I have to continually remind myself: Biden is just reading, he knows not what. If you asked him today, about any of those assertions, you would do well to get a blank stare. At best, he might tell you they won the war on Medicare. He'd be pitiful if he wasn't a lifelong corrupt, lying asshole. A genuine waste of matter.

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Honestly, Trump pressuring Israel to do a ceasefire was NOT on my bingo card for his presidency and I never would've considered it a possibility, yet it's happening.

Whether or not it holds remains to be seen.

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Splendid well-compiled documentation as always, The D. (uh, hopefully you don't mind me calling you that? Just thought I might bestow upon you a cool-sounding nickname 😎). I was likewise examining the "Gaza ceasefire" news just earlier this morning, and unfortunately the MSM was painstakingly obnoxious to sift through so it was a good thing my YT feed included a quality upload from Katie Halper explaining the Witkoff aspect.

I also compiled an analysis of my own just earlier today explaining the real motive behind Trump pushing this "ceasefire": making sure the Fourth Reich doesn't divert its resources against Gaza because of an upcoming brutal conquest of the West Bank, because the Anglo-Zionist fanatical extremists i.e. Pete Hegseth have already made it clear their goal is the construction of a "Third Temple" to replace Al-Aqsa Mosque. Maybe you might likewise find that analysis of mine some meaningful food for thought to consider. :) Though of course your decision 100%, no pressure in case you're knee-deep processing all this news and have other life priorities, my friend.

Oh, also just earlier I added a note in my recommendation of your Stack BTW. Not sure if it'll show up as a prominent shout-out, but definitely congrats on all the success your publication has received here. I certainly wish people as yourself held more prominence that those pathetic "liberal" garbage MSM repeat liars who use Substack as another piggy bank filler plastering their thrice-regurgitated fakery all over the platform. As that age-old Arthur TV show episode is entitled, "Vomitrocious"!

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Actually the RESISTANCE fought for this "cease fire. " The IDF was getting beaten badly. The Houthis also launched hypersonic missiles on Tel Aviv. This was purely tactical and political. It's temporary. The slaughter and torture will continue and continue to get worse. Trump also doesn't want his inauguration to be "tainted" by the ongoing violence.

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1. Ukraine has ended elections, political speech and a generation of young people have fled the country. This is Biden’s definition of a “free” country.

2. Biden’s definition of “misinformation “ is anything that counters the lies coming from the DC blob.

3. Biden was Netanyahu’s puppy dog, obeying and giving him everything he asked for until the Pit Bull sent his emissary to tell the big dog he wasn’t big enough to mess with the Pit Bull. Message received.

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Israel should NEVER back down! The Palestinians want Israel to cease to exist!

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Every Palestinian group is willing to accept a two-state solution along the 1967 borders.

Israel, on the other hand, wants to take all the land and drive out or exterminate the Palestinians.

You've got it backwards.

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Besides God gave the land to Israel not Ishmael

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Using God and the Bible as an argument in political and social discourse is a sign of total intellectual bankruptcy. After all, the part of the Old Testament that gives Israel rather than Ishmael that strip of land happens to be written by – Guess Who? – Israelites! I could write something saying that God granted the entirety of New Mexico, where I live, to me and my family. Would that have any validity at all?

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Ur not God! I will continue to stand with God’s people rather than the world. I guess I’m to intellectually bankrupt 🤣🤣 to understand. Maybe it’s just that ur to spiritually bankrupt to understand?

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For the sake of argument, that is, supposing the bible were the inerrant Word of God, at least in the fever dreams of the Faithful, are you seriously maintaining that God, who allegedly created all humankind in his own image, chose one small group of people as "his," and is entirely indifferent to the fate and lives of all the other billions, the vast majority of those he supposedly created, and who worship him under different names and with a variety of methods and techniques, but all agree that he is the one God and the Creator?

He may be infinite and thus beyond our finite understanding, but one would hope that he is not that irrational or perverse, no?

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Exposing yourself as a religious fanatic doesn't help your case in any capacity.

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Riffing on Muhammad?

"There is no god and I am his prophet."

Riffing on informed biblical criticism?

There was no "exodus" and thus no invasion of a "holy land."

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Wow, I think you just knee-capped your own arguments.

Claiming genocide is divinely ordained is…. awful.

Granted, that is what Germany did in the 1940s, but it wasn’t a good thing then, and it isn’t a good thing now.

When your argument is taken from the mouths of monsters… you ought to look in the mirror if you think you aren’t a monster yourself. If you think you are a monster though, own it. There’s no need to justify yourself with lies if you’re going to just be a monster.

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1. Using the Bible as your pretext isn't a good argument

2. The Quran says something different

3. I'm an Atheist, so why should I care?

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Dude please research! Hamas which controls Palestine, and has for decades, ever since the Palestinians voted them in, wants Israel to disappear!! 🫥 ur the one who has it backwards! What do u think “from the river to the sea” means???!!

