The rot is so deep in our government and ordinary Americans don't know how to fix it. If we vote for Dems, we're sunk. If we vote for GOP they're all talk but tied to same corruption. Independent candidates haven't a chance. I've voted for all of the above in my life. The biggest issue of all is the media did not do its job

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The media is doing its job, to be the mouthpiece of the owners of America.

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I think media is doing "a" job on us, not "its" job so we can be a well informed public. But many people don't want to be informed, they want confirmation. I hate finding out I'm not right about something. But I'd rather know the truth so I'm not wrong. But some can't handle this so stubbornly hold on to falsehoods. Sigh

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Thanks Dissident,best logic ever: “Goebels was in favor of free speech for views he liked. So was Stalin. If you’re really in favor of free speech, then you’re in favor of freedom of speech for precisely the views you despise. Otherwise, you’re not in favor of free speech.”

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TRUMP betrayed the World when he criminalised Journalism. I can't believe that The UniParty pulls this off in every Demxxx... in EVERY Corporatocracy! Left, Right, Green, Commie, WHAT EVER, if it gets up on MSM? IT IS FUNDED BY AN OLIGARCH. The SYSTEM is the problem.

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Sadly, the political culture of Patrick Henry I Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It I’d dead in America. Brought on by Raygun’s elimination of the FCCs Fairness Doctrine and Clinton’s elimination of anti-trust against corporate media allowing an oligopoly of 5 corporations controlling news in the US. Welcome to 1984 from both political parties of the same double headed hydra. Just what the owners of America want.

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They have some seriously dangerous views on a number of things, like packing the Supreme Court, ending the filibuster, making a small city and a Caribbean island states, spying on us citizens and censoring free speech

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Packing the Supreme Court, ending the filibuster or making DC and Puerto Rico states aren't really "dangerous views", Democrats just give lip service to these things to get votes (key part being "give lip service", since they'll never actually do it.

And the spying on US citizens and censoring free speech are also things Republicans do, as the author pointed out.

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The loss of free speech will happen sooner and possibly irreversibly if the Dems wins the next election. Not saying it won’t happen if the Republicans win, it’s just that the Republican Party isn’t as well set up to make it happen.

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Never in my lifetime did I ever think I would Democrats screech for censorship. In America. It’s unreal.

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Gotta quell all dissent about Israel! Israel! Israel! Israel! It’s all they fucking care about! They’re going to lose this election because of their position on Israel!

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Few people really understand what is happening on a global scale now, few realize the secret internal machinations at work, the processes at large that are denying the precious right to freedom of speech. The target of the censors is online antisemitism, but the culprits, those espousing the antisemitic vitriol, are paid for shills of those wanting to eliminate the Covid counter-narrative through censorship! I was completely denuded of the right to free speech as protected by our constitution; one of thousands felled to further the agenda of those desirous of undoing that institution; because in its wake, they will usher in the globalist, one world order. I focus an eschatological lens on the abuses of the state, the mental health system, public health officials, and their cohorts. We thoroughly resemble the CCP now. Through the medical practice, an infiltrated industry corrupted last century, which fomented eugenics in Germany under Hitler, voices of dissent are being quashed today, disposed of, to say the least. This must be our most expedient consideration nationally, before we elect the next U.S. president. This is the subject of “The Internal Destruction of the Freedom of Speech”.


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Hahaha and the Republicans dont!? Lol everyone is for their own free speech but nobody wants anyone else to have it. America bunch of spoiled babies.

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I said in the article I didn't think Republicans were better.

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Of course, Republicans are just as bad, which the author mentioned. The authoritarianism of the Democrats is more disturbing to leftists because we used to see them as the lesser evil. We never expected much from the Republicans who've been more authoritarian for many decades. That the Democrats are just as bad on issues of free speech is something many folks didn't expect.

You call US dissidents "a bunch of babies" because we want to preserve our constitutional right to criticize our government? You think it's a sign of maturity to accept government control of speech- How so?

"Nobody wants anyone else to have it." -that's the opposite of what the author expressed. He quotes Noam Chomsky, “If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all.”

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