians’ pawns of the Iranian mullahs or are the mullahs pawns of Hamas & Hezbollah, or is it just a circle jerk from hell?

Inquiring minds want to know.

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Hamas, Hezbollah & Iran constitute a Shia Muslim terrorist conglomerate intent on killing all Jews in Israel and taking Israel off the map of the world. To accuse Israel of genocide is either deliberate falsehood or delusional. The true aggressors have stated their purpose so often that to miss the point has nothing to do with free expression and everything to do with propaganda.To compare Zionists with Nazis and fascists is historically abhorrent bordering on holocaust denial. anyone who makes such statements deserves prosecution, which is not lawfare in any sense

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Now you are just straight up doing emotional manipulation. Pathetic. Being a Nazi and Fascist and a Zionist isn’t mutually exclusive. Why would someone bring holocaust into it? There’s no reason to lump it all together other than trying to gain sympathy.

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A Zionist is simply a person who believes in creating a Jewish homeland in Israel. A Nazi was the Party of Adolph Hitler, which during WW2 intended the final solution for European Jews: genocide. To compare a Zionist with a Nazi is as abhorrent as it is absurd. Nothing about Zionism includes genocide of Palestinians or anyone else

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No it isn’t. Zionists colluded with the Nazis. Like I said, those things are not mutually exclusive. Zionism, Nazism, Fascism are all just the same: rooted in racial supremacy and demand dehumanization of others to survive and thrive. Why else did the Nazis dehumanized the European Jewery and why else the Zionists in Israel are dehumanizing Palestinians? All this homeland and all is just textbook hogwash and I am well past it.

Edit: also, can you please also clarify what are the borders of this so called Jewish Homeland in Israel? Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq? Wherever the Jews two thousand years ago pitched their tents?

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You are an anti semite, are ignorant of the Bible and biblical history. & the Nazis colluded with the Arab Muslims.

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What does you calling me an “anti-Semite” have to do with the truth that Zionists colluded with the Nazis? You are simply throwing an emotional tantrum. Sober up. Truth doesn’t care an iota of your feelings.

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You ought to study the Bible yourself and realize how many times Zionism is debunked: https://adversusbabylon.substack.com/p/conclusive-proof-that-zionazism-is?utm_source=publication-search

Also, it's you Zionists bootlicking for the genocide of Palestinian Semites. But do go projecting as it reveals your own guilt.

Plus, the Mufti was an Anglo-Zionist asset: https://adversusbabylon.substack.com/p/debunking-the-judeonazis-notorious

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You would do well studying reality, Doug. The words of Anglo-Zionist Chaim Weizmann (1937): "Palestine cannot absorb the Jews of Europe. We want only the best of Jewish youth to come to us. We want only people of education to enter Palestine for the purpose of increasing its culture. The other Jews will have to stay where they are and face whatever fate awaits them. These millions of Jews are dust on the wheels of history and may have to be blown away. We don't want them pouring into Palestine. We don't want our Tel Aviv to become another low-grade ghetto." https://www.google.com/books/edition/A_Child_of_the_Century/qcrKDwAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=weizmann+%22they+may+have+to+be+blown+away&pg=PA531&printsec=frontcover

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Might do you (Na)tional (zi)onists some good learning what a Jew is according to the Bible: https://adversusbabylon.substack.com/p/are-zionist-jews-legitimately-jewish?utm_source=publication-search

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Au contrare: Nazis collaborated with Arab Muslims in WWII, well documented, because Hitler was not just interested in exterminating the Jews in Europe, but world wide.

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That’s called revisionism and you are welcome to provide some hard evidence to back up that claim that “Hitler wasn’t just interested in exterminating the Jews in Europe but worldwide”. I however, have plenty of evidence that Zionists worked with Nazis, hand in hand and did throw European Jews under the bus.

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Your "Hitler-Arab" canard was refuted long ago by none other than Benny Morris: https://www.palestineremembered.com/Articles/General/Story34917.html

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Don’t know who Benny Morris is, don’t care, I have bigger or other fish to fry. Have a good night.

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This is what typical Zionist chutzpah looks like. Don’t know who Benny Morris is and they have the guts to come online and open their mouths to lecture people about history 😂 Jesus Christ these must be some really desperate times for you all.

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Allow me to correct that semi-confession of yours:

"Don't know who my own are, don't care about any facts contradicting my worldview, I have bigger or other fish to fry because an attentive heart towards factual reality is for anti-Zionists"

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The Hamas propagandasts need to be hunted down and thrown in jail.

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‘ … in hopes that they could be cracked.’

It doesn’t exactly tarnish the veracity of the RM et. al. Campaign for Truth.’ Outstanding work, young man!

