Nice timing publishing this Stack, D. -- over and over the Judeonazi apologists exploit the deaths on Oct. 7 to justify more Judeonazism and become oddly quiet (or seething fuming; probably both) when Hannibal is brought up. Will be of intrigue checking back the comment section here watching any Hasbara lackeys of the Judeo-SS try and deny their way out of this.

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What is the point of this spam you keep posting?

Many of us are simply pushing for peace. We don't all hate Jews, & we aren't exactly cheering for Hamas.

We just want the slaughters (on our dime) to stop.

Frankly, I don't understand how any of these tribal conflicts on the other side of the planet have anything to do with America -- other than the fact that we get to fund it.

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The point of me posting these things was apparent to me, as truth is, evidently it wasn't obvious to you. Be peaceful party is Israel, they were attacked on October 7th during a ceasefire on a Jewish high holy day on a Jewish Sabbath and the attackers attacked the most left-leaning peace-loving Arab sympathetic population within Israel and savagely tore them apart took them back and starved them.

That's what Islam does to its neighbors yet you are sympathizing with Islam and calling for peace as Islam is being clawed back against in its fight to return to 7th century barbarian rules as epitomized by all of the documentation that I have provided yet no one seems to have an open mind and says fuck the Jews damn the Jews go back to Europe Jews and it's a curious phenomenon to see such maoist blind adherence to a lie manifested by so many people solely dedicated to living a lie, I'm engaging with a cult in real time and it's peculiar

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You refer to hard facts as SPAM

You are a Terrorist

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There is no such thing as peace with a genocidal cult whose goal is to conquer the world for their cult

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Your argument is the same as

With the Allies approaching Berlin...

We don't support Nazis but we want the war and slaughter to stop.

No, Cunt. That isn't how war works.

Total defeat and elimination of the enemy

Fuck you and your kind and may you and your family die horribly

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Totally False. You are Terrorists spouting Terrorist Propaganda. Sending the War aids Terrorists

Every single one of you and your kind and your families deserves death in the same fashion as the victims of those you support

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You are a lying Cunt on almost everything. There is no slaughter or genocide.

Civilian deaths for Urban war are low.

Israel has lost many hundreds of IDF by sending them in to do targeted attacks and ran is counts like you then lie about it.

Dine fuck Gaza and scum like you

Just drop 24 MOABs which will level everything so it can be bulldozed

From the Border into the Sea

No one that's knowledgeable gives a s*** with ignorant d****** c**** like you think or feel because you don't f****** know anything. Just consume propaganda and get emotional with no knowledge. F*** you, f*** your teachers, f*** your parenta.

You are scum

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“They fear love because it creates a world they can’t control.”

George Orwell

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Platitudes will solve Islam 🤣😭🥱

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The Investigative Project on Terrorism

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An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Brotherhood in North America

by Mohamed Akram

May 19, 1991

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This May 1991 memo was written by Mohamed Akram, a.k.a. Mohamed Adlouni, for the Shura Council of the Muslim Brotherhood. In the introductory letter, Akram referenced a "long-term plan…approved and adopted" by the Shura Council in 1987 and proposed this memo as a supplement to that plan and requested that the memo be added to the agenda for an upcoming Council meeting. Appended to the document is a list of all Muslim Brotherhood organizations in North America as of 1991.

Notable quotes:

Enablement of Islam in North America, meaning: establishing an effective and stable Islamic Movement led by the Muslim Brotherhood which adopts Muslims' causes domestically and globally, and which works to expand the observant Muslim base, aims at unifying and directing Muslims' efforts, presents Islam as a civilization alternative, and supports the global Islamic state, wherever it is.

In order for Islam and its Movement to become "a part of the homeland" in which it lives, "stable" in its land, "rooted" in the spirits and minds of its people, "enabled" in the live [sic] of its society and has firmly-established "organizations" on which the Islamic structure is built and with which the testimony of civilization is achieved, the Movement must plan and struggle to obtain "the keys" and the tools of this process in carry [sic] out this grand mission as a "Civilization Jihadist" responsibility which lies on the shoulders of Muslims and – on top of them – the Muslim Brotherhood in this country.

The process of settlement is a "Civilization-Jihadist Proecess" with all the word means. The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions. Without this level of understanding, we are not up to this challenge and have not prepared ourselves for Jihad yet. It is a Muslim's destiny to perform Jihad and work wherever he is and wherever he lands until the final hour comes, and there is no escape from that destiny except for those who chose to slack. But, would the slackers and the Mujahedeen be equal.

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We been posting the MB plan for 19 years.

You left out a link


So no one gets confused. This is not just the Muslim brotherhood This is what Islam is.

People are quick to excuses Islam but there is no excuse.

One judges in etiology by its founding texts(s) and it's strict observers not by its apostates.

The more Christian or Jewish someone is, the more good they are.

The more Islamic one is, the more evil one is.

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What are the borders of Israel?

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None exist 'Israel' is not a nation but an occupation of Palestine by Rothschild backed entity. But, Israel does plan to take over much of the Middle East as well as Palestine to create 'Greater Israel'...A map of which is seen, filmed in Nutanyahu's hand sometimes...

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Originally they were where the British partition set them. They were changed due to wars instigated by the surrounding countries, since one outcome of war can be that borders change. And I hope Israel will retain parts of Syrian territory it is occupying, both for safety's sake and because the Druze there prefer it.

I don't care who occupies Gaza as long as the Palestinians are moved out. Leaving them there just guarantees more warfare. Gaza chose not to maintain peace though they could have, this is the outcome.

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'Safety's sake'? Israel bombs, loots murders as instinctively as it lies.

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The Mufti of Jerusalem

He was more than just a Nazi collabrator

He was the 1 Hitler agreed to let plan the eradication of the Jews in the Middle East&North Africa, Eichman's deputy said that he was 1 of the greatest most active supporters the Nazis had with the final solution, was known to pressure Nazis top ranks/Political figures to decline deals of Jewish kids for Nazis captives...the Jewish kids were supposed to go to South America instead they gone to Poland and died, he also visited in camps and there was a testimony of a survivor of Ashwitz who said he saw him there in 1944, he planned to poison the main water supplies in Mandate Palestine in 1945 by sending there solidiers with unique posion that soluble in water, luckly the British abled to stop these paratroopers and took these boxes that had this poison from them

He got a job meeting with Hitler something high ranks like Eichman and Mengele never had

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Wherever Israel says they are, on any given day, apparently.

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That question is easily answered . Israel obliviously has borders. That's not an answer to the question of whether Palestine was ever a country. It was not.

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What are those borders and why are squatters living outside of them?

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I'm sure you think youre being very smart, but there's a huge irony in your weak attempt to label anything 'Hasbara' which you think means propaganda, when you are in factvthe one with the superficial and extremely propagandized understanding of the Gaza-Israel conflict

It's always pretty obvious when someone comes out swinging with outdated cliches and debunked tropes, that they're more brainwashed fool than I formed commentator.

The phrases you use are a dead giveaway that you've internalized a lot of really bad lies and are drowning in preconceived notions that have no bearing on reality.

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Oh dear. From now out I will rely solely on Israel’s unregistered foreign agent in the U.S., AIPAC, for my input on these issues. It makes things much less complicated to remember that the indigenous Arabs of Palestine are subhumans.

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So you have no response.

Well done, Nuance!

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So who here is arguing about Palestine?

We are pushing for an end to the slaughter.

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When the hostages were given back to war ended right?

Oh that didn't happen you stupid vile gentile with guile

What a rancid slag useless piece of flesh mouth breathing finger sniffing twat

The truth is flailing about you and you flail about avoiding it

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You seem a bit overwrought, Alan.

Perhaps it's time for a nice cup of tea.

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Pay attention Brooke winch who doesn't read or follow details, this is what they say about Jews and Christians

Christmas market attacks are done by the same people around Europe because they are taught fight the Jew and Christian until they pay the jizia which means conquer their territory or until you conquer their territory fight them

Can you acknowledge that an enemy has announced and is attacking you and making its message loud and clear yet you refuse to see the message they are sending and instead point your hateful ignorant finger at Israel for defending itself, what shit for brains logic is that?

Hamas commander Mahmoud al-Zahar:

"The entire planet will be under our law; there will be no more Jews or Christian traitors."

Tell me again, how this is just about land?


ميمري TV

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I don't give a crap what anybody "says" about anyone, Alan.

I am not here arguing that Hamas is a bunch of humanitarians, who should be given the Nobel Peace Prize.

I have simply pointed out the fact that Israel has committed war crimes.

Try to focus.

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There is no slaughter

Slaughter would be Dropping 24.MOABs Oct 8 or 9. Which would have saved several hundred IDF lives

Everything you post is a lie. Standard Nazi or Islam propaganda. You are clearly one of the other.

We don't give a f*** what you want.

Supporters of Gaza and Hamas and Islam are Terrorists that should meet the same fate as Terrorists

No Exception or Mercy for Scum Like You

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Secret Hamas docs reveal torture, execution of gay terrorists — while some male Oct. 7 Israeli victims were raped in captivity

By Caitlin Doornbos

Published Feb. 4, 2025, 4:56 p.m. ET


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Hamas tortured and executed terrorists within its ranks who allegedly had gay sex, shocking documents show — as sources added some male Israeli victims of the Oct. 7 massacre were raped in captivity.

The Iranian proxy terror group had a running list of recruits who were found to have failed Hamas’ “morality checks” by having same-sex relations — and they paid a heavy price, according to documents recovered by the Israel Defense Forces and shared with The Post.

The documents reveal the “crimes” that were allegedly committed by 94 Hamas recruits — lumping “homosexual conversations,” “flirting with girls without a legal relationship” and “sodomy” in with serious allegations of child rape and torture.

Hamas fighters arriving in a pickup truck at Jabalya refugee camp in Gaza City for the handover of hostage Agam Beger to the Red Cross, dated Jan. 30, 2025.


Hamas fighters gather for a hostage handover in Gaza City on Jan. 30.


The allegations, dated between 2012 and 2019, involve recruits to Hamas’ intelligence, military and interior ministry and say the new members were eventually deemed “unacceptable” to continue working with the terror group because of their actions.

