This is a great post . Lots of excellent quotes and easy to read . I’m restacking this and sending to my 90 yr old mom who is certain the world is coming to an end .

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Do not dismiss the wisdom of elders.

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Point taken . Im mostly hoping it eases some of the angst if she has some contextual data.

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You’ve mentioned two of the 4 “core institutes” of the NED (IRI & NDI), but don’t forget the other two. The Solidarity Center is an AFL/CIO organization, and CIPE (Center for International Private Enterprise) is part and parcel of the US Chamber of Commerce. The NED is well tied into all the arms of the Deep State.

You could also write extensively about the NED’s involvement with all the Iraq stuff under GWB and the “purple fingers”.

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Good overview of both USAID and NED. However, you massively underplay the way the the White Helmets in Syria were a total construct of British and American-led regime change and in no way an actual grassroots 'rescue force'. See Vanessa Beeley for extensive reports about this, eg. https://21stcenturywire.com/2016/06/21/who-are-the-syria-white-helmets/

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First the left accuses Trump of isolationism. Now we see the opinion he will support interference in other countries. Which is it? He doesn’t need covert actions for his foreign policy. As we see like it or not, he is open and transparent and prefers deals.

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I hope the new crusaders will release what they find in these agencies' files, but I'm doubtful.

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Sickeningly cynical, callous and calculated cruelty …the very epitome of evil at the heart of ecclesiastical and educational entities in this end times engine of the elite…

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The US is a very sick puppy! The number of countries it has destabilized and brutalized is substantial. It really needs sanctioning by every Democratic nation on Earth and a few non democratic ones as well.

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“The Trump administration is almost certainly going to continue these operations under a different name but nevertheless, these organizations should not be defended.”

I try to make this point with my liberal friends. They say, first, that they don’t disagree that USAID is a tool of US foreign policy, but they also believe that it is not only that and that we should therefore not enable the throwing of the baby out with the bathwater by criticizing the agency when Trump is attacking it.

They’ll point, for example, to an experience they had on a USAID project, say, in Africa, or to a professor of international development they know who told them about a genuine-sounding, apolitical USAID endeavor abroad involving some agricultural innovation, which brought real benefits to the people who were its recipients, to support their claim that we should not make the perfect the enemy of the good.

I tell them that “the good” we’d allegedly make the perfect the enemy of by opposing USAID does not clearly exist. However, it would be more helpful making this argument if there were raw statistics available about exactly how and where the agency’s multibillion-dollar budget is spent. Then we could see more clearly if these “virtuous” projects are just tokens and do not define the character of the agency, even assuming the projects are just standalone, “no strings attached” aid.

P.S. what is one to make of Samantha Power’s claims here: https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/06/opinion/usaid-trump-samantha-power.html

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Educate yourselves for crying out loud! Read real information. Do your own damn research. Lies upon lies are being showed about USAID. And who do you think it’s gonna fill the void from America’s absence? China! Congratulations for giving Xi exactly what he wants!

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You don’t hate your federal government enough. You might think you do… but you almost certainly don’t…

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Excellent. Thank you.

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I don’t think trump will fomented war anywhere, and in fact has proven to be a great bringer if peace. CIA foments war anywhere it can.

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They are as ‘mobbed up’ as you can get.

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George Soros should get in trouble! When will trump realize that his supporters regard Soros, Scwab, Gates as devils.

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