I also was surprised by the questions about Snowden and was impressed by Gabbard response regarding giving potential whistleblowers an avenue for sharing concerns that were not available to him.
Calling the people asking these questions "uneducated and ignorant" is VERY generous.
It suggests that, if you were to inform them of their error, they might change their minds. Not in a million years. These people know what is expected of them and they maintain themselves in a condition of willed error in order to do so.
Good article. ms Gabbard should of asked the Senators if Daniel Ellsberg was a traitor. Better yet, all 100 Senators should be required to vote on Ellsberg so their constituents know where they are coming from. The Senators would be too chicken to put their names on a vote. One thing you can say about Snowden. He’s no chicken.
Tulsi is an excellent pick. She’s a rolling canon ball but in a very good way. She’s a better pick in that Deep State goes into the Panic Mode regarding her mindset . This is just wonderful at all levels.
Gabbard is a Zionist bootlicker as are the other Orange Bolshevist picks. Also, the "Deep State" is controlled by the same Anglo-Maltese axis owning Trump so the two sides of the false battle are of the same coin.
'Perhaps the most unhinged question Gabbard faced on Ukraine was from the aforementioned Michael Bennet who had a public meltdown over Gabbard's tweet where she said that “this war and suffering could have been easily avoided if Biden admin/NATO had simply acknowledged Russia’s legitimate security concerns regarding Ukraine becoming a member of NATO”.'
I watched a lot of the hearing, but nowhere was it mentioned that the US had promised Russia not to let NATO expand to Ukraine. If my understanding is correct, we broke a promise. How is that not a legitimate security concern?
During his 2020 presidential run, I really liked Bennett. At that time I was still sipping the democratic Kool-Aid, but even taking that into account yesterdays performance was a big disillusionment.
None of that is true. There was no such promise. NATO Nazis and other Pretexts all irrelevant. For Putin is only about reunification. Tulsi is a stupid lefty cunt
This is classic duopoly nonsense. The Republicans are busting her ass for the few good stances she's taken before they pillory her for not being hawkish enough (I, too, cannot forgive her for supporting the Genocide and will never support her politically). The Democrats threatened Matt Taibbi with jail time and helped institutionalize legal censorship. Russiagate VS QAnon. Pick your poison. The Democrats are currently the more vile of the two with their precious infanticide and the murder and torture of innocents. But Trump is president again, and like Godzilla on a roids-fueled bender, he will lay waste to any vestiges of whatever civil liberties remain: he'll obsess with turning the tables on his enemies for the shitty hand they dealt him. Thinks of what's been accomplished: The Patriot Act, the repeal of habeas corpus, Trump slashing income tax to 21%, Biden giving Israel billions, unconditional support, telling beheaded baby lies to help Israel's repugnant Propaganda War while US citizens sleep under bridges. But the worst is Biden's hobbling of the 1st Amendment. He's handing Trump his gargantuan censorship apparatus, christened with the power of Supreme Court Precedent. Mango Caesar is already hassling Native Americans on tribal lands. The Red & the Blue have been unanimous in their support of the behavior described above. Biden and Trump are a tag-team duo. They put on this dog-and-pony show to distract millions of uninformed Americans and get them invested in an utterly fabricated 2-party soap opera. They want to ensure that you never look at what we really are: a decaying and bloodthirsty Empire trying to squeeze that last drop of milk from Mother Earth. Then, it's off to brunch, jackass & pachyderm, arm-in-arm, dreaming of the freshly squeezed grapefruit juice waiting for them inside their $20 Greyhound!
Tulsi has the bearing and deportment of a savant who is now being forced to walk the gauntlet for the entertainment of Trump’s enemies. They are desperate to seem so much ‘holier than thou’ and so aware of the sanctity of their opposition. True believers in their opposition should feel obliged to put $100 in the plate instead of the expected $50 for the brilliant mini-sermons they so sanctimoniously rant. (Decorum has obviously been at least partially sacrificed in order to emphasize the weight of this departure from protocol.)
But alas! The empire is exposed. Over and over again the appearance of nakedly unAmerican exploitation has been featured— and those (blood thirsty, blood soaked warmongers) just can’t abide being seen ‘unclothed’ with the righteousness they so fervently claim for themselves.