“He constantly curses God,” according to one allegation, which added, “Information was received that he sexually harassed a young child.“

They should be exterminated

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How empty is your skull? Answer your own questions or refer to Natasha Hausdorff

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מי שברך לשבויים

מִי שֶׁבֵּרַךְ אֲבוֹתֵינוּ אַבְרָהָם יִצְחָק וְיַעֲקֹב יוֹסֵף מֹשֶׁה וְאַהֲרֹן דָּוִד וּשְׁלֹמֹה, הוּא יְבָרֵךְ וְיִשְׁמֹר וְיִנְצֹר אֶת אֲחֵינוּ בֵּית יִשְׂרָאֵל הַשָּׁבוּיִים, בַּעֲבוּר שֶׁאָנוּ מִתְפַּלְלִים בַּעֲבוּרָם, הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא יִמָּלֵא רַחֲמִים עֲלֵיהֶם, יִשְׁמְרֵם מִכָּל צָרָה וְצוּקָה ,וְהַצְלָחָה בְּכָל מַעֲשֵׂה יְדֵיהֶם וּמִכָּל נֶגַע וּמַחֲלָה וְיִשְׁלַח בְּרָכָה יוֹצִיאֵם מֵחֹשֶׁךְ וְצַלְמָוֶת, וִישִׁיבֵם מְהֵרָה לְחֵיק מִשְׁפְּחוֹתֵיהֶם, .וְנֹאמַר אָמֵן

He who blessed our forefathers, Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov, Yosef, Moshe and Aharon, David and Shlomo, may He bless, watch, and guard our brothers who are in captivity. On account of the congregation's praying for them, may the Holy One, Blessed is He grant mercy upon them, protect them from all trouble and sorrow, injury and illness, and send blessing and success in all they do, take them out from darkness and gloom, and speedily return them to the comfort of their families. And let us say: Amen.

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Firstly that's a Wikipedia page which is known for having been completely compromised by the Palestinianist agenda in order to confused chumps like you and manipulate you into believing nonsense. It goes dire try agaibst all verified facts. There are no objective measures for its legitimacy. It's sad but you're reading a lie and that parts not your fault

If you follow the actual history and geopolitical reality, you will see there is no state of Palestine. That is what the whole drama about the one state versus 2 state solution is. The Palestinians do not have a state. The reason is they've refused a state multiple times because it does not include the annihilation of Israel.

The fabrication you have posted here is a clever piece of propaganda to allow people like yourself who do t know better, to think that Palestine is and always was a coubtry made up of Arabs and no jews. This is very clever, very misguiding propaganda and manipulation.

The Palestine described in the Wikipedia post are lands called Gaza (given to Palestinian-identifying arabs in 2005) and the West Bank (Judea and sumaria - Jewish names on ancient Jewish land, invaded by Jordan in 1948 and renamed the West Bank - Jews were ethnically cleansed at this time).

The Palestinian movement as you know it, began in the late 1960's with an Egyptian named Yassir Arafat who gathered arabs who fled Israel during the Arab wars to annihilate Israel. Their own Arab brethren did not take them in, and kept them in dire conditions in refugee camps when they could have just taken them in. They were the same people and spoke the same language and had the same cultural practices.

I recommend you learn about how Jordan was carved out of the Palestinian region to become a coubtry just as Israel was. But none of you protest that Jordan needs to be destroyed to become'palestine' or take in Palestinians. In fact, Jordan refuses to take them in even though Jordan is made up of Arabs who lived in the Palestinian region before it became the modern state of Jordan at the same time as the modern state of Israel.

The point is, your misleading Wikipedia cut and paste is referring to areas that only called themselves Palestinian areas well after 1948. None of that information pertains to Gaza, Judea or Sumaria prior to 1948. So it's tricking you. You need to expand your education because you're falling for simplistic and propagandist nonsense that tells a very superficial story.

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Hamas commander Mahmoud al-Zahar:

"The entire planet will be under our law; there will be no more Jews or Christian traitors."

Tell me again, how this is just about land?


ميمري TV

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How does this affect America?

This is not our fight.

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Unfortunately US, UK fund and arm Israel to the tune if many billions of dollars a year ie without that input, Israel woukd not exist let alone thrive and dominate the region ad it does.

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You ignored the document from 1991 showing the Muslim brotherhoods intent to take over North America continually obfuscating and deflecting away from the reality that Islam is.

You are the definition of a obtuse cunt continually deflecting from evidence presented, proudly displaying irrationality and refusing to absorb pertinent information obfuscating endlessly with useless platitudes of utopian nonsensical turn the other cheek blatherings

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I don’t care about any of this stuff.

I am opposed to all foreign aid.

It is not because I hate Jews (which I do not), and it is not because I want to support terrorists.

Let Israel finance its own slaughters, & leave the US taxpayers out of it.

Your only argument seems to be “Muslims are bad, mmkay?”

I don’t want to support either side in this ancient tribal battle.

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מי שברך לשבויים

מִי שֶׁבֵּרַךְ אֲבוֹתֵינוּ אַבְרָהָם יִצְחָק וְיַעֲקֹב יוֹסֵף מֹשֶׁה וְאַהֲרֹן דָּוִד וּשְׁלֹמֹה, הוּא יְבָרֵךְ וְיִשְׁמֹר וְיִנְצֹר אֶת אֲחֵינוּ בֵּית יִשְׂרָאֵל הַשָּׁבוּיִים, בַּעֲבוּר שֶׁאָנוּ מִתְפַּלְלִים בַּעֲבוּרָם, הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא יִמָּלֵא רַחֲמִים עֲלֵיהֶם, יִשְׁמְרֵם מִכָּל צָרָה וְצוּקָה ,וְהַצְלָחָה בְּכָל מַעֲשֵׂה יְדֵיהֶם וּמִכָּל נֶגַע וּמַחֲלָה וְיִשְׁלַח בְּרָכָה יוֹצִיאֵם מֵחֹשֶׁךְ וְצַלְמָוֶת, וִישִׁיבֵם מְהֵרָה לְחֵיק מִשְׁפְּחוֹתֵיהֶם, .וְנֹאמַר אָמֵן

He who blessed our forefathers, Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov, Yosef, Moshe and Aharon, David and Shlomo, may He bless, watch, and guard our brothers who are in captivity. On account of the congregation's praying for them, may the Holy One, Blessed is He grant mercy upon them, protect them from all trouble and sorrow, injury and illness, and send blessing and success in all they do, take them out from darkness and gloom, and speedily return them to the comfort of their families. And let us say: Amen.

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Fuck off with Wikipedia🥱 chump🕳️


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You can do better than canned Hasbara.

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מי שברך לשבויים

מִי שֶׁבֵּרַךְ אֲבוֹתֵינוּ אַבְרָהָם יִצְחָק וְיַעֲקֹב יוֹסֵף מֹשֶׁה וְאַהֲרֹן דָּוִד וּשְׁלֹמֹה, הוּא יְבָרֵךְ וְיִשְׁמֹר וְיִנְצֹר אֶת אֲחֵינוּ בֵּית יִשְׂרָאֵל הַשָּׁבוּיִים, בַּעֲבוּר שֶׁאָנוּ מִתְפַּלְלִים בַּעֲבוּרָם, הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא יִמָּלֵא רַחֲמִים עֲלֵיהֶם, יִשְׁמְרֵם מִכָּל צָרָה וְצוּקָה ,וְהַצְלָחָה בְּכָל מַעֲשֵׂה יְדֵיהֶם וּמִכָּל נֶגַע וּמַחֲלָה וְיִשְׁלַח בְּרָכָה יוֹצִיאֵם מֵחֹשֶׁךְ וְצַלְמָוֶת, וִישִׁיבֵם מְהֵרָה לְחֵיק מִשְׁפְּחוֹתֵיהֶם, .וְנֹאמַר אָמֵן

He who blessed our forefathers, Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov, Yosef, Moshe and Aharon, David and Shlomo, may He bless, watch, and guard our brothers who are in captivity. On account of the congregation's praying for them, may the Holy One, Blessed is He grant mercy upon them, protect them from all trouble and sorrow, injury and illness, and send blessing and success in all they do, take them out from darkness and gloom, and speedily return them to the comfort of their families. And let us say: Amen.

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You can do better than canned dipshit midwit fucktard


Is the only country in the world that bears the same name, speaks the same language, upholds the same faith, and inhabits the same land as it did 3000 years ago.

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Secret Hamas docs reveal torture, execution of gay terrorists — while some male Oct. 7 Israeli victims were raped in captivity

By Caitlin Doornbos

Published Feb. 4, 2025, 4:56 p.m. ET


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(Error Code: 100013)

Hamas tortured and executed terrorists within its ranks who allegedly had gay sex, shocking documents show — as sources added some male Israeli victims of the Oct. 7 massacre were raped in captivity.

The Iranian proxy terror group had a running list of recruits who were found to have failed Hamas’ “morality checks” by having same-sex relations — and they paid a heavy price, according to documents recovered by the Israel Defense Forces and shared with The Post.

The documents reveal the “crimes” that were allegedly committed by 94 Hamas recruits — lumping “homosexual conversations,” “flirting with girls without a legal relationship” and “sodomy” in with serious allegations of child rape and torture.

Hamas fighters arriving in a pickup truck at Jabalya refugee camp in Gaza City for the handover of hostage Agam Beger to the Red Cross, dated Jan. 30, 2025.


Hamas fighters gather for a hostage handover in Gaza City on Jan. 30.


The allegations, dated between 2012 and 2019, involve recruits to Hamas’ intelligence, military and interior ministry and say the new members were eventually deemed “unacceptable” to continue working with the terror group because of their actions.

“He constantly curses God,” according to one allegation, which added, “Information was received that he sexually harassed a young child.“

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The Mufti of Jerusalem

He was more than just a Nazi collabrator

He was the 1 Hitler agreed to let plan the eradication of the Jews in the Middle East&North Africa, Eichman's deputy said that he was 1 of the greatest most active supporters the Nazis had with the final solution, was known to pressure Nazis top ranks/Political figures to decline deals of Jewish kids for Nazis captives...the Jewish kids were supposed to go to South America instead they gone to Poland and died, he also visited in camps and there was a testimony of a survivor of Ashwitz who said he saw him there in 1944, he planned to poison the main water supplies in Mandate Palestine in 1945 by sending there solidiers with unique posion that soluble in water, luckly the British abled to stop these paratroopers and took these boxes that had this poison from them

He got a job meeting with Hitler something high ranks like Eichman and Mengele never had



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I’m only asking what the political leaders of Israel won’t tell us. It’s awkward when so many squatters are stealing land outside of Israel’s borders.

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Bedouins living on land with imposed borders except for Israel's which are legitimate and in its entirety cravenly lustily sought after by all of the other nations but they cannot have it for it is the Jews who own Israel and no one can ever else own Israel.

Those who bless Israel will be blessed those who curse Israel will be cursed

The Christians rot destruction on the Jewish and Islamic inhabitants during the crusades, the murderous Islamic barbarians brought murder and bloodshed to Jerusalem, the Romans destroyed Jerusalem but the Jews returned in 48 fulfilling prophecy and reestablishing the nation of Israel, completely defying Christian doctrine which had appointed itself the new israel, fuck off with that shit Israel's back in town. The Arab cries out, the Jew hit me back the guy laments greedily it's not mine I want it I want it greed of the goy, gentile guile all the while

Them Arabs will soon be living with Arabs tormenting them instead of the civilized Jew and all of you will cry tears so blue and the Jews will breed happily and live happily ever after in the land of Israel forevermore with shoot to kill orders for any Arab approaching the fence forevermore for they are Arab dogs and have proven their untrustworthiness and must be kept like caged beasts going forward or live with their own.

