This is such an important piece, and thanks so much for writing it. Biden and his admin are responsible for ending any chance the U.S. is ever taken seriously as enforcers of international norms or the global order. I’ve had people argue with me about this saying, “Yea, but Bush did the same thing.” And I say, “Exactly.” We were supposed to learn lessons from this and never do it again. But instead, we get a similar neocon foreign policy and the previous Dem presidential nominee lauding Dick Cheney. I’m even wondering if we need a new word for ‘neocon’ that better encapsulates the war-mongering Democratic party. Maybe it’s ‘neo-Dem’?
The last thing I’ll add to your historic summary is when Biden argued in an Oval Office speech that war in Ukraine and Israel was good for American jobs. I felt like this was a turning point. I couldn’t believe it. It was always implicit, of course, but I never heard a U.S. president directly contradict Eisenhower’s dire warning about the dangers of the military-industrial complex. Biden (or Blinken and the aids who wrote this):
“We send Ukraine equipment sitting in our stockpiles. And when we use the money allocated by Congress, we use it to replenish our own stores, our own stockpiles, with new equipment. Equipment that defends America and is made in America. Patriot missiles for air defense batteries, made in Arizona. Artillery shells manufactured in 12 states across the country, in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Texas. And so much more.”
Excellent article. I believe there's one detail a bit off. William Burns is referred to as ex-Director of the CIA when he was ex-ambassador to Russia at the time of his warning, and is currently the Head of the CIA.
Absolutely fantastic compilation as always, TD. Wish all the best for your personal livelihood and daily safety since the NWO cabal probably isn't a fan of us muckraker dissidents; this year's *probably* not going to get any better, sad as it is... there's much to cover and such rapidly dwindling time.
Oh yes, since a wave of mangomonger Orange Bolshevism is approaching, that reminds me, have you also heard of the so-called "MAGA civil war"? I plan on soon explaining a likely conspiracy behind that in terms of the NWO's possible plans for a syncretized "left-right alliance" that very well could be arriving in this nation soon. Hopefully this year us muckraking researchers -- The Straight Juice and Michael Ginsburg are also fantastic voices here on Substack BTW -- will manage to stick together, because I wouldn't be surprised if the NWO will increasingly try to drive a wedge between us. Wish all the best for you, friend.
Given the content of this article, I do not understand how Dissident could write, "By 2022 when Russia was on the precipice of its illegal invasion of Ukraine…" The Russian government went to great lengths to solve the civil war occurring between fascist Kyiv and independent Donbas. When those efforts failed, they recognized the two republics of Donetsk and Lugansk and invoked Article 51 of the UN Charter, allowing for regional defense against aggression. And, there was no doubt that Kyiv was aggressive, violating the Minsk Accords and accumulating significant force of its NATO trained and armed troops on the Line of Control. Kyiv began a heavy bombardment of the Donbas in February, 2022, and due to Banderite rhetoric, an invasion of the Donbas would certainly involve a genocide.
This was a trap set by the United States to draw Russia into war, but it was a trap the Russians refused to ignore, as culturally, socially, politically, they could not allow their people in the Donbas to be slaughtered.
In effect, with her 'Special Military Operation', Russia intervened in a genuine action of "Responsibility to Protect."
What a terribly superficial and tendentious take on international events.
In this writer’s moral universe, Russia is entitled to launch a bloody and brutal invasion of a neighbor because Ukraine sought a Westward political outlook. Apparently, Russia was worried should Ukraine’s experiment succeed and thereby present an alternate vision of the future to Russians.
Yet, this same writer argues that Hamas (whose October 7 barbarism is studiously ignored) was entitled to a free pass for its genocide (on par with the genocide committed at Srebrenica) because of its war crime of taking hostages.
In a similar vein, Iran and its proxies (especially Hamas and Hezbollah) worried that Saudi Arabia would join the expanding Abraham Accord, thereby pulling the rug from under its theocratic expansionary program of regional hegemony.
In this writer’s analysis, however, the victims of illegal aggression become the criminals. It’s a morally perverse vision, regardless of its ideological underpinnings. The commonality between Russia and the jihadists attacking Israel is striking: they both reject the peoplehood of their targets, their historical connection to their historical homeland, their very right to independence and self-determination.
I suppose it inevitably comes down to our own armchair political preferences: the Western conception of rights or the Russian-Chinese (or others). They all have their respective flaws, but it depends on the extent one prioritizes individual rights and the post-WWII settlement.