Understanding the raw hypocrisy of asserting the right of the Empire against those creating dissonance to the narrative of righteousness is the first principle here.
Tulsi is what Donald Trump recognizes as her own person, including the imperfect conscience and promotion by questionable sources alluded to here. Again, she seems like a savant being assailed by ‘ignorant warmongers’, which has become their form of transparency in protest, but potentially will rise above the unearned brutality of the permanent ‘foreign policy’ regime to effect some profound, presently critical (to our survival as a world power broker) change —Change meant to be more respectful of humanity and our legitimate security interests.
Once in a while it pays to have the civilizing influence and intuition of a principled woman to step into the man’s world of power politics. As opposed to Victoria Nuland, unelected, unappointed to DNI, and vicious.
Tulsi Gabbard lied about her visits to Syria when she said she did not know who paid for it (she named some sort of a proxy named “something for Peace” — Russians P. Poulever and sanctioned oligarch K. Malofeev organised and paid for those trips.
The Democratic Senators are awful. Pro war. The USA and Britain encouraged Ukraine to choose war over agreeing not to join the NATO Military Alliance.
I don't know a lot about her and I disagree with her on everything you mention.
But I've been thinking about how the Democratic National Committee treated her in the 2020 Democratic Primary. The party decides who gets to participate in Primary Debates.
There was one Debate where she devastated Kamala Harris for bragging on black radio show that she smoked pot as a Howard University Sorority Sister while sending other people to prison as California Prosecutor and Attorney General. Harris I thought looked like a rich and privileged Hypocrite.
In Iowa before the Iowa Caucuses Kamala Harris dropped out Before The Iowa Caucuses because she had almost Zero Support From Democrats. On the other hand she had large maybe 4 four foot by 6 foot or 8 Bigger Yard signs around town. I believe most were anti war people enthusiastic about a critic of the wars.
Democrats angry about Trump eliminating Diversity programs should remember how the Democrats treated her. ......a "woman of color" ....(not white enough to be a white supremacist) ....the Democrats kicked her out of participating in the debates even though she had enthusiastic grass roots Support from Democrats that Kamala Harris and Michael Bennett and Michael Bloomberg did not have.
But the Democrats kicked out a military veteran criticizing war and Changed the Rules to Let Conservative former Republican Billionaire.....who as NY city mayor said all the crime came from dark skinned young men.....so the New York City police should throw all the dark skinned young men up against the wall.....search them with no warrant or probable cause.....and arrest them for anything at all and throw them into Riker's Island.......
The DNC changed the rules to let him in ....just so he could savagely Redbait Bernie Sanders as part of the DNC corrupt anti Democratic STOP BERNIE from being president.
It seemed offensive then and still to kick her out of debates.
She probably would have been a more
Legitimate vice president than Harris.....from a a Nonviolent perspective I don't think she would have been any worse than Kamala Harris.
Anyway....I'm still disgusted by the treatment of Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard by the DNC in 2020. And the way they rolled out red carpet for white Billionaires.....even changing the rules.....all to stop Britain Sanders from being the Democratic Party Candidate for President and being elected president.
Couldn't agree more! The entire dialectical clownshow is designed to steer public attention away from the most important issues whereby semi-unreasonable individuals are castigated for *INSUFFICIENT* degrees of blind est. apparatus shilling. I likewise am far from viewing any of Clementine Crassload's nominees in a positive light yet simultaneously am utterly repulsed with the est. bogus-manufactured corporate/contractor-bootlicking narratives pushed in those Senate hearings i.e. also in the case of RFK, Jr.
