Wow, looks like a quality documentation right there, TD! Brain's a bit fried ATM, though will hopefully read through this in closer detail later. I trust your work is amazing as always.

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I ended up using your background on the US funding of Maidan in my article on this topic! With credit of course; it was easier and fairer to quote than steal your sources https://criticalresist.substack.com/p/dont-get-it-wrong-ukraine-and-israel-f79

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No way, my original essay for tomorrow was going to be on this topic. I switched it around for another because it was more timely at the last minute today.

Definitely reading this!

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Sounds accurate. The Biden/Harris/Obama crime syndicate and their false flag diplomacy at work.

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I'll bet you believe that whole, "crime syndicate" bit. And I'll bet you don't apply that same standard to the, "Trump/Vance/Musk" crime sydicate. Do you? Instead you probably use lines like, "their crimes are really just good tactics", or "All that talk about Trump's crimes is just fake bnews!" That's the easiest excuse to use and it can be widely applied to just about anything at all. Using that excuse will ensure that you never have to deal with unpleasant and inconvenient facts. You'll be protected from ever having to confront facts you don't like and then come to grips with the facts that you've been tricked and cheated by a con artist and scoundrel. And then you helped the scoundrel by publicly. Gave your whole-hearted support to him and repeated his lies and self-serving talking points. Which you had memorized just as intended. Congratulations on buying the scam ar a sree

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They are all criminals. I just trust the capitalists ones more than the lefty liberal progressive ones cuwhite house. Ifg in the White House. Harris wants to destroy everything and then tell us why we need her. I know I watched it first hand in San Francisco. The city is fuxking dextroyed.

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The Jews overthrew and run Ukraine. Victoria Nuland (man) paid the nazi thugs to do the maiden square massacre!

US is run by them too

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It's a uniparty. "Republicans brought us" the 911-anthrax attacks & GWOT [read pols dont run things]

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Answering the question, who hired and paid the snipers, plus escorted them in and out, would clear up a lot. I understand three Georgian mercs, including Alexander Revazishvili and Koba Nergadze, have admitted to participating.

It is worth noting that the CIA occupied the entire top floor of the SBU building in Kyiv at the time.

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im tired as crap guys you must be exhausted 🙏✌️🙈

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You’re never going to be able to prove US covert involvement but similar tactics have been used against protesters in Yemen with snipers concentrating their fire on children in order to break up the protests.

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The author appears to be working for the Trump campaign as an ad copy writer and disseminator. With the basic goal of rehabilitating Trump's image and undercutting support for Ukraine. Guessing that the authors "facts" are reasonably accurate, though I'd want to verify each and every one. Instead the trick is in the things not mentioned. In that respect this entire piece is an act of diversion. Diverting attention from where it belongs to where they'd like our attention to be. An impressive display of legitimizing horn-swoggle. Talent wasted on supporting Trump. Very deft at giving the wrong impression. If only... all that talent and effort wasted.

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Why are jews doing this? What's the endgame?

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Trump certainly looked to me like he was colluding with the Russians. Based on his words and behavior. The author seemed to be focusing on internal media politics more than focusing in did Trump do it or not???

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"just a like inda movies" . Man our gov sucks the big one. it such an even more humiliating feeling 2024 to realize we allowed this crap show, infection of a false flag government bamboozle us YET AGAIN🤷‍♀️🗣️✌️🥸wtf people?

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