Somehow even crappier than his movies

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"Ignoring Syrian’s that don’t fit with the narrative"

There should be no apostrophe in the non-possessive plural use of "Syrians"

(I'd be happy to proofread for you, just drop me a line, thanks)

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Thanks just updated it.

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My information is that the Muslim Brotherhood has worked against the secular Syrian government for a long time. In effect, the recent Islamist insurrection is just an intensification of what has been plaguing Syria for decades. I don't know who funds the Muslim Brotherhood, but the usual suspects are the Saudis, the French, and the Americans.

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Your line above that says; "...Jake Sullivan saying “AQ is on the outside in Syria”.

I believe he said "Al Qaeda is on OUR side..."

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Thanks for catching that it autocorrected from "our side" to "on the outside" for some reason.

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