Take your pick, a bankrupt fraud or a senile AIPAC stooge

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Of course, Trump is also an AIPAC stooge, and to the influential extent that AIPAC went out of their way to align completely with his controlling Orange Bolshevist faction of the GOP: https://prospect.org/politics/altercation-aipac-goes-full-trump/

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Jul 6Liked by The Dissident

Damn bro now that was some good ass writing. And all I gotta say is, fr fr.

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Back when Mango Caesar was president, left-wing Democrats criticized the Administration for financing far-right Ukrainian Nazis. A year after the Vegetocracy was installed, "progressive" doughfaces i.e. Ro Khanna flip-flopped a complete 180 and sanitized Ukronazi paramilitaries as patriots.

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I support the candidate who is committed to ensuring that Israel resolves the issue in Palestine.

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And what exactly does that mean?

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Yes, both are Zionist bought and paid for by the lobby.

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corruption all around

l👀k to the Emmanuel's as much as the Adelson's for the true stakeholders of this idiocrazy

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You didn’t answer the question … who’s the douche and which is the giant turd?

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