Oct 4Liked by The Dissident

I would prefer “The US oligarchs love War”. The US People have lost control or even contact with our government, which is held thoroughly in the hands to the wealthy elite.

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Concur, and would add that the "nation states" have been rendered pawns that are simply being sacrificed, milked for all of their money, resources and intellectual capital and then discarded by the globalists who have already disclosed that their one world order will usher in (that is largely in place with only a few more moves to complete) what used to be sovereign nation states into regions of a vast transnational deep state controlled panopticon in which a marriage of technology and satanism manifesting itself as a totalitarian technocratic elite (but who are also "bent" spiritually and depraved morally -- psychopaths all) that holds the reigns of "authority" and "power" over every aspect of their dystopian "society"...the nanny state on steroids with the (remaining, post-culling of 7 billion or so) populous existing at a level of scarcity, deprivation and internal/external slavery never before seen on the planet (though we have multitudinous historic examples of the precursors to what is yet to become). The U.S/British Colonial machine has systematically (via the CIA and other black ops, including Operation Gladio, Operation Paperclip, Operation Mockingbird, etc., as infinitum) provided a convincing delusion for all to fall for -- a matrix of lies, deceit and cloaked raw ambition that has people divided over their two

choices", religious preferences, fast food versus health food -- every single aspect of life a struggle between factions to keep the people from seeing clearly that they are being defrauded and taken advantage of - extorted, policed, judicially and economically deprived, etc.

Never in my 67 years of life have I been more aware that mutually beneficial contracts and free exchanges between consenting (free) adults (IMO superintended and shepherded over by a loving God and shaped in ways that conform to His design for us as Creator) has a superior answer to ffer than the varying forms of compromised "government" that is a construct backed by force (up to and including lethal force) in order to "represent" the interests of the "people".....who are in truth simply willing to defer their individual sovereignty and empowerment to others and who have been all too willing to then accept the crumbs from the ruling classes table, even as they grow fewer (and bioengineered genetically modified and less healthful, even deadly), the every-gorwing theft of their productive income, the intrusion on their families and civil/community life, the abuse of liberty via the courts and the executive orders, legislation that is not representative of the will of the people and the slow but sure encroachment of technological access to and congtrol over every aspect of their lives -- so that we live in a technologically mediated reality in which we are commoditized, synthesized, and conditioned to accept even the most horrific of treatment in exchange for the illusion of a choice and the (false) hope that :"next time" we'll elect (while they select) a rpresentative who will change things (just enough to perpetuate the status quo and award themselves more favors, wealth, influence and a possible "place at the table" when the dust settles and the endless wars, famines, manipulated weather warfare, bombardment with electromagnetic weapons, and the poisoning of our bodies via various vectors has completely disarmed and debilitated us into the drooling savages they keep telling us we are -- in desperate need of and crying out for their ultimate "solution" for us. We need to be awake and not remain compliant and silent.

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I've lost count of the number of Arab Leaders, Peace Negotiators and Press Correspondents Israel has murdered. Yes, a few Israeli PMs have been killed but, Netanyahu and Biden/Harris/Blinken are the lunatics running the ME asylum.

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War is the health of the state

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21 hrs agoLiked by The Dissident

While I disagree with most of The Dissident’s opinions, there is no doubt that American industry likes a little war to keep federal monies filling their coffers.

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The photo appears to be a still from the Kubrick film: DR STRANGELOVE.

The message might well be: Accept the non-stop little wars or you get the Big One!

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The Spanish expelled the Jews, the Russians murdered and deported them, the Germans put them in the ovens. So who do the Jews take it out on? The Arabs!

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I recommend Randolph Bourne’s unfinished 1918 essay “War is the Health of the State”:


<< Wartime brings the ideal of the State out into very clear relief, and reveals attitudes and tendencies that were hidden. In times of peace the sense of the State flags in a republic that is not militarized. For war is essentially the health of the State. The ideal of the State is that within its territory its power and influence should be universal. >>

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What a crock of antisemitic propaganda! A serious case of anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian & Hezbollah

misinformation and lies. You definitely have your values up your ass! I really pity you for being so morally bankrupt!

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Why don't you just go enjoy a snack of freshly roasted Palestinian baby while the rest of the world grieves the annihilation of an indigenous population by terrorist European settlers.

Fuck off Rick! Fuck way off!

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"Provoked Russia's illegal and unjust invasion of Ukraine"? I swear some of these Geopolitics analysts are bipolar charlatans. 🤦🏼‍♂️

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