Look up Hamas torture videos on the IDF Channel where the IDF exposes how the Arabs torture fellow Arabs endlessly sadistically tormentingly with electric prods whips belts bricks tools plastic bags over the face insertions up the anus and into the mouth waterboarding what a lamentable species but their time in Gaza had to go

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Dan, why are you so insistent on the Jews as squatters lie? It just shows you up as ignorant of history. Is it really that hard for you to research the basics? Your notion of Palestine is no different to Narnia. You're dictated on a fairy tale and devoted your useless life to it. We call that being g a putz (and that's being very, very kind).

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Gaza and West Bank are Israel land moron

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Fake Self Hating Jew Account

I despise self hating Jews but this isn't one.

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So many Simps & chumps LARPing as Jews but it's possibly an intellectual gesture towards resembling a literate human despite its visible retardery and propagandist recitation of slogans like a maoist indoctrinated youth

1984 Emmanuel Goldstein Character Analysis

Emmanuel Goldstein Character Analysis



Emmanuel Goldstein is introduced as the Enemy of the People during the Two Minutes Hate at the beginning of the novel. He was once an important member of the Party but became a traitor. Although he was sentenced to death, he escaped and formed the Brotherhood, an organized body of rebels committed to the destruction of the Party and the party’s way of life.

Like Big Brother, Goldstein very likely does not exist as an actual person, but rather, is a propaganda tool used by the Party to stir up emotion in the citizens. Goldstein functions as a threatening but ill-defined monster that the Party uses to keep citizens in line and prevent rebellion. Like Eastasia and Eurasia, Goldstein provides the Party with an enemy to act against. When the Party does things that hurt the populace, their actions can be blamed either on terrorist attacks by Goldstein’s followers or on necessary precautions to prevent further attacks.

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מי שברך לשבויים

מִי שֶׁבֵּרַךְ אֲבוֹתֵינוּ אַבְרָהָם יִצְחָק וְיַעֲקֹב יוֹסֵף מֹשֶׁה וְאַהֲרֹן דָּוִד וּשְׁלֹמֹה, הוּא יְבָרֵךְ וְיִשְׁמֹר וְיִנְצֹר אֶת אֲחֵינוּ בֵּית יִשְׂרָאֵל הַשָּׁבוּיִים, בַּעֲבוּר שֶׁאָנוּ מִתְפַּלְלִים בַּעֲבוּרָם, הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא יִמָּלֵא רַחֲמִים עֲלֵיהֶם, יִשְׁמְרֵם מִכָּל צָרָה וְצוּקָה ,וְהַצְלָחָה בְּכָל מַעֲשֵׂה יְדֵיהֶם וּמִכָּל נֶגַע וּמַחֲלָה וְיִשְׁלַח בְּרָכָה יוֹצִיאֵם מֵחֹשֶׁךְ וְצַלְמָוֶת, וִישִׁיבֵם מְהֵרָה לְחֵיק מִשְׁפְּחוֹתֵיהֶם, .וְנֹאמַר אָמֵן

He who blessed our forefathers, Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov, Yosef, Moshe and Aharon, David and Shlomo, may He bless, watch, and guard our brothers who are in captivity. On account of the congregation's praying for them, may the Holy One, Blessed is He grant mercy upon them, protect them from all trouble and sorrow, injury and illness, and send blessing and success in all they do, take them out from darkness and gloom, and speedily return them to the comfort of their families. And let us say: Amen.

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Outstanding Journalism, thanks.

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מי שברך לשבויים

מִי שֶׁבֵּרַךְ אֲבוֹתֵינוּ אַבְרָהָם יִצְחָק וְיַעֲקֹב יוֹסֵף מֹשֶׁה וְאַהֲרֹן דָּוִד וּשְׁלֹמֹה, הוּא יְבָרֵךְ וְיִשְׁמֹר וְיִנְצֹר אֶת אֲחֵינוּ בֵּית יִשְׂרָאֵל הַשָּׁבוּיִים, בַּעֲבוּר שֶׁאָנוּ מִתְפַּלְלִים בַּעֲבוּרָם, הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא יִמָּלֵא רַחֲמִים עֲלֵיהֶם, יִשְׁמְרֵם מִכָּל צָרָה וְצוּקָה ,וְהַצְלָחָה בְּכָל מַעֲשֵׂה יְדֵיהֶם וּמִכָּל נֶגַע וּמַחֲלָה וְיִשְׁלַח בְּרָכָה יוֹצִיאֵם מֵחֹשֶׁךְ וְצַלְמָוֶת, וִישִׁיבֵם מְהֵרָה לְחֵיק מִשְׁפְּחוֹתֵיהֶם, .וְנֹאמַר אָמֵן

He who blessed our forefathers, Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov, Yosef, Moshe and Aharon, David and Shlomo, may He bless, watch, and guard our brothers who are in captivity. On account of the congregation's praying for them, may the Holy One, Blessed is He grant mercy upon them, protect them from all trouble and sorrow, injury and illness, and send blessing and success in all they do, take them out from darkness and gloom, and speedily return them to the comfort of their families. And let us say: Amen.

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The Dissident is a Nazi or Muslim Terrorist Propaganda Account and nothing it posts can be believed.

Hannibal Directive was not covered up. Israelis have known it exists for ever and soldiers aren't fond of being tortured and exhibited before being killed.

This write up lies by misleading.

It isn't that IDF is targeting Israelis.

It is that they are not holding fire because there may be hostages.

The objective is still to kill the Terrorists.

Given that many vehicles will have no hostages and few hostages will survive and the few that so will go through horror.

The risk is judged worth it in certain circumstances.

This is not a scandal. It is just rough reality of war with genocidal barbarians

There is no Genocide in Gaza.

The Civilian to Enemy Combatant Casualty Rate of apx 1:1 is exceedingly low for Urban Warfare as Military Leaders and Experts acknowledge. It is magnitudes even lower considering the inconceivable degree to which enemy combatants embedded in civilian areas and facilities (these are war crimes and make those legit targets under the laws of war and any resulting civilian casualties are the fault of embedors under same law)

Laws of War

Marine Training Manual


Dept of Defense Training Manual


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Sure, dude.

Everything you don't like must be run by Nazis.

Nobody is falling for this crap anymore.

Just stop killing civilians on our dime, & we'll stop complaining about Israel.

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Explain to me how Israel should have fought Hamas after 10/7 without killing civilians given Hamas’ tactics and building of tunnels under civilian infrastructure? Should Israel have simply not responded because of Hamas’s tactics?

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First of all, they should have demanded answers from their own government regarding the use of the Hannibal Directive on October 7th, as well as questioning why it took several hours for the IDF to respond.

Then, they should have made better efforts to move civilians out of the way before attempting to destroy the tunnels.

Then, they could have refrained from repeatedly bombing refugee camps & aid workers.

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And when Hamas refuses to let those civilians move, then what? And when Hamas members hide in refugee camps, which are essentially entire cities, then what?

Also, why are there refugee camps in Gaza? That’s a place that’s been ruled exclusively by Palestinians since 2005. They are as much refugees as Palestinians in Jordan, who hold Jordanian citizenship. There are no other refugees in the world that have citizenship in the country that they live in or are ruled by their own people.

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Uh huh.

It's all the fault of the Palestinians that Israel bombed refugee camps.

There were refugee camps in Gaza because that's where they fled to when Israel started bombing them. Did you miss that?

Even Bibi called it a tragic mistake, yet here y'all are, in all your cult-like fervor, excusing it as the fault of Hamas.

“Despite our utmost efforts not to harm innocent civilians, last night, there was a tragic mistake,” Netanyahu said Monday in an address to Israel’s parliament. “We are investigating the incident and will obtain a conclusion because this is our policy.”


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It’s the fault of the Palestinians for starting war after war seeking to destroy Israel. I saw scenes of celebration and joy in Gaza on October 7, of “civilians” holding Israeli hostages, and of broad continued support in Gaza for continuing the war. At what point are the people who live there responsible for their government and not demanding its surrender? War is hell and civilians always suffer in conflict, but Israel is not, as a policy, killing civilians but obviously there will be civilian casualties in dense urban warfare when Hamas both won’t surrender and has a strategy to maximize Arab civilian casualties.

My question to you was: why are there any refugee camps in Gaza to begin with?

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I said Collectivists Not Nazis

Israel remains the most moral nation and military on Earth by far.

Your lies about Israel in Gaza prove you have not morals integrity or intellect.

The Civilian to Enemy Combatant Casualty Rate of apx 1:1 is exceedingly low for Urban Warfare as Military Leaders and Experts acknowledge. It is magnitudes even lower considering the inconceivable degree to which enemy combatants embedded in civilian areas and facilities (these are war crimes and make those legit targets under the laws of war and any resulting civilian casualties are the fault of embedors under same law)

Laws of War

Marine Training Manual


Dept of Defense Training Manual


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You're explaing sense to people with the mentality of centipedes. With my apologies to centipedes.

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If one plants seeds in centipedes, they can grow and bear fruit.

That is how Collectivists took over American in apx 100 years.

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Holy shit. War is a game played by psychopaths, sociopaths, and others of the deranged.

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Zionism is behind all wars for centuries- it made trillions in profit a year fir the Rothschikd bankers and still doing so. Looting of tge Middke East still being done fir profit and depopulation while lying in Zionist owned MSM that it's arab civ il wars and arab terrorists etc. The online Zio trolls often paid to attack anyone daring to challenge the 'Poor Us' Israeli Zionist PR whike millions a Yr killed by Israel, UK & US Zio trio but rarely in MSM...Death culture rules the world - non stop 'wars' ie looting and depopulation so tgesexpsychooaths have the planet to themselves (they say even).

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None of this is true in any way

War is not good for banker idiot.

The companies and their collateral they lend to are destroyed.

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Banker Idiot'? Calling them names very brave and cool You show your infinite ignorance with that comment. Rothschilds became multi trillionaires based on lending £ to both sides for wars. for centuries ( duuuuuuuuh)

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You throw nothing substantive, nothing other than the same old base (and often Racist) trope of one family’s creation and profit from Banking philosophies and instruments. Ooh, the Rothschilds, blah blah blah. Learn more. Liberate yourself through study, or continue to spew what will be dismissed as lowbrow conspiracy theories.

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No you stupid c***. I know what the f*** you were talking about you're repeating what you read in memes probably cuz you're a f****** anti-semitic Nazi or Muslim

Wars are not good for bankers you Fucking idiot

When the businesses one lends to are destroyed and the collateral securing the loan is destroyed it is harmful for banks

You're some random a****** that doesn't know anything about banking just repeating s*** you've seen in memes.

Don't know anything about anything You just a f****** random a******

So sick of you people everywhere

The Rothschilds power peaked in the 1800s. They were never a factor in the USA.

European Wars were not good for them and diminished their wealth you imbecile

The Rothschilds are a non factor now

All their banking holdings have been rolled into one entity which last I checked was only the 670th largest bank with only $15B in assets

Four of the Five Largest Banks are Chinese with Combined Assets of $39 Trillion which is $39,000 Billion

Feel stupid now?