1. Russia warned for decades the NATO expansion would provoke a conflict and in 2014, the US launched a coup that allowed an anti-Russian, fascist-aligned government into power.
2. Israel is the one committing a genocide and as for their "October 7th barbarism", well, pretty much EVERY aspect of that story has been proven to be a hoax. Also, I won't be lectured about hostages by someone who's defending the government and military that has killed many of the hostages.
3. "Iran and its proxies (especially Hamas and Hezbollah) worried that Saudi Arabia would join the expanding Abraham Accord, thereby pulling the rug from under its theocratic expansionary program of regional hegemony."
This is hilarious, considering that Saudi Arabia and Turkey are doing exactly what you're criticizing Iran for doing. Oh, but their US allies, so that's OK according to you.
4. "In this writer’s analysis, however, the victims of illegal aggression become the criminals. It’s a morally perverse vision, regardless of its ideological underpinnings."
Pure projection
5. "they both reject the peoplehood of their targets, their historical connection to their historical homeland, their very right to independence and self-determination."
Pure projection, especially in regards to Israel
6. Your "vision of rights" is one where the US dominates the world and everyone falls in line with them or gets destroyed
I can see why you describe yourself as a lover of fantasy. That aesthetic comes shining through what passes for a reply. We can have an fact based discussion, but only once you return from the Land of Make-Believe to the real world.
In a larger sense, it matters not what we say. The fact is that Russia is bogged down in Ukraine, its North Korean mercenaries are making no headway against the Ukrainian forces holding Russian territory and Putin has pretty much sold his country to China.
As for Israel, it is mopping up Hamas in Gaza, decapitated Hezbollah forcing it into a humiliating ceasefire and has made Iran and the Houthis vulnerable to direct attack at a time of its choosing.
While there’s no way of knowing what exactly the Trump Administration will do, any sane person would prefer to be in Israel’s shoes than the Ayatollahs.
Hamas has accomplished two things. Its Al Aqsa Flood has washed away the Axis of “Resistance”. If Sinwar and Nasrallah’s fatal miscalculation is not remembered as Nakba 2.0 and their apologists continue to seek Israel’s destruction, then nothing will have been learned. Israel will continue to prosper, and the Arabs will continue to fall farther and farther behind.
Hamas’ October 7 barbarism and its supporters crude protests have exposed the Palestinian narrative for the theologically genocidal anti-Western civilization cause it has always been. It seems that even the best made Soviet propaganda has a “sell by” date, and with the Abraham Accords soon to be expanded, that date has arrived.
In the world as it is, no one respects losers. That’s why Putin continues throwing bodies onto the front line and why Iran is happy to fight to the last Arab. Why you glory in such a world is a question only you can answer but as to which no one else is particularly interested in.
"I can see why you describe yourself as a lover of fantasy. That aesthetic comes shining through what passes for a reply. We can have an fact based discussion, but only once you return from the Land of Make-Believe to the real world."
Oh, this is some beautiful projection from you. Just admit you're mad I don't subscribe to your American/Western Exceptionalism and then we can have an honest conversation.
"The fact is that Russia is bogged down in Ukraine, its North Korean mercenaries are making no headway against the Ukrainian forces holding Russian territory..."
Russia's currently winning the war. Or did you forget that since it didn't align with your pathetic worldview?
"...and Putin has pretty much sold his country to China."
By "sold his country" you mean he's aligned closer with another country in solidarity against US/Western aggression.
"As for Israel, it is mopping up Hamas in Gaza, decapitated Hezbollah forcing it into a humiliating ceasefire and has made Iran and the Houthis vulnerable to direct attack at a time of its choosing."
Israel has FAILED to take out Hamas, Hezbollah has mopped the floor with them (again), Ansar Allah is still hurting Israel and Iran is prepared for Israel. So, everything you just said was a lie.
"Hamas has accomplished two things. Its Al Aqsa Flood has washed away the Axis of “Resistance”. If Sinwar and Nasrallah’s fatal miscalculation is not remembered as Nakba 2.0 and their apologists continue to seek Israel’s destruction, then nothing will have been learned. Israel will continue to prosper, and the Arabs will continue to fall farther and farther behind."
An incoherent screed to justify genocide.
"Hamas’ October 7 barbarism and its supporters crude protests have exposed the Palestinian narrative for the theologically genocidal anti-Western civilization cause it has always been."
Again, pretty much every aspect of October 7th has turned out to be a lie. And it's funny how you have so much moral outrage over what Hamas did on October 7th, but none whatsoever for what Israel's done since October 7th. But then again, that's white people aligned with the US slaughtering brown people, so why would you care? Because according to you, nothing justifies October 7th, but October 7th justifies everything.
