Quality compiled piece as always, D. -- on potentially related note, I was reading months ago about a potential Anglo-Likud conspiracy behind the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin. Considering:
1. British intelligence is (unsurprisingly) implicated (per Executive Intelligence Review; I may have to reread some key details)
2. any hypothetical lasting bilateral peace between Labor and PA -- with some hope of industrializing the decades-oppressed Palestinian people into ever-modernized prosperity -- was hatefully detrimental to neo-Revisionist endeavors of violent Lebensraum territorial expansion
3. Rabin might've went "off-script" from higher orders given his peace vision with Arafat contrasted with a preceding "break their owns" crackdown against the First Intifada
4. conveniently timed neo-Muslim Brotherhood (MI6-backed?) jihadist suicide bombings against Oslo provided a perfect pretext for Likud right-wing extremists led by Adolph "Benjamin 'Bibi' Netanyahu" Mileikowsky to politically rail against Rabin and justify themselves as the champions of so-called "security"
5. the Cave of the Patriarchs massacre perpetrator was a Kabbalistic Chabad cult adherent probably drunk on ultra-Kabbalist Jabotinskyite Revisionist Abraham Isaac Kook's propaganda (Jabotinsky's Revisionist Zionist movement was from the start a British puppet scheme)
6. Peres -- an Anglo-Vatican asset -- betrayed Rabin's peace vision
7. typically *actual* full-on card-carrying shills for the conspirators' agenda are presumably shielded from untimely faux-"spontaneous" assassinations
...it inclines to *almost* make one wonder just how willing the cutthroat Judeonazis are to liquidate formidable dissidence even in their "own" ranks and ensure there would remain no "internal" blockades to their long-term genocidaire ambitions. Considering Zionism's immensely documented collusion with Nazi Germany to achieve their emigration-to-Palestine aims, at this point it's rather far from surprising when new revelations increasingly convey their willingness to sacrifice and savage their own to almost the same extent they seek to Holocaust the Palestinians.
Quality compiled piece as always, D. -- on potentially related note, I was reading months ago about a potential Anglo-Likud conspiracy behind the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin. Considering:
1. British intelligence is (unsurprisingly) implicated (per Executive Intelligence Review; I may have to reread some key details)
2. any hypothetical lasting bilateral peace between Labor and PA -- with some hope of industrializing the decades-oppressed Palestinian people into ever-modernized prosperity -- was hatefully detrimental to neo-Revisionist endeavors of violent Lebensraum territorial expansion
3. Rabin might've went "off-script" from higher orders given his peace vision with Arafat contrasted with a preceding "break their owns" crackdown against the First Intifada
4. conveniently timed neo-Muslim Brotherhood (MI6-backed?) jihadist suicide bombings against Oslo provided a perfect pretext for Likud right-wing extremists led by Adolph "Benjamin 'Bibi' Netanyahu" Mileikowsky to politically rail against Rabin and justify themselves as the champions of so-called "security"
5. the Cave of the Patriarchs massacre perpetrator was a Kabbalistic Chabad cult adherent probably drunk on ultra-Kabbalist Jabotinskyite Revisionist Abraham Isaac Kook's propaganda (Jabotinsky's Revisionist Zionist movement was from the start a British puppet scheme)
6. Peres -- an Anglo-Vatican asset -- betrayed Rabin's peace vision
7. typically *actual* full-on card-carrying shills for the conspirators' agenda are presumably shielded from untimely faux-"spontaneous" assassinations
...it inclines to *almost* make one wonder just how willing the cutthroat Judeonazis are to liquidate formidable dissidence even in their "own" ranks and ensure there would remain no "internal" blockades to their long-term genocidaire ambitions. Considering Zionism's immensely documented collusion with Nazi Germany to achieve their emigration-to-Palestine aims, at this point it's rather far from surprising when new revelations increasingly convey their willingness to sacrifice and savage their own to almost the same extent they seek to Holocaust the Palestinians.
Thank You
They still built a nice tunnel system while the Palestinians were undernourished.
Then i’ll force the creation of the Palestinian State!
What does Israel want now? What is at stake for them if they don’t follow the ceasefire? How can Americans apply pressure.
It's actually pretty easy to apply pressure.
If the US threatened to withhold aid to Israel, Israel would bow to the pressure.
We saw this with Reagan and Bush Sr. (Yes, two Republicans were harder on Israel than most politicians today.)