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Research how Israel helped create Hamas! You're a Dummer Fuq with each new comment.

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First, Hamas only took power after elections in about 2005 or 2006 and Gaza is still occupied.

Second, when the Palestinians and the pro-Palestine movement chant "from the river to the sea" we're calling for the liberation of Palestine: an end to the occupation and the end of apartheid. We're not calling for genocide. On the other hand, the Likud Party openly wants to take ALL the land and either drive out or exterminate the Palestinians. They are the ones calling for the destruction of a group of people.

Third, actually read the Hamas Charter:

"Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project not with the Jews because of their religion. Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine. Yet, it is the Zionists who constantly identify Judaism and the Jews with their own colonial project and illegal entity." (Article 16)

"Hamas believes that no part of the land of Palestine shall be compromised or conceded, irrespective of the causes, the circumstances and the pressures and no matter how long the occupation lasts. Hamas rejects any alternative to the full and complete liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea. However, without compromising its rejection of the Zionist entity and without relinquishing any Palestinian rights, Hamas considers the establishment of a fully sovereign and independent Palestinian state, with Jerusalem as its capital along the lines of the 4th of June 1967, with the return of the refugees and the displaced to their homes from which they were expelled, to be a formula of national consensus." (Article 20)

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So...it's propaganda to quote what the Hamas Charter actually says when it refutes your lies?

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It might interest your thick Orange Bolshevist skull to realize that the Nazisrael occupation crime syndicate has no right to exist whatsoever.

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Ur name implies that ur Jewish. So u hate ur own people?

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LOL you just demonstrated:

1. you know absolutely nothing about what factually defines Judaism

2. apparently my name as a reference to an iconic fictional character entirely flew over your head

3. your grammar is as atrocious as your lack of knowledge

Keep embarrassing yourself -- it's entertaining. 🫵🤣

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So u don’t hate the Jews? Please explain y u feel that hate is appropriate. And obviously I shorten certain words. My grammar is perfectly fine. But I do appreciate your concern!

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You don't even know what actual Jews are. Go back to your own league- oh wait, you'll just eat the purple crayons thinking they're grape candy. How sad.

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Deflection. Yay!

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I like how you accuse others of hating Jews when you made an assumption about somebody being Jewish based on your own biases.

You're outed yourself as Anti-Semitic.

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I’m a spiritual Jew so I don’t hate my own people

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That’s just silly! U must not understand what it means to hate people based on something they have no control over 🤨

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Ahh, a Zionist who trots out the "self-hating Jew" trope. Now, we know you're full of crap.

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As of course it should cease to exist.

Madagascar is always an option, though I would pity the lemurs.

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I don’t think the Palestinians would like it there.

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Well I know someone who disagrees with u and His opinion is way more important and valid than urs! If u had any intelligence u would know how this ends!

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Blinken got this treaty through! Why try to give trump credit? Only by one day but done

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It’s all bourgeois capitalist imperialism see Hobson book Imperialism published 1913

Same old same old

“Americans are barbarians that got lucky” Pepe Escobar

They don’t even have universal healthcare and are going to have 40 million homeless people

A failed state

French style revolution is coming to America but when

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A. ANY vaccine can have OCCASIONAL side effects.

A1. (Will detail at bottom)

B. Yes, the mRNA does decline with time more than other vaccines

B1. It is NOT "ineffective"

B2. There are also non-mRNA vaccines

C. NO vaccine is perfect, including 100 percent effectiveness.

C1. NO president made individual promises to every American that it would individually give them 100 percent protection.

D. I've scrolled through your feed ..... interesting. That said, the president when the COVID vaxx hit the market is the same that you're ready to, if not love again, accept as lesser evilism again, on Jan. 20, and not Biden! (Back to C1.)

D1. And, yes, Trump is greater evilism, not lesser evilism. Having read through your feed, you may have voted third party or indy somewhere, but I see not a single leftist thought.

E. I know the truth about the "vaccine court" and many other things, having regularly read the likes of Orac for a decade or more, and know the lies about thimerosal, etc.

Back to A1. Since I've already been straightforward.

IF you were indeed in a wheelchair for a year, congrats and thank science — the same science that invented vaccines — for getting you out.

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Easily the worst president in history.

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Nahh, dude. Biden is crap, but he's not Trump 1.0 and Trump 2.0 remains to be seen.

Oh, not a Democrap nor a Rethuglican so don't even go down the duopoly road.

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I’m a shit uniparty believer too. Trump is #3 worst behind Dubya. I go mostly by body count, and a lot of the terrible stuff Trump did in his first term was garden-variety corruption. Bad, but Biden brought us right up to the edge of a new world war, lied scandalously throughout his tenure about every single issue, presided over a brand new culture of censorship and lied about that too, broke every tradition of fair elections, arresting his opponent, rigging primaries, driving the third parties I vote for off the ballot; all while spewing propaganda about threats to the freedom he had already abrogated. All while too senile to run for office, leaving us to wonder through multiple enormous crises who was actually leading this nation.