I do love how you refer to being pro-Palestine as "theologically genocidal" whilst ignoring Christian Zionism and what Israel's doing.
And saying someone's "anti-Western Civilization" isn't an own. In my experience, anybody saying that is just a white supremacist.
"It seems that even the best made Soviet propaganda has a “sell by” date, and with the Abraham Accords soon to be expanded, that date has arrived."
More incoherent nonsense
"In the world as it is, no one respects losers."
Is that why the US spent 20 years in Afghanistan? Or why Israel keeps doing what it's doing? Or Ukraine?
"That’s why Putin continues throwing bodies onto the front line and why Iran is happy to fight to the last Arab."
This pretty hilarious projection since that's what the US is doing to Ukraine. And what Israel and the US want to do with the Middle East.
"Why you glory in such a world is a question only you can answer but as to which no one else is particularly interested in."
This is pretty funny since this is the world you glorify: the US and the West rule the world and dominate and enslave anyone else and anyone who disagrees is evil and must be destroyed. You're projecting again.
And sorry dude, but most of the world isn't on your side on Ukraine or Palestine. You're alone and you're too delusional to realize it.
You're pretty clearly either a paid troll (I hope that money from the CIA or NED or Pentagon or whoever's paying is worth it) or a delusional person. But either way, that's your problem, not mine.
Apologies are in order. I only now realize that yours is a parody account, modeling itself as a creative sendup of exaggerated versions of Baghdad Bob and old style Trotskyites. Very well done. In these difficult times, everyone can use a good laugh - so thank you and keep up the good work. It’s a nice diversion from our care worn world.
Translation: "I'm not going to respond to what you said because it proves I'm full of shit, so I'm going to pretend like I won even though everything I said was disapproved"
People who live in the liberal media bubble don't realize the extent to which the Democrats have become the party of the Bush-Era neocons. They are all Democrats now, and have learned that all they have to do is say "Trump bad" and the left sees them as principled heroes.
The only prominent Democrat openly hostile to the neocons, Tulsi Gabbard, got driven from the party in a wave of slander. Meanwhile, the Harris campaign actually touts the endorsement of Dick Cheney like it's something to be proud of. It's appalling.
It is more or less acknowledged that the same or interchangeable "bloodthirsty neocon elements" in the Biden administration were already present in both the Obama and Bush administrations. One is relieved that those of the Biden administration are now "going out the door".
It's a revolving door, isn't it? One might have mentioned that the incoming Trump administration is packed with opportunistic psychos indistinguishable in their rabid bloodthirstiness from their predecessors. One must be willfully ignorant and living in Cloud Cuckoo Land to believe things will be essentially different, n'est pas?
A couple of other, minor and niggly, points of criticism of an otherwise thoughtful and intelligent piece. The reader does not need the added, ghost-written and expired 'gravitas' of a post-covid, nearly-as-gaga-as-Biden, Chomsky to explain to him that arms manufacturers are profiting from our present 'interesting times'. And why is Russia's invasion of Ukraine singled out, in a nod to official propaganda, as "illegal"? What has 'legality' got to do with any of this?
Lastly, and far more importantly, why do so many otherwise daringly enlightened commentators continue to duck the bloody obvious: How was it possible for Hamas fighters to penetrate the most guarded frontier in the world without Israeli (and US) complicity?
As soon as the writer went all pro Hamas Terrorist explainer, I check out. Of course Biden was a bleeding war monger with a disastrous foreign policy that will extend decades of bad Karma. For Israel to take the deal for hostage release, this would have only rewarded the terrorists for doing the rape, killing and burning. And it would happen again and again. Only a naive fool would go with that deal.
Two days after October 7th, Hamas offered to release the hostages in exchange for Netanyahu and Israel not attacking Gaza. Netanyahu refused, which pissed off many Israelis, including the families of the hostages. And I won't be lectured about the hostages by someone who's defending a government and military who's killed many of the hostages they're pretending to try and save.
Further, everything we were told about October 7th turned out to be a lie, yet you continue to promote them to defend a genocide. And it's funny that you have this moral outrage over Hamas taking hostages, but not over the thousands of Palestinian hostages that Israel holds, tortures and rapes. Oh, but that's right, those people are Palestinian, so you don't care about them. Let them all die. Let them all be tortured and raped. Because they're just Palestinian after all.