From what I observe, it follows a parallel narrative structure as RWNJ Orange Bolshevists castigating Soros but for the wrong reasons, outlandishly painting him as "anti-Israel." (Soros in reality is fully ingratiated into a reactionary cauldron financing color revolution psyops of probably various stripes, not to mention he heralds from Anglo-Rothschild liaisons and is consistently defended by the arch-Zionist Ante-Defecation League)
I cannot subscribe to your newsletter because I don’t agree with your reasoning that what the intelligence committee questions to Tulsi Gabbard asked her were illegitimate. What they asked is exactly what I wanted to know hear, and understand from her, and I listened to the whole testimony because I knew nothing about her. I found your article biased and not balanced and it doesn’t give me an understanding of her position and what happened at the hearing. Based on HER answers of the questions she was asked, I would vote her as a NO to be in charge of DNI. Based on what she said I would not trust her to be on the side of the United States and to give Trump advice based on the known facts. I hope she will NOT be confirmed. I am not a partisan and prefer to listen and learn information directly from the original source. I do read opinions of writers on Substack and independent media, which provide me with different views and facts. Your opinion did not coincide with what I heard her say. But full disclosure, I believe that Snowden is a traitor and he could have exposed the government was doing in a different way. His behavior was unpardonable.
Ingrid, you are the equivalent of a teacher punishing a kid for punching back the bully while exonerating the bully from punitive justice. If by all means you insist on shilling for the Anglo-CIA-MI6-Jesuit-Masonic-Maltese-Zionist-Saudi-Türkiye cabal, go on ahead, but don't screech later on that you weren't warned of their perditious criminality.
> "exactly what I wanted to know hear"
What misplaced priorities you have. You're THIS concerned about the safety and well-being of Deep State intelligence bootlickers?
I also was surprised by the questions about Snowden and was impressed by Gabbard response regarding giving potential whistleblowers an avenue for sharing concerns that were not available to him.
Beyond the stupidities, nobody was going to ask her about Gaza ...
Or, related, her Zionist ties to John Hagee.
Or her Islamophobia. (Sort of related, at a minimum.)
Or her RSS ties, related to that.
Or, the new news — the pyramid scheme allegedly run by people connected to the Chris Butler cult, which she tried to whitewash back in 2017.
All of these, in addition to her lack of experience and her bromances for authoritarians, all good reasons to reject her as DNI.
Also, remember that a Congresscritter who voted for Moar Nukes is NOT NOT NOT a "peace candidate" https://socraticgadfly.blogspot.com/2019/09/no-tulsi-gabbard-is-not-peace-candidate.html
Calling the people asking these questions "uneducated and ignorant" is VERY generous.
It suggests that, if you were to inform them of their error, they might change their minds. Not in a million years. These people know what is expected of them and they maintain themselves in a condition of willed error in order to do so.
Good article. ms Gabbard should of asked the Senators if Daniel Ellsberg was a traitor. Better yet, all 100 Senators should be required to vote on Ellsberg so their constituents know where they are coming from. The Senators would be too chicken to put their names on a vote. One thing you can say about Snowden. He’s no chicken.
None of that matters. She has no qualifications and is not conservative or GOP
Tulsi is an excellent pick. She’s a rolling canon ball but in a very good way. She’s a better pick in that Deep State goes into the Panic Mode regarding her mindset . This is just wonderful at all levels.
Gabbard is a Zionist bootlicker as are the other Orange Bolshevist picks. Also, the "Deep State" is controlled by the same Anglo-Maltese axis owning Trump so the two sides of the false battle are of the same coin.
'Perhaps the most unhinged question Gabbard faced on Ukraine was from the aforementioned Michael Bennet who had a public meltdown over Gabbard's tweet where she said that “this war and suffering could have been easily avoided if Biden admin/NATO had simply acknowledged Russia’s legitimate security concerns regarding Ukraine becoming a member of NATO”.'
I watched a lot of the hearing, but nowhere was it mentioned that the US had promised Russia not to let NATO expand to Ukraine. If my understanding is correct, we broke a promise. How is that not a legitimate security concern?
During his 2020 presidential run, I really liked Bennett. At that time I was still sipping the democratic Kool-Aid, but even taking that into account yesterdays performance was a big disillusionment.