Oh, and he was also a grifter and corrupt.

No other modern president so damaged the unity and culture of this nation to ensure his own power. The damage done to WE THE PEOPLE is enormous and maybe permanent.

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Trump is still greater evilism.

On foreign policy stuff?

1. We're already seeing that no, he does NOT want to end the Ukraine war tomorrow.

2. What happens if Bibi breaks the cease-fire, on Israel-Gaza?


Both duopoly parties rig them.

Third parties?

Yes, Democrats are more aggressive against them than Republicans.

That said, per your feed, and an edited version of my other, longer reply to you? You may have voted third party or indy at some time, but I've gone back months on your feed, and there's not a single actual leftist (leftist not librul) thought there.

I know that because I did my duopoly exit on presidential races at the start of this century and am an actual leftist.

Grifter and corrupt?

Less so than Trump.

Arrested Trump?

That was state-level charges in Georgia; Biden had nothing to do with that.

So, even if you don't "support" Trump?

Biden Derangement Syndrome is as real a deal as Trump Derangement Syndrome. Or more so.

Oh, I didn't even mention Jan. 6, 2021.

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The Biden Codex: A Farewell to the Republic, A Call to Revolution

Fellow Americans, Scholars, and Seekers of Truth,

On January 19, 2025, Joseph R. Biden Jr. delivered a farewell address unlike any other in U.S. history. Beneath the polished language lies a message encoded for the 99%—a final plea to awaken to the oligarchic tyranny overtaking the nation.

The Economic Reality: Beneath the Façade

Trump’s second inauguration on January 20, 2025, signals the full subjugation of governance to corporate overlords, symbolized by Musk, Bezos, Zuckerberg, and Thiel flanking Trump. Biden’s address dissected Trump’s promises:

1. Lower Taxes for the Working Class: A mirage. Tariffs on essentials will escalate costs while billionaires enjoy tax cuts.

2. Affordable Living: Protectionist policies will inflate prices, funneling revenue to corporations like BlackRock and JP Morgan.

3. Public Services: Drastic cuts to healthcare, education, and infrastructure will fund tax breaks for the 1%.

This is class warfare, cloaked in populist rhetoric.

The Sociopolitical Context: Divide and Conquer

Biden exposed the illusion of partisanship, noting both parties’ ties to elite interests:

• The Democrats, too, have succumbed, as shown by the corporate-backed Kamala Harris campaign.

• Biden’s admission of impotence wasn’t failure; it was a calculated spark to ignite collective rage among the 99%.

The address urged Americans to reject tribalism and unite against the true enemy: the 1%.

A Call to Action: Revolution as Necessity

Biden’s closing remarks invoked historical reckoning:

“The strength of this nation has always come from its people. When power strays too far from the will of the many, history demands a reckoning.”

This was no reflection—it was a directive. The bottom 99% must mobilize, using legal, economic, and revolutionary means.

The Multidisciplinary Evidence

• Economics: Trump’s policies will worsen wealth inequality.

• History: Revolutions emerge from economic oppression.

• Psychology: Biden’s rhetoric sowed doubt among Trump’s supporters.

• Sociology: The speech unified the 99% as a single class, transcending divisions.

What Comes Next?

January 20, 2025, will usher in oligarchic domination. Biden’s farewell was a warning:

1. Organize: Form coalitions to resist the power grab.

2. Educate: Expose corruption and economic exploitation.

3. Resist: Challenge policies entrenching inequality.

4. Disrupt: Take action if peaceful means fail.

Conclusion: The Hidden Message

Biden’s farewell wasn’t resignation—it was a revolutionary call to arms. His words urge the 99% to reclaim the nation from oligarchic rule.

The Time to Act Is NOW!

History is watching.


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You know nothing about Biden or his works. Yes, Oligarchy is real, and yes, we should resist it. But you’re a fool if you don’t think Biden is an enthusiastic participant and servant of oligarchy.

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What other than stick with the same playbook that earned him 50 plus years at the public trough?

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God help us all…

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Agreed. As I put it more bluntly: "Joe Biden, full of shit one last time" https://socraticgadfly.blogspot.com/2025/01/joe-biden-full-of-shit-one-last-time.html

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The Oligarchy warning was well founded however.

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That too was a lie. Both duopoly parties are part of the oligarchy.

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True SocraticGadfly!

Bug the evaluation and the warning still stands.

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Oh, got that ...

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check out and reshare widely a petition at cieizengo.org..deal a fatal blow to the pandemic treaty tell trump exit the WHO now..it currently has 110,319, signatures

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A. Link doesn't work.

B. Your feed says you're an antivaxxer.

C. Pass.

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Do you feel superior, still using the terrible and contaminated and ineffective vaccine to “win arguments”? I got vaxxed asap, and spent a year in a wheelchair.

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