People ranting about the Rothschilds don't know anything about Central Banks or the Federal Reserve for the state of banking right now.

Frankly anyone ranting about the Rothschild right now should we assumed to be a Chinese astro turfer trying to distract from the dominance of Chinese Banks

Now go f*** yourself and never stop until you tear and bleed out like a prison b**** which is your testimony

I know it's not your fault your mom was a w**** and your dad was a loser so they never taught you not to talk about things that you don't know anything about... but you should have learned along the way.

And definitely don't open your mouth to people that are really knowledgeable and know I finrely more than you do about most everything.

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You sound like mainstream media yourself, Matt, and you're full of shit. The last article you posted said Israel kept claiming 12,000 lives were taken on October 7th but only "1100" or thereabouts were actually killed. You mean 1,200? All he said, if based on what you've posted, is that in some places they were told to shoot to kill the enemy combatants leaving in vehicles. It doesn't say he told them to kill the hostages. IF some hostages got caught in the crossfire, I certainly understand concern, but YOU have no idea whether ANY did. You keep mentioning a lot of "could haves and would haves." Your electronic intifada source sounds real unbiased too. You also keep repeating that Trump said "1.7 or 1.8 mm" people in Gaza. Now you're just taking the government's off-the-cuff words as fact? Who are you? Apparently not the guy I thought you were. How about being concerned with the fact that Hamas has a duty to keep its people safe? Instead, it used them as human shields after taking part in a brazen attack on Israeli soil that started a war. The deaths of civilians are on Hamas's hands and only theirs.

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Just an FYI, I am not Matt Taibbi nor am I affiliated with him, I just posted this article to the Racket chat.

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מי שברך לשבויים

מִי שֶׁבֵּרַךְ אֲבוֹתֵינוּ אַבְרָהָם יִצְחָק וְיַעֲקֹב יוֹסֵף מֹשֶׁה וְאַהֲרֹן דָּוִד וּשְׁלֹמֹה, הוּא יְבָרֵךְ וְיִשְׁמֹר וְיִנְצֹר אֶת אֲחֵינוּ בֵּית יִשְׂרָאֵל הַשָּׁבוּיִים, בַּעֲבוּר שֶׁאָנוּ מִתְפַּלְלִים בַּעֲבוּרָם, הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא יִמָּלֵא רַחֲמִים עֲלֵיהֶם, יִשְׁמְרֵם מִכָּל צָרָה וְצוּקָה ,וְהַצְלָחָה בְּכָל מַעֲשֵׂה יְדֵיהֶם וּמִכָּל נֶגַע וּמַחֲלָה וְיִשְׁלַח בְּרָכָה יוֹצִיאֵם מֵחֹשֶׁךְ וְצַלְמָוֶת, וִישִׁיבֵם מְהֵרָה לְחֵיק מִשְׁפְּחוֹתֵיהֶם, .וְנֹאמַר אָמֵן

He who blessed our forefathers, Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov, Yosef, Moshe and Aharon, David and Shlomo, may He bless, watch, and guard our brothers who are in captivity. On account of the congregation's praying for them, may the Holy One, Blessed is He grant mercy upon them, protect them from all trouble and sorrow, injury and illness, and send blessing and success in all they do, take them out from darkness and gloom, and speedily return them to the comfort of their families. And let us say: Amen.

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Btw, your 9 out of 10 civilians quote has been debunked, as has your 70% women and children, which has been found statistically and factually impossible. Even further, btw, OF COURSE civilians were killed in residential buildings because the freedom fighters you're defending purposefully hide amongst the civilians and use them as shields to purposefully increase casualties. Hamas's internal communications reveal that this was their strategy throughout the entire operation.

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If you are saying the deaths of Palestinian civilians is on Hamas' hands (before, during and after 7/10), then you have to agree that the blood of Israeli citizens is on the hands of Gallant and the IDF soldiers. No?

When asked in the Press Q&A how many Palestinians would have to be moved out of the Gaza Strip, l'm pretty sure that Trump said "a million seven, a million eight..." as if he wasn't exactly sure.

The population of Gaza was 2.3 million people just prior to 7/10 but, once the genocide was in full swing, it became difficult for the authorities to keep track. Estimates range between 46,000 and 180,000 but, Trump was likely picking a number out of the air to pretend as though he knows what he's talking about LOL

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Hamas started a war through brutal and barbaric means and is still holding and torturing innocent civilians they kidnapped for leverage. Hamas started this and Palestinian and Israeli blood is on their hands because Israelis don't target civikians.

If you can't get your head around these basic facts,n you need a cognitive and moral detoxing.

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Detox with Colt 45

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Shitty despicable fuckery from you, the population in Gaza is higher than when they started the war on the Jewish high holy day during a ceasefire against the most leftist Arab sympathetic Israelis in the entire country, you're a stooge for despicable behavior


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Sure it is, Alan.

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You're an expert at gaslighting but pathetic at it


None So Blind as Those Who Will Not See

The phrase you're referring to is commonly expressed as "None so blind as those who will not see" or "There's none so blind as those who will not see." This proverb suggests that people who refuse to acknowledge the truth or reality are more blind than those who actually lack the ability to see. It implies that willful ignorance can be a form of blindness.

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I was not referring to any phrase, Alan.

You sound confused (among many other things).

My post was in response to your post claiming that Gaza's population has increased.

Try to keep up.

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Hamas itself only says 49,000

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מי שברך לשבויים

מִי שֶׁבֵּרַךְ אֲבוֹתֵינוּ אַבְרָהָם יִצְחָק וְיַעֲקֹב יוֹסֵף מֹשֶׁה וְאַהֲרֹן דָּוִד וּשְׁלֹמֹה, הוּא יְבָרֵךְ וְיִשְׁמֹר וְיִנְצֹר אֶת אֲחֵינוּ בֵּית יִשְׂרָאֵל הַשָּׁבוּיִים, בַּעֲבוּר שֶׁאָנוּ מִתְפַּלְלִים בַּעֲבוּרָם, הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא יִמָּלֵא רַחֲמִים עֲלֵיהֶם, יִשְׁמְרֵם מִכָּל צָרָה וְצוּקָה ,וְהַצְלָחָה בְּכָל מַעֲשֵׂה יְדֵיהֶם וּמִכָּל נֶגַע וּמַחֲלָה וְיִשְׁלַח בְּרָכָה יוֹצִיאֵם מֵחֹשֶׁךְ וְצַלְמָוֶת, וִישִׁיבֵם מְהֵרָה לְחֵיק מִשְׁפְּחוֹתֵיהֶם, .וְנֹאמַר אָמֵן

He who blessed our forefathers, Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov, Yosef, Moshe and Aharon, David and Shlomo, may He bless, watch, and guard our brothers who are in captivity. On account of the congregation's praying for them, may the Holy One, Blessed is He grant mercy upon them, protect them from all trouble and sorrow, injury and illness, and send blessing and success in all they do, take them out from darkness and gloom, and speedily return them to the comfort of their families. And let us say: Amen.

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Hamas is Israel - Nutanyahu boasts of it and easy to verify etc. Oct 7th all the hall.arks of anpther Israeli 'False Flag' even some IDF comment online..

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These vehicles (owned by young Israeli citizens and parked near the music festival) display bullet and rocket holes and other damage consistent with armaments fired from a helicopter. They were not destroyed by a few Hamas militants on motor bikes.

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Don't look into the hyperbaric weapons that the Arabs had and remain in ignorant dipshit.


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What, are you suggesting that all those burned out vehicles were destroyed by "Arab" hyperbaric (don't you mean hypersonic?) weapons? And by "Arabs" are you insinuating Iranians because they do have hypersonic rockets?

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If I meant hypersonic I would have said hypersonic

You dimwits have got your head so far up anti that's truth cannot touch your retardery bubble

Hamas commander Mahmoud al-Zahar:

"The entire planet will be under our law; there will be no more Jews or Christian traitors."

Tell me again, how this is just about land?


we are not talking about liberating our land alone



17:02 فقال اليمن: سنعمل مع أصحاب الضمير الحي على التذكير بجرائم العدوان بحق الطفولة .

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To save you taking an anti-anxiety pill I don't carry any support for Hamas or Iran or its' policies for the future. What does concern me is when a government grooms a compliant media to disseminate absolute untruths; such as wholesale death and destruction of hundreds in destroyed vehicles by terrorists and beheaded babies in microwave ovens. Peace won't come to the Middle East whilst the main players (including foreign governments) refuse to face the truth of all the points of contention that have lead us to the current situation.

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Oh yeah. Sure. You're just concerned with 'Jewish disinformation'. Is that it? BS - you are looking g for somewhere to disseminate jew hate. And if you're really so concerned with what really happened to the victims of Oct 7th 2023, you'd have done a lot more research on the mass rapes, genital mutilation, beheading, baby killings, shootings, grenade attacks and kidnappings, rather than loitering in corners of the internet dabbling in denial.

You'd be more concerned by the hollowed out Holocaust invoking state of the last 3 hostages released. And you'd ne shocked and appaled that Hamas is bartering with innocent people's lives whom they've just plucked from their beds and homes and have been torturing for over a year; including the psychological torture of their families.

But you don't appear to give a shit about that. You're up here splitting hairs as to whether 40 babies were beheaded or if only a few were beheaded and others killed in another way. Your mission is to embrace every idiotic attempt by those who degumanize hews and delegitimize Israel. You have zero interest in uncovering the truth about what happened on Oct 7th and beyond and every intention of looking for fabricated ways to debunk verified crimes.

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Just because you're a pill head don't project that on to others. 🤷

Many dipshits including Muslims don't see the wrath of trump coming, this speech to the Arab League demanding they civilize and leave their barbarian ways behind is from 2017, imagine how many more conversations he's had with them since and now he's calling them out and sending the evil barbarians to live with other islamics. King Hussein the hashemite who rules over the illegitimate country of Jordan had a father who in 1970 killed 30,000 of them. The dictator Assad of Syria killed 50,000 at the Hama massacre, malevolent malignant people and they will leave.

Here's the speech and you already know that he told them they have to leave come out for the first time an American president is holding Islam accountable and no longer lying to us like President Bush did when he said Islam is peace, shame on that gentile with guile, lying all the while.

Watch this with your Islamic friends for the expressions on their face are priceless


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Here's the thing: you are entitled to your opinions and I'm OK with that. Clearly there is provocative evidence of mal-intent that threatens people from all corners of the Earth. Responding with kill ratios will never solve the underlying problem. My concern is that the US will become trapped if it tries to solve issues far from its' shores. Might may support right but the use of immense power may bring immense tragedy to all concerned. My situation is based on several philosophies that say words like "Thou shall not kill"; and whilst I don't ascribe to ANY religion I think that aphorism makes good sense for everyone. So, I will depart this discussion with peace on my side and genuine good wishes for you to express your belief.

