I am surprised by the heavy dramatic verbiage written in many of these articles. Firstly, Trump and Vance were not heavy handed or enraged at all. They were however incredulous which may have come off to some as angry. Not me. Zelensky was totally out of line to do what he did and the citizenries of all countries involved should have absolutely seen this!! Zelensky has one point however, we need a long term foreign policy as THE UNITED STATES, not one that changes with every administration. The neocons, their cohorts in money laundering and arms dealers must be shut down. Everything Trump said was very Churchillian and the only person who could have said it better was Churchill himself. Peace, not at any cost, like the poor old sod Prim Minister Chamberlin….. but these days are gone. We have insidious arms dealers and money laundering financial agencies like Black Rock who live for these wars and want them. It’s unfortunately very real! Zelensky got bad advice somehow. His whole performance just didn’t seem genuine something smells here and I do not know why he did what he did. I love transparency. This was a good thing

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Zelenskyy knew that Administrations of the United States had different foreign policies, he is positioning himself to be nothing more than a Victim.

You invoked Churchill nicely, imo the major difference between now and then regarding Churchill, is that Churchill never had to deal with NGOs.

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I agree and thank you. But our foreign policy cannot be so different that it causes such problems as what has happened in Ukraine. Putin did nothing under Trump. Didn’t Obama rescind some sort of missile defence that Bush had set up ! Wr have to be obligated to rules of America first, not trying to democratise the globe. Can you imagine a weaponry like missile shields ? I saw make the trouble makers fear starting anything with us! I also think Russia is more afraid of China than us and China becoming stronger. A lot to due with proximity. Oh, I could go on but what the heck do I know 😳

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You're funny.

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Trying to sound grown up and relevant. His college professor gave him an A.

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“Nice” talking to you. Saw your feed. Bye!

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I am suspicious of your reply, probably sarcastic but hey… we all need to laugh these days

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Great summary. As usual Trump says the quiet thing out loud and as usual the reactions by politicians and the media says so much more than he ever could. Unfortunate that this is the way it has to go down but at least it may lead to a semblance of acknowledging reality and the history that led to this, if only to save face.

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This is a very well written summary absent a lot of the cia and state department shenanigans. Ukraine allowed themselves to be played in a high stakes geopolitical game where they had no chips. I feel bad for the people of Ukraine but not bad enough to sacrifice my own children. The US lied about not encroaching Russia with other NATO nations. NATO is a joke and the US should get out as we do not share the ideals of freedom with NATO countries anymore who arrest basic free speech in their countries. As a vet and talking to my vet friends we don't care about Ukraine. It's a loser. Let them lose their country. They are killing their people and stealing our money while jeopardizing world peace. They need a leader who can make a deal. If not, we need to leave NATO as well.

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You left out the threat Zalensky leveled at the US. You left out the animus Zalensky was showing Trump and the American people. Despite what you might think, he is responsible for the death of millions while raking in billions. Don’t try to blame Trump for the death of Ukrainians or the destruction of their beautiful historic cities. Zalensky’s dictatorship needs to come to an end. It was great to expose this petulant low emotional IQ man child for who he truly is. Definitely not a tee shirted rock star.

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Zalensky, “Right now you have nice ocean, but you will feel it.”

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Why, of course, he sent them military equipment instead of pillows. Today he sends them nothing while Biden Regime sends over 300 billion! Do you even hear yourself?

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Are you Substack’s new boss? Take a leap.

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You need to go back and reread the summary of Mango Caesar's 2019 decision to back Ukrainian Nazi terrorists intimidating Zelensky. Dissident documented this.

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OMG. I very much dislike when someone tells me what I “need” to do.

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Then grow up, "MissLadyK."

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Trump helped armed Ukraine, so he has some responsibility.

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Zelensky threatened the US? Really?

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This whole bullshit story that Ukraine is whole diffirent country from Russia, and should be free to have NATO bases at Russian borders? The ignorant masses must remember how passed off we were when the USSR put military base in Cuba?

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The writer is a child. Misinformed.

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"Thunderbutt," all you are doing is projecting.

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Listen up you unpatriotic POS. If you have "Trump and Vance are dicks" within the first few paragraphs of your article, it signals is that you are a butt hurt child progressive trying to hide their TDS under a pseudo intellectual argument.. Who is even the author? That is a weasel move as well. Good riddance! I think if The Dissident cannot support an American First agenda it should move over to Blu-ski.

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I have taken a lot of criticism for a post which itself criticized Zelenskyy at the White House meeting. To clarify my position.

I don’t want to appease Putin, I want the exact opposite. I want the EU which has a GDP 8.5 times Russia’s to fund their own defense to stop the thug. Why is that so hard to understand? Ukraine with assistance from Europe and the US has already destroyed a lot of Russia’s offensive capability and if Europe (which has its own nuclear arsenal) would just get their shit together they could create an overwhelming defense capability against a weakened enemy. That would allow the US to devote more resources to our own unmet domestic needs like fighting climate change and improving healthcare.

