Henry Kissinger summed this all up when talking about the 1973 coup in Chile:

"I don’t see why we need to stand by and watch a country go Communist due to the irresponsibility of its own people. [These] issues are much too important for the Chilean voters to be left to decide for themselves."

Just change Chile to Venezuela and you've got the current situation.

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Jul 30Liked by The Dissident

What a play by Trump - impose crippling sanctions that will set off a migrant crisis and then campaign again on being tough on illegal immigration to get re-elected. Did he actually foresee this opportunity, most likely not, but it’s playing into his hand brilliantly.

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Jul 29Liked by The Dissident

When I saw your headline I thought you were talking about our own US coup to install Cackling Kammie 😂

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So, let me see if l understand this correctly. The US government have used Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Venezula and it has resulted in the deaths of thousands of people?

Then when the American people use BDS against Isreal because the people want to prevent the deaths of thousands of other people, the US government wants to make BDS illegal?

It seems as though the Foreign Office needs to review their foreign policy.

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Jul 29Liked by The Dissident

Great reporting!

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Yea, this “dissent” commentary is total horseshite. US took a fairly neutral position to Chavez’ election — despite the fact that while in Venezuelan army he had previously attempted a military coup to obtain power. U.S. policy changed to oppose him when he unilaterally changed Venezuelan law to remove term limits & stay in office. He then further replaced the nation’s Supreme Court Justices, imprisoned political opponents, and began terrorizing common citizens with roving bands AK-47 toting thugs on motorcycles killing those on the streets protesting his socialist dictatorship.

Claims about US desire for Venezuelan oil is trite and provably false. Venezuelan oil production has declined rapidly since the Chavista regime began pilfering its revenue to pay off its supporters. It has become an insignificant portion of the world oil production. Years ago, when it was more significant, the U.S. did just fine without access to Venezuelan oil, and gas prices across the country were at decade low prices for consumers.

Now, at its lowest production levels, it is just a blip. Its heavy sulfur oil is less desirable around the world, and irrelevant to total world production. That also means that it’s not generating the revenue the now Maduro-led Chavistas need to stay in power. The funny thing about bribing ppl for their loyalty is that their loyalty ends when the bribes end.

“Evidence-free” is certainly an interesting descriptive wrt the election outcome. It is notable, however, that the author has as much evidence as I (or any reader) have regarding the Venezuelan election results: 0.

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