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Israel citizens were not driving them back to Gaza

Stop lying about what you don't understand.

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If the date and timing of the Hannibal Directive order is accurate it seems likely that Gallant was already prepared for the Hamas attack. Rather than use prior intel to prevent the "surprise" attack, he ignored warnings and wanted the attack to occur.

He either knew beforehand how, when and what command would be given for the counter-attack (defense) OR he is an exceptional General with remarkable reflexes and deserves a medal of honour in the shape of a crystal ball.

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מי שברך לשבויים

מִי שֶׁבֵּרַךְ אֲבוֹתֵינוּ אַבְרָהָם יִצְחָק וְיַעֲקֹב יוֹסֵף מֹשֶׁה וְאַהֲרֹן דָּוִד וּשְׁלֹמֹה, הוּא יְבָרֵךְ וְיִשְׁמֹר וְיִנְצֹר אֶת אֲחֵינוּ בֵּית יִשְׂרָאֵל הַשָּׁבוּיִים, בַּעֲבוּר שֶׁאָנוּ מִתְפַּלְלִים בַּעֲבוּרָם, הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא יִמָּלֵא רַחֲמִים עֲלֵיהֶם, יִשְׁמְרֵם מִכָּל צָרָה וְצוּקָה ,וְהַצְלָחָה בְּכָל מַעֲשֵׂה יְדֵיהֶם וּמִכָּל נֶגַע וּמַחֲלָה וְיִשְׁלַח בְּרָכָה יוֹצִיאֵם מֵחֹשֶׁךְ וְצַלְמָוֶת, וִישִׁיבֵם מְהֵרָה לְחֵיק מִשְׁפְּחוֹתֵיהֶם, .וְנֹאמַר אָמֵן

He who blessed our forefathers, Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov, Yosef, Moshe and Aharon, David and Shlomo, may He bless, watch, and guard our brothers who are in captivity. On account of the congregation's praying for them, may the Holy One, Blessed is He grant mercy upon them, protect them from all trouble and sorrow, injury and illness, and send blessing and success in all they do, take them out from darkness and gloom, and speedily return them to the comfort of their families. And let us say: Amen.

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There is no perspective on earth in which Gallant or any Israeli leader would allow or invite harm to come to their citizens. They swap thousands of Palestinian murderers for the lives of 3 Israeli hostages. Youvebnever been to Israel if you don't realize how much they care for and value their citizens. The failure to protect them on Oct 7th is seen as the worst tragedy since the Holocaust.

Israel is a western moral country. You dont realize this because of your ignorance. You make very misguided assumptions based on how the terrorist barbarians surrounding Israel think and act. But you clearly have zero idea how Israelis operate beyond your conspiracy theory lies.

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Western "moral" countries don't target civilians by repeatedly bombing refugee camps, and by bombing aid workers.

Western "moral" countries don't have soldiers stand by while civilians bring their entire families along to block aid shipments to the starving.

We don't buy your propaganda anymore.

There is too much truth available on alternative sites.

Here is Jeremy Loffredo's brilliant video exposing Israeli settler families blocking aid to Gaza, while IDF troops stand by. The title, "Kill Them All," comes from a quote by a little 10 year old Israeli girl, referring to the Gazans.


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Smart people don't believe ANY of the hype you're spinning. 'Refugee camps' by name only- are functional towns with buildings, schools and mosques who retained the refugee label fraudulently. There aren't any refugees in them. And suddenly they don't want to be reapproprated elsewhere despite being in an 'open air prison'? That's known as epivlc level BS. 'Refugee camps is where they've been caging, beating and starving istaeli civikians kidnapped from their homes. Where the hell is your moral compass? Of course Israel needs to get in there and rescue innocent people targeted for such inhumane torture purely because they're Jews.

Does your empathy just take a vacation when it comes to Israelis?

They're not indiscriminately bombing Refugee camps or any Palestinian locations. They're fighting where Hamas and Islamic jihad are hiding, holding hostages, or setting up headquarters. Hamas have been actively fighting.

And YES- Israel has the most moral army in the world. If you had any logic and were paying attention to real numbers, real facts on the ground, you'd figure it out. But preconceived jew-hate and anti zionist brainwashing is renowned for the blind myopia it elicits.

You should change your name to Propaganda vlVictim Wench.

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"Does your empathy just take a vacation when it comes to Israelis?"

No, it does not, which is why I pray for all those in war zones every night. America's unquestioning support for Israeli war pigs has made both Americans & Israelis less safe, by enabling the worst elements within the Israeli government.

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I have no "Jew hate."

And you, like most Israeli apologists, have excuses for everything. You just used #'s 3,4, & 7 all in one post.


"SIR – A quick guide to Israel’s PR methods:

1. We haven’t heard reports of deaths, will check into it;

2. The people were killed, but by a faulty Palestinian rocket/bomb;

3. OK we killed them, but they were terrorists;

4. OK they were civilians, but they were being used as human shields;

5. OK there were no fighters in the area, so it was our mistake. But we kill civilians by accident, they do it on purpose;

6. OK we kill far more civilians than they do, but look at how terrible other countries are!

7. Why are you still talking about Israel? Are you some kind of anti-semite?

Test this against the next interview you hear or watch.

Adam Johannes, Secretary, Cardiff Stop the War Coalition

Severn Grove, Riverside, Cardiff"

You can find the original here:


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Even Israeli military leaders admit to committing atrocities, while you lot continue to make excuses for everything they do, while demonizing all critics as "Jew haters."

"Israel's highest-ranking officer has apologised for making a 'grave mistake' after his forces killed seven aid workers by bombing a clearly marked food convoy in Gaza."


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You sound like a cultist.

Even Bibi called it "tragic."

"With international condemnation mounting, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel said Monday that the killing of dozens of people in a camp for displaced Palestinians in Rafah was 'a tragic accident,' but gave no sign of curbing the Israeli offensive there."


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Wow - you've been busy since I've been away. Do you not have a job or a life? It must be exhausting devoting so much of your life to delegitimizing the one Jewish country in the world.

Your propaganda-heavy faux research projects are filled with the usual cliched crap I've come to expect from people who spend an inordinate amount of energy trying to convince yourself that Israel is committing crimes, while at the same time engaging in some epic level denial about the evil of Hamas which is on a completely different level of inhumanity.

And thank you so much for admitting that you guys don't actually think for yourselves but follow guidebooks which give you answers to 'Zionist' responses. I always suspected that the repetitive and superficial zombie responses by your type were based on pre-written propaganda guides - and there you have it. And linking to NY Times propaganda doesn't make you seem any smarter or more convincing. Just more of the same anti Israel spin.

The leading editor of the NY Times quit and exposed their antisemitic and anti Israel bias. Look up Bari Weiss of the Free Press.

In regard to your ridiculous, cherry picked articles damning Israel in a time of war - a war started and continued by Hamas whose cruelty towards Israeli hostages is now coming to light for those who tried to deny it for so long, you are obviously lying about caring about Israelis or Jews on any level since you have not spent one dot of ink acknowledging the brutal attacks on Israelis or the atrocities committed on the hostages.

You seem to think your writing is so special and what you say is so interesting, that it deserves four separate posts to my one. I would suggest to you that your superficial research, your lack of understanding of history, your fixation with random articles desperate to criminalize Israel while free of any context, and your quoting of dubious sources is messy, unserious, and unintelligent slop. If you have a coherent argument to make other than this kind of cavewoman impersonating an intellectual type of nonsense, then do better if you can. If you can't, then just move on. You make no sense and you don't even realize.

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Blah blah blah.

You have nothing but hate and insults.

I will continue praying for ALL those in war zones, while you wallow in hatred and label everyone who points out Israeli war crimes "antisemitic."

Have a lovely day.

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Totally False.

You are babbling about things you don't understand because you are Jew Phobic

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The Hannibal directive makes perfect sense to me. I would not want to be tortured and raped for months on end at the hands of Islamic terrorists. I’d rather die. I don’t know what you’re on about…

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An external option of a suicide pill, brilliant, not lamentable nor condemnable

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מי שברך לשבויים

מִי שֶׁבֵּרַךְ אֲבוֹתֵינוּ אַבְרָהָם יִצְחָק וְיַעֲקֹב יוֹסֵף מֹשֶׁה וְאַהֲרֹן דָּוִד וּשְׁלֹמֹה, הוּא יְבָרֵךְ וְיִשְׁמֹר וְיִנְצֹר אֶת אֲחֵינוּ בֵּית יִשְׂרָאֵל הַשָּׁבוּיִים, בַּעֲבוּר שֶׁאָנוּ מִתְפַּלְלִים בַּעֲבוּרָם, הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא יִמָּלֵא רַחֲמִים עֲלֵיהֶם, יִשְׁמְרֵם מִכָּל צָרָה וְצוּקָה ,וְהַצְלָחָה בְּכָל מַעֲשֵׂה יְדֵיהֶם וּמִכָּל נֶגַע וּמַחֲלָה וְיִשְׁלַח בְּרָכָה יוֹצִיאֵם מֵחֹשֶׁךְ וְצַלְמָוֶת, וִישִׁיבֵם מְהֵרָה לְחֵיק מִשְׁפְּחוֹתֵיהֶם, .וְנֹאמַר אָמֵן

He who blessed our forefathers, Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov, Yosef, Moshe and Aharon, David and Shlomo, may He bless, watch, and guard our brothers who are in captivity. On account of the congregation's praying for them, may the Holy One, Blessed is He grant mercy upon them, protect them from all trouble and sorrow, injury and illness, and send blessing and success in all they do, take them out from darkness and gloom, and speedily return them to the comfort of their families. And let us say: Amen.

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Actually israel funds Hamas, and more likely orchestrated the October 7? The indication of such assertion is the number of hours (7 hours) it took for Israel to send its military to the areas.

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Hamas commander Mahmoud al-Zahar:

"The entire planet will be under our law; there will be no more Jews or Christian traitors."

Tell me again, how this is just about land?


we are not talking about liberating our land alone



17:02 فقال اليمن: سنعمل مع أصحاب الضمير الحي على التذكير بجرائم العدوان بحق الطفولة .

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Why do you keep posting this?

Who here is arguing that Hamas is virtuous and pure?

Hamas = IDF

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Zio Trolls have no interest in truth but are paid to attack anyone who dares to challenge Israel, Zionism etc They use lies, insults, threats even and dishonest vicious tricks to 'win'...

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It’s oddly entertaining watching them melt down here in this comment section, though.

As Spock would have said, “Fascinating.”

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No, they're not the same.

One side is hell bent to kill all Jews - document and said countlessly in the quaran, Hamas' manifesto, its leaders, and Muslims aplenty around the world. The other side is the military of the only Jewish-led territory on the planet, who has relentlessly defended itself from violence that islamists start. This is not conspiracy. Use the internet and smarten up.

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Both sides deliberately target civilians.

The only difference is that one side has more money, and more sophisticated weaponry, provided by US taxpayers.

