Red AIPAC will commit a genocide while saying that it has to happen so Jesus can come back.

Blue AIPAC will commit a genocide while saying empty platitudes about a ceasefire.

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The Zionist debate 2024.

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It's controlled opposition between the left and right arms of the Naziopolist cabal. The Mango Caesar of Orange Bolshevism and Exalted Mistress of the Knights of the Ku Klux Kamala are equally abominable. (by the way, I wrote an extensively semi-sarcastic review of the debate as well if you're interested in checking it out)

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Remember UN Sec.Gen. remark after Hamas attack. 'These things don't happen in a vacuum '. Start in 1947.

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Also the "terror" attack had a WAYYYY better civilian:soldier death ratio than ANYTHING Israel ever did... plus the deaths from Hannibal.

At this point I'm struggling to not define it as a military operation, but yeah... civilians were murdered, which is a qar crime

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But who murdered whom? Is there any evidence of Hamas committing murders? We know that all these kibbutzim are armed, and armed settlers are militarry trained ex-soldiers from the IOF. So, there was fighting outside of the military fortresses between Palestinian fighters and armed settlers. Settlers died, but they were not civilians, and it is likely that civilians died in crossfire. But that is not murder by Hamas.

Also, when the fence went down, all sorts of Palestinians escaped, many armed, and some one of these might have indulged in revenge killings, but that is not Hamas.

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Watch the AlJazeera documentary. They killed civilians... As was to be expected. I don't think this was the objective tho

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I'm beginning to like red AIPAC. They are very honest and blatant about their intentions, while blue AIPAC actually manages to convince some crayon eating "decent" persons, that they are actually "working hard" for a ceasefire.

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Red AIPAC will commit a genocide while saying that it has to happen so Jesus can come back.

Blue AIPAC will commit a genocide while saying empty platitudes about a ceasefire.

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Israeli actions are several degrees beyond reckless. They have so enraged the Muslim public that they couldn’t care less if Israel were wiped off the face of the Earth, you know, the kind of incandescent fury that led we Americans to drop two nukes on Japan. Slow suicide will become fast suicide if Hezbollah and Iran unleash their arsenals of missiles in numbers great enough to overwhelm the stoutest Israeli (and American) defenses. It is past time to stop this impending train wreck. Cease shipping arms, ammunition, and bombs to addicted Israel. Friends do not friends commit suicide.

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I would like to offer a modest proposal to my fellow Americans who retain their rational faculties vis-a-vis Israel. We are enabling them to commit slow suicide. Conducting a genocide in Gaza ain’t no way to win friends and influence people. And please, no shying away from that word. When you drop 70,000 TONS of bombs on a postage stamp stuffed with millions of people you will have killed several hundred thousand of them, the majority of them buried under tons of rubble, therefore unrecoverable. When you cut off all supplies of water, food, medicine, electricity, and diesel fuel, you will have killed several hundred more thousands through starvation, disease, and preventative deaths. All the while you have given your squatters in the West Bank automatic weapons with which you are conducting open season on West Bank Palestinians, who had nothing to do with October 7th. You have declared your intention of invading Lebanon in force, and you are doing everything you can to goad Iran in attacking you, hoping, hoping, and hoping some more that Uncle Sugar will intervene to save you

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Right you are. But, remember that Oct 7 was a realization of resistance to Zionist occupation, which also affects the West Bank. To the Israelis, all Palestinians are Hamas/

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PAC’in Money….and bribing Americans to go along with

The Genocide Club Culture of Death.

Now they want to suck American blood.

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We don’t need to obsess about the people doing us harm when we have a perfectly legitimate and electable alternative. #SteinWare2024

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The USA and the world needs Jill Stein more than ever.

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I would like to offer a modest proposal to my fellow Americans who retain their rational faculties vis-a-vis Israel. We are enabling them to commit slow suicide. Conducting a genicide in Gaza

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Fuck TeamPurple.


Harris the War Whore

I wonder how much more she erode the 1st Amendment

She is truly Benji Bitch

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