BenMedia is always there with a derogatory word, and full cup of lies that just doesn't hold up to reality. Hamas is a death cult. They've been killing Jews just as their charter, publicly available, in English, clearly outlines they're determined to perform, for decades - that's a genocide. They love killing Jews. They made a labyrinth of tunnels, larger than the UK transit system to better kill the Jews. They stuffed hospitals, libraries, children's rooms, and mosques with weapon caches, lots of shiny weapons from Iran, to better kill the Jews. They made a point to use their own people as fodder and exploit the Western, sympathetic mind, like you, Ben, to deceive, and garner support to better kill the Jews. And that's what will continue to happen until this mind poison is banished from the Muslim people (not just the folks in Gaza). Wake up. They're super into killing Jews. It pleases their God, and they think they'll be rewarded pursuing it. What makes you think such a large, orchestration like Oct 7th will have them give up after 2 days? They have much more killing to do, of the Jews, because that's what it's all about.
"Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project not with the Jews because of their religion. Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine. Yet, it is the Zionists who constantly identify Judaism and the Jews with their own colonial project and illegal entity."
So, the Hamas Charter you're pretending to have read doesn't say that.
Further, I find it interesting you have this moral outrage about Hamas, but none for Israel which is committing a genocide against the Palestinians, including shooting children in the head.
But then again, Westerners never seem to have any outrage over white people committing atrocities against non-white people.
The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: 'O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him." (Article 7)'
"Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project not with the Jews because of their religion. Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine. Yet, it is the Zionists who constantly identify Judaism and the Jews with their own colonial project and illegal entity." (Article 16)
"The Zionist project is a racist, aggressive, colonial and expansionist project based on seizing the properties of others; it is hostile to the Palestinian people and to their aspiration for freedom, liberation, return and self-determination. The Israeli entity is the plaything of the Zionist project and its base of aggression." (Article 14)
So, is this clear enough or are you going to keep lying?
Oh, and here's how I know you lied (aside from what I already cited):
"Palestine is at the heart of the Arab and Islamic Ummah and enjoys a special status. Within Palestine there exists Jerusalem, whose precincts are blessed by Allah. Palestine is the Holy Land, which Allah has blessed for humanity. It is the Muslims’ first Qiblah and the destination of the journey performed at night by Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. It is the location from where he ascended to the upper heavens. It is the birthplace of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him. Its soil contains the remains of thousands of Prophets, Companions and Mujahidin. It is the land of people who are determined to defend the truth – within Jerusalem and its surroundings – who are not deterred or intimidated by those who oppose them and by those who betray them, and they will continue their mission until the Promise of Allah is fulfilled." (Article 7)
Weird that overnight, people suddenly became ok with a fascist being in the White House. Almost, ALMOST makes it seem like it was all propaganda and hyperbole bullshit to begin with. Almost.
The real fascists are the Bidens and the Democrats who instigated a massive censorship campaign, arrested and jailed political opponents and debanked innocent people for disagreeing with Marxist authoritarian actions. Real fascists keep the truth hidden about a senile dementia brained man who was never right about anything. And who supported banning bussing. Real fascists promote useless wars for unstated agendas that enrich the military industrial complex and at the same time leave our military badly incapable of defending American soil. Only children call political opponents "fascists" because they can't make an argument that the current administration was successful because it was a disaster. Its from the stockpile of democrats like you that build authoritarian regimes. You LOST
You're making the mistake of reading history backwards, if I may assume that you do/can read?
To be honest, the closest we've ever had to a fascist in the White House was FDR. Roosevelt was not only a great admirer of Mussolini and his vertical syndicalist brand of corporatism but he used the economic emergency and "menace of extremists" to neuter Congress and try to pack the Supreme Court, so that the only power left standing was the executive. Most of the New Deal was that peculiar mix of fascism and socialist nationalism. Social Security was inspired by Bismarck. The federal interstate system after the nazi Autobahn. The National Recovery Act, etc. Like all fascists, he needed and found war(s) to both suspend Constitutional Rights of ordinary citizens (he put Japanese Americans in concentration camps and seized their property and land) put the economy on a permanent war footing, and we have been a nation looking to intervene anywhere at any time ever since.
Can you share your knowledge about the massive censorship program, the "debanking" of innocent people (does this include credit unions, too?), and his banning of bussing?
This is such an important piece, and thanks so much for writing it. Biden and his admin are responsible for ending any chance the U.S. is ever taken seriously as enforcers of international norms or the global order. I’ve had people argue with me about this saying, “Yea, but Bush did the same thing.” And I say, “Exactly.” We were supposed to learn lessons from this and never do it again. But instead, we get a similar neocon foreign policy and the previous Dem presidential nominee lauding Dick Cheney. I’m even wondering if we need a new word for ‘neocon’ that better encapsulates the war-mongering Democratic party. Maybe it’s ‘neo-Dem’?