Finally, I repeat that both the UK and Germany are actively suppressing the free speech of their citizens. That should be disqualifying for our continued military partnership. We need to pressure or persuade them to get back on track in this important area.

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It is not hard to understand. This is a bad article poorly and childishly written. You can look at it as a college essay.

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"Thunderbutt," you for one write absolutely nothing of value. Simply put, you're the equivalent of a fourth grader failing multiplication having the chutzpah to designate "uneducated" the high school student taking an AP Calculus class.

I strongly recommend sticking to your own fourth-rate league and returning to your habitual crayon-chewing, "Princess."

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When the name is assailed, the writer is revealed.

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What annoys me the most is that the US bares the greatest share of the responsibility for both Ukraines and Russias casualties. Blame Zelensky as well for sure, but the US has planned this for years, wanted a proxy war and could have easily prevented this tragedy from happening. The US empire needs to die and die quickly for all of our sakes.

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wtf are you talking about that the USA bares the greatest responsibility for the Ukrainian and Russian deaths? Oh and then you throw in Zelensky as an add on at the end, that he had a little to do with it? What is your proof that the US wanted a proxy war? Receipts. Post receipts. You want the US Empire to die? Go move into Ellen's guest house, you foolish child. Move OUT of your parent's basement, and into Ellen's guest house. Better yet go join the military.

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I can only suggest anger management therapy. And stop walking around with your eyes wide shut.

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Also, good riddance.

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You must be from the party of love and tolerance. This type of shit posting is beautiful to those of us who just wrested the country back from the weak little hands of beta male shit libs like you. It is glorious to see you melt down. TDS has been the gift that keeps on giving.

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In the Oval Office, most present & most viewers believed that the topic was Zelensky and the signing of a deal that would place non-belligerent, non-military American mining professionals onto Ukrainian soil.

In the Oval Office, Zelensky believed that the topic was the evil Mr. Putin, who breaks his word.

Zelensky was talking past the others…and his own representative slowly bowed her head.

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Some of the more salacious stuff has been left out of this article as well. I might add that the history of the Nazi party and their deep relationship with Zelensky and most of the political leaders of Ukraine. A well known fact by most Europeans but not by Americans. If most Americans had been told the truth about the Nazi involvement in Ukraines leadership they would have never supported Ukraine. So Nazis against Communists doesn't sell well to most Americans. Secondly, the ethnic cleansing of Russian ethnic regions after the coup of 2014 is conveniently missing from this article. Zelensky is a horrible human being. An evil leader. Yes Putin is too and that's why we should of never pushed the coup or NATO. It cost Ukraine land, people and potentially may cost all of us a lot more. Of course, Hunter and the Biden Clan got filthy rich.

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Read D.'s posting again, specifically the part where he documents Mango Caesar's first Orange Bolshevist administration siding with Ukrainian Nazis against Zelensky.

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I'm with you. This is clearly a both sides at fault issue. Zelensky has played to the Nat-Sec Nutsacks™ but at the same time, Trump did rip off the mask of empire. (Actually, he did that with the rare earth minerals etc. shakedown itself; this was a doubling down on that.) I'd add one thing. It's arguable that the biggest fuck-up yesterday was Bagger Vance. If he's either not there, or else keeps his mouth at least halfway shut, there's a slim chance this doesn't blow up.

That all said? Yeah, Zelensky may be out of options, or nearly so, unless Europe doubles down on arms sales, but? I don't 100 percent blame him.

My thoughts along those lines: https://socraticgadfly.blogspot.com/2025/03/john-mearsheimer-hits-foul-ball-on.html

One side note: UN (non-NATO) peacekeepers might be needed if Zelensky did sign off on losing Donbas. Per Katchanovski et al, he would face serious assassination attempts.

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Wasn’t security assurance a major point of Zelensky’s refusal to give up mineral rights to the US/Trump? Why no mention of that?

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So they are all in the same club right? DT, JB, Z, Vlad, Europe and the rest of the world leaders. Corrupt as.

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Ironically Trump the “Peacemaker “ is going to lead to the death of, persecution and subjugation of 1000as of Ukrainians

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This is an unusually good overview (details, facts) -- written with AI help?

PS: Putin -- the best leader Russia ever had - intelligent, humane, democratic, loves Russia and its people

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Well written and well said. I live in Munich. Pity the Europeans have not yet clued in, and if they have, it’s 3 years too late.

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Stand with Russia -- it fights for all of us.

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Many Russian people maybe. Not Putin. He stands for power for himslef.

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Putin is the best leader Russia ever had - intelligent, humane, democratic, loves Russia and its people

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He is a dictator and Russians are not free people.

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