You're welcome.

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You should really rethink where you get your information. If Israel was targeting civilians, they could have wiped out most Gazan communities. Weirdly, the Gazan population went up in the last year.

I'm not sure what kind of blindfold it takes for you to not see exactly what is happening with the Israeli hostages in front of your eyes compared to the 1000 murderers and terror operatives Israel has been forced to release, as well as the difference in their treatment.

Thinking the idf and Hamas are in any way similar or equal is the most extraordinary delusion I've ever heard.

Now explain how refugee camps are in Gaza when they say it's their home and don't want to leave and have been given billions to build but somehow there are concrete labyrinth running the length of Gaza underground. How do you make sense of built up neighborhoods calling themselves refugee camps for 3 generations or more. Where are they refugees from? Is Gaza their home or not? And why are all Hamas headquarters in hospitals and schools and why are they sending rockets and fighting from hospitals and schools? Any ideas? Oh- and why were hostages kept in UNWRA facilities. So many questions you seem incapable of taking on board

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No, thank you.

One side deliberately targets civilians - every aggression, again, started by Hamas/'Palestinian' resistance. Oct 7?

Where do you think Hamas got their well-supplied munitions? Over 20,000 missile attacks, drones, ICBMs, SAMs from... Who? Yes, Iran - plenty of cash for missiles. No cash for feeding their people and living in peace.

They're not a rag tag group, 'Hamas', Book. The IDF has fought the most cautious conflict they didn't start (for like the 10th instance). The only force that warns, insists, calls, drops leaflets to get the civilians OUT of harms way because these cowards set up their bases inside of hospitals and schools. And they refuse to surrender the final few hostages while the IDF hands over hundreds of POWs. There is no comparison.

Mark my words, Hamas, or whatever evolution they go by, will do this all over again. They did it 7 years ago, and 13 years ago, and 20...Just keep watching.

Also, just because a group, who you claim is not as well-funded, falsely, started a conflict and lost, again, does not give some moral equivalence - however hard you squint.

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Oh puh-leeze!

Just stop with the moral superiority schtick.

Israel has repeatedly bombed refugee camps & aid workers.

Yes, Hamas also targets civilians. Both sides are equally odious.

I know that Hamas has received aid from the US & Israel, in addition to other sources.

None of this has anything to do with America, & I'm tired of paying for it.

Let Israel finance its own wars.

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Fight the Jews and Christians until they paid the jizia should be elemental knowledge but you are a chump for islam

May your sympathy for barbarians result in unsympathetic treatment when you encounter barbarians


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"Corrupt leader facing prosecution launches genocide" .. plausible.

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Who gave you your military expertise license to surmise this way? You're a fool with zero knowledge or skin in the game. It's like you think this is fantasy football or something.

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Comment deleted
Feb 11
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You will never understand the irony of your statement.

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מי שברך לשבויים

מִי שֶׁבֵּרַךְ אֲבוֹתֵינוּ אַבְרָהָם יִצְחָק וְיַעֲקֹב יוֹסֵף מֹשֶׁה וְאַהֲרֹן דָּוִד וּשְׁלֹמֹה, הוּא יְבָרֵךְ וְיִשְׁמֹר וְיִנְצֹר אֶת אֲחֵינוּ בֵּית יִשְׂרָאֵל הַשָּׁבוּיִים, בַּעֲבוּר שֶׁאָנוּ מִתְפַּלְלִים בַּעֲבוּרָם, הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא יִמָּלֵא רַחֲמִים עֲלֵיהֶם, יִשְׁמְרֵם מִכָּל צָרָה וְצוּקָה ,וְהַצְלָחָה בְּכָל מַעֲשֵׂה יְדֵיהֶם וּמִכָּל נֶגַע וּמַחֲלָה וְיִשְׁלַח בְּרָכָה יוֹצִיאֵם מֵחֹשֶׁךְ וְצַלְמָוֶת, וִישִׁיבֵם מְהֵרָה לְחֵיק מִשְׁפְּחוֹתֵיהֶם, .וְנֹאמַר אָמֵן

He who blessed our forefathers, Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov, Yosef, Moshe and Aharon, David and Shlomo, may He bless, watch, and guard our brothers who are in captivity. On account of the congregation's praying for them, may the Holy One, Blessed is He grant mercy upon them, protect them from all trouble and sorrow, injury and illness, and send blessing and success in all they do, take them out from darkness and gloom, and speedily return them to the comfort of their families. And let us say: Amen.

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1200 divided by 500,000=%0.0024 - the Jews didn’t start this but they will finish it.

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You guys gotta come up with a new act, everyone sees through this one.

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Are you some kind of bot or just the laziest mind in the room?

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Nazi or Muslim AstroTurfers

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Hamas commander Mahmoud al-Zahar:

"The entire planet will be under our law; there will be no more Jews or Christian traitors."

Tell me again, how this is just about land?


we are not talking about liberating our land alone



17:02 فقال اليمن: سنعمل مع أصحاب الضمير الحي على التذكير بجرائم العدوان بحق الطفولة .

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מי שברך לשבויים

מִי שֶׁבֵּרַךְ אֲבוֹתֵינוּ אַבְרָהָם יִצְחָק וְיַעֲקֹב יוֹסֵף מֹשֶׁה וְאַהֲרֹן דָּוִד וּשְׁלֹמֹה, הוּא יְבָרֵךְ וְיִשְׁמֹר וְיִנְצֹר אֶת אֲחֵינוּ בֵּית יִשְׂרָאֵל הַשָּׁבוּיִים, בַּעֲבוּר שֶׁאָנוּ מִתְפַּלְלִים בַּעֲבוּרָם, הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא יִמָּלֵא רַחֲמִים עֲלֵיהֶם, יִשְׁמְרֵם מִכָּל צָרָה וְצוּקָה ,וְהַצְלָחָה בְּכָל מַעֲשֵׂה יְדֵיהֶם וּמִכָּל נֶגַע וּמַחֲלָה וְיִשְׁלַח בְּרָכָה יוֹצִיאֵם מֵחֹשֶׁךְ וְצַלְמָוֶת, וִישִׁיבֵם מְהֵרָה לְחֵיק מִשְׁפְּחוֹתֵיהֶם, .וְנֹאמַר אָמֵן

He who blessed our forefathers, Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov, Yosef, Moshe and Aharon, David and Shlomo, may He bless, watch, and guard our brothers who are in captivity. On account of the congregation's praying for them, may the Holy One, Blessed is He grant mercy upon them, protect them from all trouble and sorrow, injury and illness, and send blessing and success in all they do, take them out from darkness and gloom, and speedily return them to the comfort of their families. And let us say: Amen.

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I assume the concept of Ethical Zionism is foreign to you and I definitely understand why. If you would indulge me, I too did not realize such a thing existed until I started to look into the history of this conflict. If you want to know more, I share some of my findings in an essay titled Stairway to Peace. You can find it on Amazon.

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Can’t wait for your analysis of ethical apartheid or ethical Jim Crow.

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Under apartheid it would be unlikely that a judge would convict a member of the apartheid enforcing class to jail for corruption but that actually happened in Israel where an Arab judge convicted an Israeli prime Minister and put him in jail but you do you living in your fantasy world

May your sympathy for barbarians result in an unsympathetic consequence when you finally encounter The barbarians that you adore


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You know just enough about Israel to parrot anti Israel propaganda dressed up as pretending to understand domestic issues. But like all ignoramuses, you conflate it with anti israel activism. The cherry picked links give it away. People who know what they're talking about don't do that.

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I’m new to this app so not sure if i replied to you or it went to the main thread. I saw that I can reply to your thread specifically so that what am doing now to let you know that I did a reply on the main thread.

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There will be peace only when Gaza and WB are Cleared as TXIconoclast has said since 1973. He said should have been cleared 1967.

Now Qatari need to be relocated and all their assets seized for supporting Hamas before during, and after Oct 7 plus their Islamic Propaganda Centers on University Campuses.

Send all their contractors home.

Gazans WBers Qatari all relocated to Remote Scattered Indonesian Islands at Muslim Arab Expense

Any who remain will die

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Shirt Answer

Fuck Off Khaled:

There are No Good





I'm not interested in anything someone with a Muslim name says. Not a f****** thing. Unless they say I'm dying, that is the only useful thing they can say, because then one can put a pork jerky nugget in their mouth.

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So you admit to being a bigot.

That's the first step!

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Is it Bigoted to reject all who follow Nazism?

Muslim is not a race or ethnicity.

It is a Violent Supremacist Totalitarian Genocidal ideological Cult as is Collectivism (which includes Nazism)

The ideologies are Evil as are anyone that chooses to follow them.

You are a know nothing Dipshit that uses words you don't know what they mean ... In lieu of refuting what I said with facts and argument therefrom.

This is the ad hominem fallacy.

You are a moron with a false sense of moral superiority when you have no morals. Collectivism is immoral as it's Mantra is the End Justifies the Means.

You are a mindless emotional screech. Nothing more.

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With all respect, your anti israel heavy refocus does come a Ross as heavily bigoted. Especially because you base your knowledge on such superficial notions and outright lies.

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מי שברך לשבויים

מִי שֶׁבֵּרַךְ אֲבוֹתֵינוּ אַבְרָהָם יִצְחָק וְיַעֲקֹב יוֹסֵף מֹשֶׁה וְאַהֲרֹן דָּוִד וּשְׁלֹמֹה, הוּא יְבָרֵךְ וְיִשְׁמֹר וְיִנְצֹר אֶת אֲחֵינוּ בֵּית יִשְׂרָאֵל הַשָּׁבוּיִים, בַּעֲבוּר שֶׁאָנוּ מִתְפַּלְלִים בַּעֲבוּרָם, הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא יִמָּלֵא רַחֲמִים עֲלֵיהֶם, יִשְׁמְרֵם מִכָּל צָרָה וְצוּקָה ,וְהַצְלָחָה בְּכָל מַעֲשֵׂה יְדֵיהֶם וּמִכָּל נֶגַע וּמַחֲלָה וְיִשְׁלַח בְּרָכָה יוֹצִיאֵם מֵחֹשֶׁךְ וְצַלְמָוֶת, וִישִׁיבֵם מְהֵרָה לְחֵיק מִשְׁפְּחוֹתֵיהֶם, .וְנֹאמַר אָמֵן

He who blessed our forefathers, Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov, Yosef, Moshe and Aharon, David and Shlomo, may He bless, watch, and guard our brothers who are in captivity. On account of the congregation's praying for them, may the Holy One, Blessed is He grant mercy upon them, protect them from all trouble and sorrow, injury and illness, and send blessing and success in all they do, take them out from darkness and gloom, and speedily return them to the comfort of their families. And let us say: Amen.

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Feb 9Edited

Jabotinsky was a Jew.

Reach back as far as you like.

The Jews know their place of origin.

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Arafat was an Egyptian yet you fell for his suck sucker

Hamas commander Mahmoud al-Zahar:

"The entire planet will be under our law; there will be no more Jews or Christian traitors."