The last thing I’ll add to your historic summary is when Biden argued in an Oval Office speech that war in Ukraine and Israel was good for American jobs. I felt like this was a turning point. I couldn’t believe it. It was always implicit, of course, but I never heard a U.S. president directly contradict Eisenhower’s dire warning about the dangers of the military-industrial complex. Biden (or Blinken and the aids who wrote this):
“We send Ukraine equipment sitting in our stockpiles. And when we use the money allocated by Congress, we use it to replenish our own stores, our own stockpiles, with new equipment. Equipment that defends America and is made in America. Patriot missiles for air defense batteries, made in Arizona. Artillery shells manufactured in 12 states across the country, in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Texas. And so much more.”
An execelent article
Excellent article. I believe there's one detail a bit off. William Burns is referred to as ex-Director of the CIA when he was ex-ambassador to Russia at the time of his warning, and is currently the Head of the CIA.
Thanks for catching that, I just updated it.
Absolutely fantastic compilation as always, TD. Wish all the best for your personal livelihood and daily safety since the NWO cabal probably isn't a fan of us muckraker dissidents; this year's *probably* not going to get any better, sad as it is... there's much to cover and such rapidly dwindling time.
Oh yes, since a wave of mangomonger Orange Bolshevism is approaching, that reminds me, have you also heard of the so-called "MAGA civil war"? I plan on soon explaining a likely conspiracy behind that in terms of the NWO's possible plans for a syncretized "left-right alliance" that very well could be arriving in this nation soon. Hopefully this year us muckraking researchers -- The Straight Juice and Michael Ginsburg are also fantastic voices here on Substack BTW -- will manage to stick together, because I wouldn't be surprised if the NWO will increasingly try to drive a wedge between us. Wish all the best for you, friend.
Given the content of this article, I do not understand how Dissident could write, "By 2022 when Russia was on the precipice of its illegal invasion of Ukraine…" The Russian government went to great lengths to solve the civil war occurring between fascist Kyiv and independent Donbas. When those efforts failed, they recognized the two republics of Donetsk and Lugansk and invoked Article 51 of the UN Charter, allowing for regional defense against aggression. And, there was no doubt that Kyiv was aggressive, violating the Minsk Accords and accumulating significant force of its NATO trained and armed troops on the Line of Control. Kyiv began a heavy bombardment of the Donbas in February, 2022, and due to Banderite rhetoric, an invasion of the Donbas would certainly involve a genocide.
This was a trap set by the United States to draw Russia into war, but it was a trap the Russians refused to ignore, as culturally, socially, politically, they could not allow their people in the Donbas to be slaughtered.
In effect, with her 'Special Military Operation', Russia intervened in a genuine action of "Responsibility to Protect."
What a terribly superficial and tendentious take on international events.
In this writer’s moral universe, Russia is entitled to launch a bloody and brutal invasion of a neighbor because Ukraine sought a Westward political outlook. Apparently, Russia was worried should Ukraine’s experiment succeed and thereby present an alternate vision of the future to Russians.
Yet, this same writer argues that Hamas (whose October 7 barbarism is studiously ignored) was entitled to a free pass for its genocide (on par with the genocide committed at Srebrenica) because of its war crime of taking hostages.
In a similar vein, Iran and its proxies (especially Hamas and Hezbollah) worried that Saudi Arabia would join the expanding Abraham Accord, thereby pulling the rug from under its theocratic expansionary program of regional hegemony.
In this writer’s analysis, however, the victims of illegal aggression become the criminals. It’s a morally perverse vision, regardless of its ideological underpinnings. The commonality between Russia and the jihadists attacking Israel is striking: they both reject the peoplehood of their targets, their historical connection to their historical homeland, their very right to independence and self-determination.
I suppose it inevitably comes down to our own armchair political preferences: the Western conception of rights or the Russian-Chinese (or others). They all have their respective flaws, but it depends on the extent one prioritizes individual rights and the post-WWII settlement.
Wow, you're a pathetic troll.
1. Russia warned for decades the NATO expansion would provoke a conflict and in 2014, the US launched a coup that allowed an anti-Russian, fascist-aligned government into power.
2. Israel is the one committing a genocide and as for their "October 7th barbarism", well, pretty much EVERY aspect of that story has been proven to be a hoax. Also, I won't be lectured about hostages by someone who's defending the government and military that has killed many of the hostages.