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May you barbarian sympathizers encounter a just-ending at the hands of The barbarians you sympathize with

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That you Hasbarapologists really hate this article by The D. must indicate he got under your skins that bad. Which means I'm going to share this post even more. :)

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You people who have built skate parks for Jews to grind away daily between their ears all day everyday and rent free seem to think that Jews care what you think

Incoherent rambling pathological narcissistic Jew obsessed non-thinking Islamic deflectionists

Fuck off

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Not that you understand (or would care to know) what a Jew is according to the Bible: https://adversusbabylon.substack.com/p/are-zionist-jews-legitimately-jewish

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In 1971, two Palestinian terrorists murdered Jordanian Prime Minister Wasfi Tal. The Palestinians had set up shop in Jordan to launch terrorist attacks against Israel. Jordan was not about to let a band of psychopaths wage war from its front yard, so it told them to leave and they responded by assaulting families, torturing and executing people, and assassinating the prime minister. When they killed Tal, one of the assassins got down on his knees like a dog and began lapping up the blood. A more literal example of bloodthirsty savages you will never find. Sharing the story on X, Richard Hanania sarcastically remarked, “Palestinians have always been a great people welcomed"

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Your Jew derangement syndrome is showing with your orwellian Jew name. May your goatscape grow much grass on the back of the Jew who's beings dwell rent-free between your ears all day all night all weekend.

Those who bless Israel will be blessed, those who curse Israel will be cursed

Fight the Jew and Christian until they pay the jizya

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Actually, the implied "Israel" of Gen. 12:3 is a reference to God's believers by faith, not a Nazi-race-literalized ethnic group.

"And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed." (Gal. 3:8)

"That is, They which are the children of the flesh, *THESE ARE NOT THE CHILDREN OF GOD*: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed." (Rom. 9:8)

Try harder, Zionist!

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The Investigative Project on Terrorism

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An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Brotherhood in North America

by Mohamed Akram

May 19, 1991

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This May 1991 memo was written by Mohamed Akram, a.k.a. Mohamed Adlouni, for the Shura Council of the Muslim Brotherhood. In the introductory letter, Akram referenced a "long-term plan…approved and adopted" by the Shura Council in 1987 and proposed this memo as a supplement to that plan and requested that the memo be added to the agenda for an upcoming Council meeting. Appended to the document is a list of all Muslim Brotherhood organizations in North America as of 1991.

Notable quotes:

Enablement of Islam in North America, meaning: establishing an effective and stable Islamic Movement led by the Muslim Brotherhood which adopts Muslims' causes domestically and globally, and which works to expand the observant Muslim base, aims at unifying and directing Muslims' efforts, presents Islam as a civilization alternative, and supports the global Islamic state, wherever it is.

In order for Islam and its Movement to become "a part of the homeland" in which it lives, "stable" in its land, "rooted" in the spirits and minds of its people, "enabled" in the live [sic] of its society and has firmly-established "organizations" on which the Islamic structure is built and with which the testimony of civilization is achieved, the Movement must plan and struggle to obtain "the keys" and the tools of this process in carry [sic] out this grand mission as a "Civilization Jihadist" responsibility which lies on the shoulders of Muslims and – on top of them – the Muslim Brotherhood in this country.

The process of settlement is a "Civilization-Jihadist Proecess" with all the word means. The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions. Without this level of understanding, we are not up to this challenge and have not prepared ourselves for Jihad yet. It is a Muslim's destiny to perform Jihad and work wherever he is and wherever he lands until the final hour comes, and there is no escape from that destiny except for those who chose to slack. But, would the slackers and the Mujahedeen be equal.

You go on fretting about Israel. you will plod downward with your pathological obsession so fuck off with that

my morning prayers include thanking God for not making me a gentile or a woman.

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Sadly the global harassment campaign against all morally upright people will only wax worse and worse. In the attempted process of silencing, the "superior" Herodian rulers of this temporal world and their shills only let increasingly slip their intrinsic contradictory mindset and upside-down inversion of common sense: if the Fourth Reich is doing no wrong whatsoever, why the perpetual coverup, denial, and outrage over the exposure of utmost basic reality? Perpetually they propagate next to nothing outside projection.

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Additional nuance that you've missed in the Gaza reality that has occurred as you've deflected islamically chronically and comically


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To name a few. And we just can't figure out who's causing the problem

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Trade Center Bombers were Muslims. The Bombay & Mumbai India Attackers were M uslims. The Achille Lauro Cruise Ship Hijackers were Muslims. The September 11th 2001 Airline Hijackers were Muslims. The Russian airliner bombers were Mu slims. The Paris assassins were Muslims. The Mali hotel attackers were Muslims. The San Bernardino killers were Muslims. The Orlando shooter was a Muslim, etc., etc., etc... And these headliners are not even the half of it.

Lesson 2(a)

Think of it:

Buddhists living with Hindus = No Problem.

Hindus living with Christians = No Problem.

Hindus living with Jews = No Problem. Christians living with Shintos = No Problem. Shintos living with Confucians = No Problem. Confucians living with Bahai's = No Problem. Bahai's living with Jews = No Problem. Jews living with Atheists = No Problem. Atheists living with Buddhists = No Problem. Buddhists living with Sikhs = No Problem. Sikhs living with Hindus = No Problem. Hindus living with Bahai's = No Problem. Bahai's living with Christians = No Problem. Christians living with Jews = No Problem. Jews living with Buddhists = No Problem. Buddhists living with Shintos = No Problem. Shintos living with Atheists = No

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And it is a lawfare campaign I want to end.

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