Tell me again, how this is just about land?


we are not talking about liberating our land alone



17:02 فقال اليمن: سنعمل مع أصحاب الضمير الحي على التذكير بجرائم العدوان بحق الطفولة .

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מי שברך לשבויים

מִי שֶׁבֵּרַךְ אֲבוֹתֵינוּ אַבְרָהָם יִצְחָק וְיַעֲקֹב יוֹסֵף מֹשֶׁה וְאַהֲרֹן דָּוִד וּשְׁלֹמֹה, הוּא יְבָרֵךְ וְיִשְׁמֹר וְיִנְצֹר אֶת אֲחֵינוּ בֵּית יִשְׂרָאֵל הַשָּׁבוּיִים, בַּעֲבוּר שֶׁאָנוּ מִתְפַּלְלִים בַּעֲבוּרָם, הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא יִמָּלֵא רַחֲמִים עֲלֵיהֶם, יִשְׁמְרֵם מִכָּל צָרָה וְצוּקָה ,וְהַצְלָחָה בְּכָל מַעֲשֵׂה יְדֵיהֶם וּמִכָּל נֶגַע וּמַחֲלָה וְיִשְׁלַח בְּרָכָה יוֹצִיאֵם מֵחֹשֶׁךְ וְצַלְמָוֶת, וִישִׁיבֵם מְהֵרָה לְחֵיק מִשְׁפְּחוֹתֵיהֶם, .וְנֹאמַר אָמֵן

He who blessed our forefathers, Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov, Yosef, Moshe and Aharon, David and Shlomo, may He bless, watch, and guard our brothers who are in captivity. On account of the congregation's praying for them, may the Holy One, Blessed is He grant mercy upon them, protect them from all trouble and sorrow, injury and illness, and send blessing and success in all they do, take them out from darkness and gloom, and speedily return them to the comfort of their families. And let us say: Amen.

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Odd that your name is of a Jewish tribe yet you hold such hostility towards them, fetal alcohol syndrome?

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Yes but he did not represent all Jews. He represented all nationalist exclusionary Zionists. As a result you can’t say Jews did this. A Jew did this might be acceptable but like I said he did not represent all Jews. Nationalist Exclusionary Zionists did this would also be acceptable because he did represent all those elk.

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Aah- the 'one Jewish representing all jews' argument. Idiot.

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You are correct that Jews did not start this. In fact you might be interested in knowing that not even Ethical Zionists started this. This was started by Jabotinsky in 1923 with his essay “The Iron Wall”, which undermined Ethical Zionists calling them “peace-mongers”. Jabotinsky and war-monger Zionists like him started this.

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Ethical Zionists?

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Care to expound on the Conquested territory doctrine of Islam?

Dar al Islam?

When an imam sets foot in a church it is considered under Islamic rules to be Islamic territory, fun things you don't know about Islam.

Portions of Spain are still considered islamically conquered but yet to be recovered territories and especially so in Israel where the 22 Arab Nations lost every battle that they started.

The Arab cries out, the Jew hit me back 🤯

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But why can't they finish it with their own money?

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1984 Emmanuel Goldstein Character Analysis

Emmanuel Goldstein Character Analysis



Emmanuel Goldstein is introduced as the Enemy of the People during the Two Minutes Hate at the beginning of the novel. He was once an important member of the Party but became a traitor. Although he was sentenced to death, he escaped and formed the Brotherhood, an organized body of rebels committed to the destruction of the Party and the party’s way of life.

Like Big Brother, Goldstein very likely does not exist as an actual person, but rather, is a propaganda tool used by the Party to stir up emotion in the citizens. Goldstein functions as a threatening but ill-defined monster that the Party uses to keep citizens in line and prevent rebellion. Like Eastasia and Eurasia, Goldstein provides the Party with an enemy to act against. When the Party does things that hurt the populace, their actions can be blamed either on terrorist attacks by Goldstein’s followers or on necessary precautions to prevent further attacks.

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Sorry, you seem to be attributing the actions of one branch of an ideology with the entire ideology. It’s like saying all Muslims are extremists or all Americans are war-mongers. Not all Zionists are coloured by the same pen just like not all Jews are Zionists. I will agree with you though that these days, one is hard pressed to find an Ethical Zionist but trust me, they are lurking in the shadows and have not yet gone extinct. The only hope for peace that I see today is the popular return to Ethical Zionism. Sadly the majority of today’s Zionists don’t seem to even remember that such a thing existed, which is probably why you don’t recognize it either. If the subject really absorbs you, do check out Stairway to Pease. If you like John Lennon and Led Zeppelin, and you read a book every now and then, I think you’ll like it. If you do, would love to hear your thoughts on it.

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God that you say the good ones are the exception rather than the rule when general John Spencer from West point and Colonel Fox from the British military all remark how commendable the incredibly low never before achieved civilian to combatant death ratio is all well fighting an enemy hiding behind civilians in tunnels to protect themselves but not the civilians. 🤷

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Stop Lying Sand Nigger. Muslim is not a Race or Ethnicity

Islam is a Violent Supremacist Totalitarian Genocidal Ideological Cult same as Collectivism.

Any who choose to follow either are bad. There are no good ones.

Murder Rape Torture Slavery Genocide War are all Inherent in Islam and are Part of JIHAD which Means STRUGGLE to Conquer the World for Islam/Sharia

Sand Nigger Elsewhere. You are done here boy.

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My, how enlightened you sound!

You speak of Arabs the same way the Nazis spoke of Jews & gypsies.

Well done!

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The words'ethical' and 'Zionism' cannot logically be put together. 'Zionism is the culture of seeing a country (Zionists 'chose' Palestine after looking at other options in Africa etc..) Zionism is based on Biblical 'prophecies' which are in fact hundreds of edits to the KJB by Zionist & fraudster 'Schofield' a century ago...these 'prophecies' predict that 'Israel' will see the rebirth of Jesus in the future but only after 'Zion" has fought a war to kill all the people currently living in the land 'God' chose for tgese 'chosen' people...These edits were believed by many Christians ie 'Christian Zionists'- millions of whom worldwide 'pray' and cheer for the Israeli gov slaughter of mlllons of babies, children and women and men for 76 yrs or so. Zionism is headed by, financed by richest people on earth ie the Rothschilds who are linked ( by blood it seems) to UK royals. So Israel has an u ending supply of latest weapons from UK, Zio ist owned US gov ...

Israel uses Jewish history such as 'The Holocaust' to guilt the world into not criticising the daily heinout crimes Israel commits against Palestinians - it turns out that Israel is not a Jewish state and even Jewish people who dare to speak out against rape, torture, murder of Palestinians are themselves attacked often..Even visitors from abroad can be attacked if they support Palestinians - tge ternager 'Rachel Corrie' visited Israrmel and stood in front if a bulldozer which was destroying Palestian homes & she was run over and killed by the vehicle. As far as I know, no one was punished for this crime either. ..

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מי שברך לשבויים

מִי שֶׁבֵּרַךְ אֲבוֹתֵינוּ אַבְרָהָם יִצְחָק וְיַעֲקֹב יוֹסֵף מֹשֶׁה וְאַהֲרֹן דָּוִד וּשְׁלֹמֹה, הוּא יְבָרֵךְ וְיִשְׁמֹר וְיִנְצֹר אֶת אֲחֵינוּ בֵּית יִשְׂרָאֵל הַשָּׁבוּיִים, בַּעֲבוּר שֶׁאָנוּ מִתְפַּלְלִים בַּעֲבוּרָם, הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא יִמָּלֵא רַחֲמִים עֲלֵיהֶם, יִשְׁמְרֵם מִכָּל צָרָה וְצוּקָה ,וְהַצְלָחָה בְּכָל מַעֲשֵׂה יְדֵיהֶם וּמִכָּל נֶגַע וּמַחֲלָה וְיִשְׁלַח בְּרָכָה יוֹצִיאֵם מֵחֹשֶׁךְ וְצַלְמָוֶת, וִישִׁיבֵם מְהֵרָה לְחֵיק מִשְׁפְּחוֹתֵיהֶם, .וְנֹאמַר אָמֵן

He who blessed our forefathers, Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov, Yosef, Moshe and Aharon, David and Shlomo, may He bless, watch, and guard our brothers who are in captivity. On account of the congregation's praying for them, may the Holy One, Blessed is He grant mercy upon them, protect them from all trouble and sorrow, injury and illness, and send blessing and success in all they do, take them out from darkness and gloom, and speedily return them to the comfort of their families. And let us say: Amen.

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Hamas commander Mahmoud al-Zahar:

"The entire planet will be under our law; there will be no more Jews or Christian traitors."

Tell me again, how this is just about land?


we are not talking about liberating our land alone



17:02 فقال اليمن: سنعمل مع أصحاب الضمير الحي على التذكير بجرائم العدوان بحق الطفولة .

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Yet Israel has achieved the lowest civilian to combatant death ratio in any warfare ever, that's ethical warfare.

Consult with general John Spencer or Colonel Fox from the British military for a reality check from your bubble that you dwell in

Fight the Jews and Christians until they pay the jizia

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The truth is not to be found in the Zionist establishment ie British Rothschiod owned establisment and governments inclufmdibg tge military military. Israel is not 'at war' it is slaughtering,millions occupying stolen land. Most Palestinians have no weapons but are raoed, tortured imprisoned - even children hundreds of whom are sexualky abused and tortured in Israeli prisons for years byv IDF. IDF are thugs who wet themselves, cry, run away if any real opposition presents itself to them. Lots of film showing just that. IDF 'soldiers' with urine all over trousers because a loud 'bang'nearby!

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You spell like a tard

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Are you familiar where the word Zionism comes from or what the word Zion refers to? The Zionism you are describing does exist. I call it Nationalist Zionism and I agree it is not much different than Christian Zionism. But there are, in my understanding, other forms of Zionism. Yes, the worst of them gives the lot a bad reputation and even causes the not so familiar with the different Zion based ideologies, to lump them all under the same label. That however does not negate their existence. Zion refers to a mountain in Jerusalem and is often used to refer to Jerusalem herself, which in turn is sometimes referred to as the Lady of Zion. The Jewish identity is integrally tied to the idea of one day a return to Jerusalem will takes place guided by the Moshiach as he fulfils his role of bringing humanity closer to spiritual enlightenment and leading the efforts to rectify the world and repair the moral and spiritual fabric of society, bringing about a state of perfection and harmony. Notice how different this Jewish vision is from that of the Christian Zionist’s which you described. By the way, this vision is reflected by the Jewish salutation ‘Next Year in Jerusalem’, traditionally recited at the end of the Passover Seder and at the conclusion of Yom Kippur services. Notice that this vision is void of any desire to displace or ethnicity cleanse any population but on the contrary, it is rooted in aspirations for morality and harmony. I understand thought that even Orthodox Jews who believe that return should not happen until Moshiach arrives dislike the term Zionist and disassociate themselves from it. But it seems to me that the term refers to anyone who longs for that return, those who make it happen by force as well as those who want to do it peacefully. You can find the term Ethical Zionism used very early on in the history of this conflict. Look up Leo Motzkin, if you’re interested. My proposition is that it was undermined by Jabotinsky with his Iron Wall essay in 1923 and the war-mongers’ voices drowned those of what he called the peace-mongers. I also propose that, considering the current state of affairs, and barring violent intervention by Iran, Turkey and Arab states, the only way a solution can be arrived at, is through a return to and embrace of Ethical Zionism. Of course, the Palestinian side would also need to recognize that part of the Jewish identity is tied to this land.