Putin RF USA China Iran & Ukraine
What Ukraine is About per Putin
FactsThat Can't Be Overcome on Tulsi https://substack.com/@demediaispropaganda/note/c-89724245?r=4bdzfc
None of that is true. There was no such promise. NATO Nazis and other Pretexts all irrelevant. For Putin is only about reunification. Tulsi is a stupid lefty cunt
This is classic duopoly nonsense. The Republicans are busting her ass for the few good stances she's taken before they pillory her for not being hawkish enough (I, too, cannot forgive her for supporting the Genocide and will never support her politically). The Democrats threatened Matt Taibbi with jail time and helped institutionalize legal censorship. Russiagate VS QAnon. Pick your poison. The Democrats are currently the more vile of the two with their precious infanticide and the murder and torture of innocents. But Trump is president again, and like Godzilla on a roids-fueled bender, he will lay waste to any vestiges of whatever civil liberties remain: he'll obsess with turning the tables on his enemies for the shitty hand they dealt him. Thinks of what's been accomplished: The Patriot Act, the repeal of habeas corpus, Trump slashing income tax to 21%, Biden giving Israel billions, unconditional support, telling beheaded baby lies to help Israel's repugnant Propaganda War while US citizens sleep under bridges. But the worst is Biden's hobbling of the 1st Amendment. He's handing Trump his gargantuan censorship apparatus, christened with the power of Supreme Court Precedent. Mango Caesar is already hassling Native Americans on tribal lands. The Red & the Blue have been unanimous in their support of the behavior described above. Biden and Trump are a tag-team duo. They put on this dog-and-pony show to distract millions of uninformed Americans and get them invested in an utterly fabricated 2-party soap opera. They want to ensure that you never look at what we really are: a decaying and bloodthirsty Empire trying to squeeze that last drop of milk from Mother Earth. Then, it's off to brunch, jackass & pachyderm, arm-in-arm, dreaming of the freshly squeezed grapefruit juice waiting for them inside their $20 Greyhound!
Not she did not. Tulsi told the real.trutu suck it buttercup
Tulsi has the bearing and deportment of a savant who is now being forced to walk the gauntlet for the entertainment of Trump’s enemies. They are desperate to seem so much ‘holier than thou’ and so aware of the sanctity of their opposition. True believers in their opposition should feel obliged to put $100 in the plate instead of the expected $50 for the brilliant mini-sermons they so sanctimoniously rant. (Decorum has obviously been at least partially sacrificed in order to emphasize the weight of this departure from protocol.)
But alas! The empire is exposed. Over and over again the appearance of nakedly unAmerican exploitation has been featured— and those (blood thirsty, blood soaked warmongers) just can’t abide being seen ‘unclothed’ with the righteousness they so fervently claim for themselves.
Understanding the raw hypocrisy of asserting the right of the Empire against those creating dissonance to the narrative of righteousness is the first principle here.
Tulsi is what Donald Trump recognizes as her own person, including the imperfect conscience and promotion by questionable sources alluded to here. Again, she seems like a savant being assailed by ‘ignorant warmongers’, which has become their form of transparency in protest, but potentially will rise above the unearned brutality of the permanent ‘foreign policy’ regime to effect some profound, presently critical (to our survival as a world power broker) change —Change meant to be more respectful of humanity and our legitimate security interests.
Once in a while it pays to have the civilizing influence and intuition of a principled woman to step into the man’s world of power politics. As opposed to Victoria Nuland, unelected, unappointed to DNI, and vicious.
Hards Facts on Tulsi You can't Overcome
None of this is true. She is a Dolt.
Putin RF USA China Iran & Ukraine
What Ukraine is About per Putin
Tulsi Gabbard and the rest of them have exposed their true corruption and allegiance to Capital.
True, but she's still better than a lot who Trump could want in that position. BTW, it's 'Capitol'.
Tulsi Gabbard lied about her visits to Syria when she said she did not know who paid for it (she named some sort of a proxy named “something for Peace” — Russians P. Poulever and sanctioned oligarch K. Malofeev organised and paid for those trips.
This thread shows why it’s “the Vatican” that she mentioned during the confirmation hearings in US Senate in Jan 2025: https://x.com/zemantomas/status/1802598125623734304
Not only did she knew — learned after, she also knew who funded and organised that “,,, Peace” rally in DC in 2023 — again from Russian taxes:
Couldn't care less who paid for it. The fact is she actually went on a fact-finding trip instead of a boondoggle.
Y’all are pretty free with the word genocide, aren’t ya?
The Democratic Senators are awful. Pro war. The USA and Britain encouraged Ukraine to choose war over agreeing not to join the NATO Military Alliance.
I don't know a lot about her and I disagree with her on everything you mention.