3. "Iran and its proxies (especially Hamas and Hezbollah) worried that Saudi Arabia would join the expanding Abraham Accord, thereby pulling the rug from under its theocratic expansionary program of regional hegemony."
This is hilarious, considering that Saudi Arabia and Turkey are doing exactly what you're criticizing Iran for doing. Oh, but their US allies, so that's OK according to you.
4. "In this writer’s analysis, however, the victims of illegal aggression become the criminals. It’s a morally perverse vision, regardless of its ideological underpinnings."
Pure projection
5. "they both reject the peoplehood of their targets, their historical connection to their historical homeland, their very right to independence and self-determination."
Pure projection, especially in regards to Israel
6. Your "vision of rights" is one where the US dominates the world and everyone falls in line with them or gets destroyed
I can see why you describe yourself as a lover of fantasy. That aesthetic comes shining through what passes for a reply. We can have an fact based discussion, but only once you return from the Land of Make-Believe to the real world.
In a larger sense, it matters not what we say. The fact is that Russia is bogged down in Ukraine, its North Korean mercenaries are making no headway against the Ukrainian forces holding Russian territory and Putin has pretty much sold his country to China.
As for Israel, it is mopping up Hamas in Gaza, decapitated Hezbollah forcing it into a humiliating ceasefire and has made Iran and the Houthis vulnerable to direct attack at a time of its choosing.
While there’s no way of knowing what exactly the Trump Administration will do, any sane person would prefer to be in Israel’s shoes than the Ayatollahs.
Hamas has accomplished two things. Its Al Aqsa Flood has washed away the Axis of “Resistance”. If Sinwar and Nasrallah’s fatal miscalculation is not remembered as Nakba 2.0 and their apologists continue to seek Israel’s destruction, then nothing will have been learned. Israel will continue to prosper, and the Arabs will continue to fall farther and farther behind.
Hamas’ October 7 barbarism and its supporters crude protests have exposed the Palestinian narrative for the theologically genocidal anti-Western civilization cause it has always been. It seems that even the best made Soviet propaganda has a “sell by” date, and with the Abraham Accords soon to be expanded, that date has arrived.
In the world as it is, no one respects losers. That’s why Putin continues throwing bodies onto the front line and why Iran is happy to fight to the last Arab. Why you glory in such a world is a question only you can answer but as to which no one else is particularly interested in.
"I can see why you describe yourself as a lover of fantasy. That aesthetic comes shining through what passes for a reply. We can have an fact based discussion, but only once you return from the Land of Make-Believe to the real world."
Oh, this is some beautiful projection from you. Just admit you're mad I don't subscribe to your American/Western Exceptionalism and then we can have an honest conversation.
"The fact is that Russia is bogged down in Ukraine, its North Korean mercenaries are making no headway against the Ukrainian forces holding Russian territory..."
Russia's currently winning the war. Or did you forget that since it didn't align with your pathetic worldview?
"...and Putin has pretty much sold his country to China."
By "sold his country" you mean he's aligned closer with another country in solidarity against US/Western aggression.
"As for Israel, it is mopping up Hamas in Gaza, decapitated Hezbollah forcing it into a humiliating ceasefire and has made Iran and the Houthis vulnerable to direct attack at a time of its choosing."
Israel has FAILED to take out Hamas, Hezbollah has mopped the floor with them (again), Ansar Allah is still hurting Israel and Iran is prepared for Israel. So, everything you just said was a lie.
"Hamas has accomplished two things. Its Al Aqsa Flood has washed away the Axis of “Resistance”. If Sinwar and Nasrallah’s fatal miscalculation is not remembered as Nakba 2.0 and their apologists continue to seek Israel’s destruction, then nothing will have been learned. Israel will continue to prosper, and the Arabs will continue to fall farther and farther behind."
An incoherent screed to justify genocide.
"Hamas’ October 7 barbarism and its supporters crude protests have exposed the Palestinian narrative for the theologically genocidal anti-Western civilization cause it has always been."
Again, pretty much every aspect of October 7th has turned out to be a lie. And it's funny how you have so much moral outrage over what Hamas did on October 7th, but none whatsoever for what Israel's done since October 7th. But then again, that's white people aligned with the US slaughtering brown people, so why would you care? Because according to you, nothing justifies October 7th, but October 7th justifies everything.
I do love how you refer to being pro-Palestine as "theologically genocidal" whilst ignoring Christian Zionism and what Israel's doing.