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Typos in line 2...

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A defense must protect the population at large. Sometimes citizens become defacto combatants and must be sacrificed same as citizen soldiers must be sacrificed to submit evil regimes. Do you think the drafted soldiers really wanted to storm the beaches at Normandy or Iwo Jima?

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Comparing IDF 76 year long massacres of babies, chikdren, women u armed innocent families for 76 years cannot be compared to any war - it is ethnic cleansing carrie out in the most sadistic manner imaginable. IDF singing dancing about having beheaded many Pakestin7an babies and indeed during g the latest genocide by IDF babies beheaded bodies found and chikdren shot point blank in the head etc etc. I do not know if any 'divibe' justice exists but if it does, all connected to the psychopathic Israeli governments will suffer what they deserve. Just a pity these deranged tyoes cannot experience justice now. Many hope for it.

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They will be gone soon living with their fellow Arabs in Arabia, homogeneous societies are best and the phallustinians have shown themselves to be the most incorrigible malevolent malignant toxic emotional vampire set of beings resembling humans ever to dwell.

In fact their fellow Arabs know how awful they are so much so that the king of jordan, the hashemite from Saudi Arabia killed 30,000 of them in a weekend in 1970 he was just getting started but the US said enough but no one cared because when Arabs kill Arabs it's no big deal and you guys don't give a shit but your pre-wired to hate Jews so when Jews fight back it triggers you

You should look up the Hama massacre by Assad from Syria where he killed up to 50,000 in a week.

Then there's the Muslims killing Christians in Congo and Sudan but you don't care because you're pre-wired to be triggered by Jews despite no connection to Arabs or Jews here you are hyping for jihadis 🤌

The Arab cries out, the Jew hit me back

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Self pity, self pity...., but not a shred of pity or humanity for real victims. Arab people are spoken about by you as if they are not human and as if they are worse than vermin- that lack of resoect for a whoke race says everything about you not the arab people's. You refer to arab peoples in exactly the way that you accuse 'anti semitic' types of referring to Jewish ie treat them as non humans much like Nazis treated sone Jewish, gypsies etc. You do to Arabs what your faith screams and cries about publicly as being done to your faith. Hypocrisy' is an understatement. Arabs are human beings whose cultures are the foundations of many modern achievements such as mathematics. Your hatred blinds you to your own narcissism.

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Israelis will soon regret releasing thousands of committed murderers from their prisons in prisoner exchanges. Those released will likely cause more Israeli deaths than saved and worse yet, encourage more hostage taking .

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They've been tagged and will be paged as necessary 🤯🤯

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More bullshit from the dissident.

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Anyone who is stupid enough to believe this incredible spin must be incredibly desperate to deny the reality of what Hamas did on Oct 7.

You people don't understand the context at all. Israel isn't 'admitting' anything. This statement is made in the context of knowing and acknowledging that Hamas brutally murdered 1200 Israelis with the plan to commit a genocide as the fighting spread. Initially the plan was for Hezbollah to attack at the same time from the north. It was a planned mass slaughter and annihilation of Israeli civilians. That in itself is repugnant enough without you lot scrambling like little piggies in a trough for scraps.

But worse is that you don't even seem to understand that the Haaretz article months ago (you know the one that got all you conspiracy theorists excited and hot under the collar) said exactly the same thing: that in the confusion and chaos of the brutal attack on Israel, some leadership in certain areas, considered the Hannibal Directive.

Now of course you dummies, having already gone viral the first time repeating each other in spinning the Haaretz article to pretend it meant Israelis were largely responsible for the majority of Israeli deaths, have now lost the plot with hysteria and glee because you think this is an admission by the Israelis to the pulp you were spinning. It isn't.

There were isolated incidents during a frenzy of killing, where some commanders thought it best to shoot at the terrorists even if it meant maybe harming a civilian. This happened during panic and fear. That's a VERY different statement to the BS you morons are spinning. But then, being obsessively amti Israel and dictated on a country and war you know nothing about, so makes sense you're not the brightest bulbs.

Here's another thing for you geniuses to reflect on:

The Hannibal Directive didn't cause the mass rape and genital mutilation of Israelis. It didn't set them alight or behead them or shoot families in the head or children in their beds. The Hannibal Directive did none of that.

Look at you all crowing with delight. because you don't even understand how to unpack basic information. A sicker bunch of fools and dimwits there never before was.

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Thank you for exposing what the Israeli government actually did on that day in October. The global mainstream media has been aiding and abetting the genocide in Gaza by withholding this part of the story.

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What other genocides have resulted in a larger population after that population started a war during a ceasefire on a Jewish high holy day against the most peaceful civilians with pro-arab sentiments in the entire nation of israel?

Creative stupidity epitomized 😜😂😆

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In your insane theory, how is it that Hamas are holding hostages then? If israel supposedly did it to themselves. And why are Israel releasing hundreds of Palestinian criminals for the lives of 3 innocent Israeli hostages at a time?

You don't understand what they're saying about the Hannibsl Directive because you're don't want to know. You prefer to lie to yourself and convince yourself of manipulated spin.

Gallant is talking within the context of knowing Hamas murdered 1200 Israelis when its army of thousands of men invaded Israel and killed, raped and set people alight.

You bunch of trash for brains have taken a small aspect of a conversation out of context to convince yourselves that Israel attacked itself. You do this against an abundance of proof that says otherwise snd I think it's because you lack knowledge, morality, compassion, humanity, and brains.

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I have never stated here or elsewhere that the IDF killed all of the people on that day. It is unclear how many were killed by Hamas and how many by IDF. However, Gallant it's not the only source for saying the Israelis killed some of their own. There is also no evidence ever proven for Hamas raping Israelis that day. Yes, Hamas has used its hostages as a bargaining chip to get many Palestinians released from jail, some who are innocent children held hostage.

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Your comment is so full of lies and ridiculous assertions that I honestly don't have the time to correct it all and it would be useless anyway.

The Idf is honest about employing a directive in some areas meant to save people from painful deaths through torture. A corrupt country would never divulge this. The Hannibal Directive was not to slaughter Israelis indiscriminately. You people just added that because it plays i to your fixated hatred of israel. You don't get that a coubtry that states this Directive was considered by some, does not then go and lie about how many innocents the terrorists sluggtered. It's accepted and verified that Hamas committed a mass slaughter.

The 1200 murdered on that day were clearly shot, burned, hacked to death by terrorists. Records have been kept.

As for your denial of mass gang rape and genital mutilation, one can only hope that karma comes for you on that one. Or that you grow a brain and read the verified and blvalidated reports. Even the antisemitic UN was forced to admit it.

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מי שברך לשבויים

מִי שֶׁבֵּרַךְ אֲבוֹתֵינוּ אַבְרָהָם יִצְחָק וְיַעֲקֹב יוֹסֵף מֹשֶׁה וְאַהֲרֹן דָּוִד וּשְׁלֹמֹה, הוּא יְבָרֵךְ וְיִשְׁמֹר וְיִנְצֹר אֶת אֲחֵינוּ בֵּית יִשְׂרָאֵל הַשָּׁבוּיִים, בַּעֲבוּר שֶׁאָנוּ מִתְפַּלְלִים בַּעֲבוּרָם, הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא יִמָּלֵא רַחֲמִים עֲלֵיהֶם, יִשְׁמְרֵם מִכָּל צָרָה וְצוּקָה ,וְהַצְלָחָה בְּכָל מַעֲשֵׂה יְדֵיהֶם וּמִכָּל נֶגַע וּמַחֲלָה וְיִשְׁלַח בְּרָכָה יוֹצִיאֵם מֵחֹשֶׁךְ וְצַלְמָוֶת, וִישִׁיבֵם מְהֵרָה לְחֵיק מִשְׁפְּחוֹתֵיהֶם, .וְנֹאמַר אָמֵן

He who blessed our forefathers, Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov, Yosef, Moshe and Aharon, David and Shlomo, may He bless, watch, and guard our brothers who are in captivity. On account of the congregation's praying for them, may the Holy One, Blessed is He grant mercy upon them, protect them from all trouble and sorrow, injury and illness, and send blessing and success in all they do, take them out from darkness and gloom, and speedily return them to the comfort of their families. And let us say: Amen.

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So to prevent Israel from being in the situation where they are forced to put their own people at risk, all Palestinians ought to be removed from both Gaza and the West Bank, yes? I understand that Somaliland is a possible destination. Think! No more Palestinians in Israeli jail, no more brutal crackdowns, etc. These people aren't going to be at peace w/each other, separation would be better for both parties.

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The Investigative Project on Terrorism

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An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Brotherhood in North America

by Mohamed Akram

May 19, 1991

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This May 1991 memo was written by Mohamed Akram, a.k.a. Mohamed Adlouni, for the Shura Council of the Muslim Brotherhood. In the introductory letter, Akram referenced a "long-term plan…approved and adopted" by the Shura Council in 1987 and proposed this memo as a supplement to that plan and requested that the memo be added to the agenda for an upcoming Council meeting. Appended to the document is a list of all Muslim Brotherhood organizations in North America as of 1991.

Notable quotes:

Enablement of Islam in North America, meaning: establishing an effective and stable Islamic Movement led by the Muslim Brotherhood which adopts Muslims' causes domestically and globally, and which works to expand the observant Muslim base, aims at unifying and directing Muslims' efforts, presents Islam as a civilization alternative, and supports the global Islamic state, wherever it is.

In order for Islam and its Movement to become "a part of the homeland" in which it lives, "stable" in its land, "rooted" in the spirits and minds of its people, "enabled" in the live [sic] of its society and has firmly-established "organizations" on which the Islamic structure is built and with which the testimony of civilization is achieved, the Movement must plan and struggle to obtain "the keys" and the tools of this process in carry [sic] out this grand mission as a "Civilization Jihadist" responsibility which lies on the shoulders of Muslims and – on top of them – the Muslim Brotherhood in this country.

The process of settlement is a "Civilization-Jihadist Proecess" with all the word means. The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions. Without this level of understanding, we are not up to this challenge and have not prepared ourselves for Jihad yet. It is a Muslim's destiny to perform Jihad and work wherever he is and wherever he lands until the final hour comes, and there is no escape from that destiny except for those who chose to slack. But, would the slackers and the Mujahedeen be equal.

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War is hell

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