But I've been thinking about how the Democratic National Committee treated her in the 2020 Democratic Primary. The party decides who gets to participate in Primary Debates.
There was one Debate where she devastated Kamala Harris for bragging on black radio show that she smoked pot as a Howard University Sorority Sister while sending other people to prison as California Prosecutor and Attorney General. Harris I thought looked like a rich and privileged Hypocrite.
In Iowa before the Iowa Caucuses Kamala Harris dropped out Before The Iowa Caucuses because she had almost Zero Support From Democrats. On the other hand she had large maybe 4 four foot by 6 foot or 8 Bigger Yard signs around town. I believe most were anti war people enthusiastic about a critic of the wars.
Democrats angry about Trump eliminating Diversity programs should remember how the Democrats treated her. ......a "woman of color" ....(not white enough to be a white supremacist) ....the Democrats kicked her out of participating in the debates even though she had enthusiastic grass roots Support from Democrats that Kamala Harris and Michael Bennett and Michael Bloomberg did not have.
But the Democrats kicked out a military veteran criticizing war and Changed the Rules to Let Conservative former Republican Billionaire.....who as NY city mayor said all the crime came from dark skinned young men.....so the New York City police should throw all the dark skinned young men up against the wall.....search them with no warrant or probable cause.....and arrest them for anything at all and throw them into Riker's Island.......
The DNC changed the rules to let him in ....just so he could savagely Redbait Bernie Sanders as part of the DNC corrupt anti Democratic STOP BERNIE from being president.
It seemed offensive then and still to kick her out of debates.
She probably would have been a more
Legitimate vice president than Harris.....from a a Nonviolent perspective I don't think she would have been any worse than Kamala Harris.
Anyway....I'm still disgusted by the treatment of Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard by the DNC in 2020. And the way they rolled out red carpet for white Billionaires.....even changing the rules.....all to stop Britain Sanders from being the Democratic Party Candidate for President and being elected president.
Couldn't agree more! The entire dialectical clownshow is designed to steer public attention away from the most important issues whereby semi-unreasonable individuals are castigated for *INSUFFICIENT* degrees of blind est. apparatus shilling. I likewise am far from viewing any of Clementine Crassload's nominees in a positive light yet simultaneously am utterly repulsed with the est. bogus-manufactured corporate/contractor-bootlicking narratives pushed in those Senate hearings i.e. also in the case of RFK, Jr.
From what I observe, it follows a parallel narrative structure as RWNJ Orange Bolshevists castigating Soros but for the wrong reasons, outlandishly painting him as "anti-Israel." (Soros in reality is fully ingratiated into a reactionary cauldron financing color revolution psyops of probably various stripes, not to mention he heralds from Anglo-Rothschild liaisons and is consistently defended by the arch-Zionist Ante-Defecation League)
I cannot subscribe to your newsletter because I don’t agree with your reasoning that what the intelligence committee questions to Tulsi Gabbard asked her were illegitimate. What they asked is exactly what I wanted to know hear, and understand from her, and I listened to the whole testimony because I knew nothing about her. I found your article biased and not balanced and it doesn’t give me an understanding of her position and what happened at the hearing. Based on HER answers of the questions she was asked, I would vote her as a NO to be in charge of DNI. Based on what she said I would not trust her to be on the side of the United States and to give Trump advice based on the known facts. I hope she will NOT be confirmed. I am not a partisan and prefer to listen and learn information directly from the original source. I do read opinions of writers on Substack and independent media, which provide me with different views and facts. Your opinion did not coincide with what I heard her say. But full disclosure, I believe that Snowden is a traitor and he could have exposed the government was doing in a different way. His behavior was unpardonable.
Ingrid, you are the equivalent of a teacher punishing a kid for punching back the bully while exonerating the bully from punitive justice. If by all means you insist on shilling for the Anglo-CIA-MI6-Jesuit-Masonic-Maltese-Zionist-Saudi-Türkiye cabal, go on ahead, but don't screech later on that you weren't warned of their perditious criminality.
> "exactly what I wanted to know hear"
What misplaced priorities you have. You're THIS concerned about the safety and well-being of Deep State intelligence bootlickers?
You rock Tulsi!