And saying someone's "anti-Western Civilization" isn't an own. In my experience, anybody saying that is just a white supremacist.
"It seems that even the best made Soviet propaganda has a “sell by” date, and with the Abraham Accords soon to be expanded, that date has arrived."
More incoherent nonsense
"In the world as it is, no one respects losers."
Is that why the US spent 20 years in Afghanistan? Or why Israel keeps doing what it's doing? Or Ukraine?
"That’s why Putin continues throwing bodies onto the front line and why Iran is happy to fight to the last Arab."
This pretty hilarious projection since that's what the US is doing to Ukraine. And what Israel and the US want to do with the Middle East.
"Why you glory in such a world is a question only you can answer but as to which no one else is particularly interested in."
This is pretty funny since this is the world you glorify: the US and the West rule the world and dominate and enslave anyone else and anyone who disagrees is evil and must be destroyed. You're projecting again.
And sorry dude, but most of the world isn't on your side on Ukraine or Palestine. You're alone and you're too delusional to realize it.
You're pretty clearly either a paid troll (I hope that money from the CIA or NED or Pentagon or whoever's paying is worth it) or a delusional person. But either way, that's your problem, not mine.
TL,DR: You've got nothing and you likely know it.
Apologies are in order. I only now realize that yours is a parody account, modeling itself as a creative sendup of exaggerated versions of Baghdad Bob and old style Trotskyites. Very well done. In these difficult times, everyone can use a good laugh - so thank you and keep up the good work. It’s a nice diversion from our care worn world.
Translation: "I'm not going to respond to what you said because it proves I'm full of shit, so I'm going to pretend like I won even though everything I said was disapproved"
People who live in the liberal media bubble don't realize the extent to which the Democrats have become the party of the Bush-Era neocons. They are all Democrats now, and have learned that all they have to do is say "Trump bad" and the left sees them as principled heroes.
The only prominent Democrat openly hostile to the neocons, Tulsi Gabbard, got driven from the party in a wave of slander. Meanwhile, the Harris campaign actually touts the endorsement of Dick Cheney like it's something to be proud of. It's appalling.
Biden was a zionist? But so was Trump, Bush, and every mofo before.
It is more or less acknowledged that the same or interchangeable "bloodthirsty neocon elements" in the Biden administration were already present in both the Obama and Bush administrations. One is relieved that those of the Biden administration are now "going out the door".
It's a revolving door, isn't it? One might have mentioned that the incoming Trump administration is packed with opportunistic psychos indistinguishable in their rabid bloodthirstiness from their predecessors. One must be willfully ignorant and living in Cloud Cuckoo Land to believe things will be essentially different, n'est pas?
A couple of other, minor and niggly, points of criticism of an otherwise thoughtful and intelligent piece. The reader does not need the added, ghost-written and expired 'gravitas' of a post-covid, nearly-as-gaga-as-Biden, Chomsky to explain to him that arms manufacturers are profiting from our present 'interesting times'. And why is Russia's invasion of Ukraine singled out, in a nod to official propaganda, as "illegal"? What has 'legality' got to do with any of this?
Lastly, and far more importantly, why do so many otherwise daringly enlightened commentators continue to duck the bloody obvious: How was it possible for Hamas fighters to penetrate the most guarded frontier in the world without Israeli (and US) complicity?
HasBenMedia, you're right. God let's them kill cause they think it's their land. How could I have missed that part? Thank for pointing it out.
As soon as the writer went all pro Hamas Terrorist explainer, I check out. Of course Biden was a bleeding war monger with a disastrous foreign policy that will extend decades of bad Karma. For Israel to take the deal for hostage release, this would have only rewarded the terrorists for doing the rape, killing and burning. And it would happen again and again. Only a naive fool would go with that deal.
Two days after October 7th, Hamas offered to release the hostages in exchange for Netanyahu and Israel not attacking Gaza. Netanyahu refused, which pissed off many Israelis, including the families of the hostages. And I won't be lectured about the hostages by someone who's defending a government and military who's killed many of the hostages they're pretending to try and save.
Further, everything we were told about October 7th turned out to be a lie, yet you continue to promote them to defend a genocide. And it's funny that you have this moral outrage over Hamas taking hostages, but not over the thousands of Palestinian hostages that Israel holds, tortures and rapes. Oh, but that's right, those people are Palestinian, so you don't care about them. Let them all die. Let them all be tortured and raped. Because they're just Palestinian after all.
You are a disgusting, pathetic scumbag.
Go fuck yourself.
BenMedia is always there with a derogatory word, and full cup of lies that just doesn't hold up to reality. Hamas is a death cult. They've been killing Jews just as their charter, publicly available, in English, clearly outlines they're determined to perform, for decades - that's a genocide. They love killing Jews. They made a labyrinth of tunnels, larger than the UK transit system to better kill the Jews. They stuffed hospitals, libraries, children's rooms, and mosques with weapon caches, lots of shiny weapons from Iran, to better kill the Jews. They made a point to use their own people as fodder and exploit the Western, sympathetic mind, like you, Ben, to deceive, and garner support to better kill the Jews. And that's what will continue to happen until this mind poison is banished from the Muslim people (not just the folks in Gaza). Wake up. They're super into killing Jews. It pleases their God, and they think they'll be rewarded pursuing it. What makes you think such a large, orchestration like Oct 7th will have them give up after 2 days? They have much more killing to do, of the Jews, because that's what it's all about.
Article 16 of the Hamas Charter:
"Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project not with the Jews because of their religion. Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine. Yet, it is the Zionists who constantly identify Judaism and the Jews with their own colonial project and illegal entity."
So, the Hamas Charter you're pretending to have read doesn't say that.
Further, I find it interesting you have this moral outrage about Hamas, but none for Israel which is committing a genocide against the Palestinians, including shooting children in the head.
But then again, Westerners never seem to have any outrage over white people committing atrocities against non-white people.
Ben the fool, Ben the short-sighted.
'Anti-Semitic incitement:
The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: 'O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him." (Article 7)'
Clear enough?
"Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project not with the Jews because of their religion. Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine. Yet, it is the Zionists who constantly identify Judaism and the Jews with their own colonial project and illegal entity." (Article 16)
"The Zionist project is a racist, aggressive, colonial and expansionist project based on seizing the properties of others; it is hostile to the Palestinian people and to their aspiration for freedom, liberation, return and self-determination. The Israeli entity is the plaything of the Zionist project and its base of aggression." (Article 14)
So, is this clear enough or are you going to keep lying?
Oh, and here's how I know you lied (aside from what I already cited):
"Palestine is at the heart of the Arab and Islamic Ummah and enjoys a special status. Within Palestine there exists Jerusalem, whose precincts are blessed by Allah. Palestine is the Holy Land, which Allah has blessed for humanity. It is the Muslims’ first Qiblah and the destination of the journey performed at night by Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. It is the location from where he ascended to the upper heavens. It is the birthplace of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him. Its soil contains the remains of thousands of Prophets, Companions and Mujahidin. It is the land of people who are determined to defend the truth – within Jerusalem and its surroundings – who are not deterred or intimidated by those who oppose them and by those who betray them, and they will continue their mission until the Promise of Allah is fulfilled." (Article 7)
You are a liar who's trying to defend a genocide.
LOL! You make me laugh.
So, no actual response then?
Still laughing at you skippy!
So actual response?
Got it.
Weird that overnight, people suddenly became ok with a fascist being in the White House. Almost, ALMOST makes it seem like it was all propaganda and hyperbole bullshit to begin with. Almost.
The real fascists are the Bidens and the Democrats who instigated a massive censorship campaign, arrested and jailed political opponents and debanked innocent people for disagreeing with Marxist authoritarian actions. Real fascists keep the truth hidden about a senile dementia brained man who was never right about anything. And who supported banning bussing. Real fascists promote useless wars for unstated agendas that enrich the military industrial complex and at the same time leave our military badly incapable of defending American soil. Only children call political opponents "fascists" because they can't make an argument that the current administration was successful because it was a disaster. Its from the stockpile of democrats like you that build authoritarian regimes. You LOST
You're making the mistake of reading history backwards, if I may assume that you do/can read?
To be honest, the closest we've ever had to a fascist in the White House was FDR. Roosevelt was not only a great admirer of Mussolini and his vertical syndicalist brand of corporatism but he used the economic emergency and "menace of extremists" to neuter Congress and try to pack the Supreme Court, so that the only power left standing was the executive. Most of the New Deal was that peculiar mix of fascism and socialist nationalism. Social Security was inspired by Bismarck. The federal interstate system after the nazi Autobahn. The National Recovery Act, etc. Like all fascists, he needed and found war(s) to both suspend Constitutional Rights of ordinary citizens (he put Japanese Americans in concentration camps and seized their property and land) put the economy on a permanent war footing, and we have been a nation looking to intervene anywhere at any time ever since.
Can you share your knowledge about the massive censorship program, the "debanking" of innocent people (does this include credit unions, too?), and his banning of bussing?