Mainstream Figures Are Now Calling For An End To The Ukraine War, But Where Were They Earlier.
Mainstream Figures Are Now Calling To End The War In Ukraine: But Why Didn't they Call For Peace Earlier
After over two and a half years of death and destruction, it is finally acceptable in mainstream circles to call for an end to the proxy war in Ukraine.
The New York Times has published an opinion piece podcast by Megan Stack which argued that Trump should “bring the Ukraine war to its inevitable ending” in order to “stop the suffering”.
In a separate New York Times opinion piece by Stack, she wrote
Dozens of people, and often hundreds, are dying every day in this grinding war. Mr. Trump should seize the chance to save lives. Nobody is coming to save Ukraine. A settlement will eventually be needed.
Matt Duss and Robert Farley in Foreign Policy magazine have recently said that now is an “appropriate time to explore the possibility of peace more aggressively” in Ukraine.
The Washington Post has reported that “Ukraine’s European allies” are “eying once taboo land for peace negotiations”.
Even Trump’s neocon Secretary of State pick Marco Rubio has admitted that “the reality of it is that the way the war in Ukraine is going to end is with a negotiated settlement”.
But the fact that these figures and outlets are now calling for an end to the proxy war begs the obvious question: Why did they not call for negotiations earlier and what was the point of this war?
The reality is this war was a way for the U.S. to “weaken Russia” and fill the pockets of defense contractors while sending Ukrainians to their deaths and destroying their country for no real benefit.
The reality is the U.S. wanted this war for their own geopolitical and financial interests. As the Ukrainian news outlet “Stranaura” wrote "
Biden and his key advisers, Nuland and Blinken, apparently imagined themselves to be great "geopolitical combinators" and decided to play a "cunning game", actually pushing Putin to invade, hoping that it would lead to his collapse.
Stranaura went on to point out that even the West’s geopolitical goals failed saying:
…the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine ended in failure, the initiative at the front was seized by the Russian army, Prigozhin's rebellion failed, and he himself died, Putin's power within the Russian Federation is currently stable, Russia has become even closer to China, the anti-Western and anti-American alliance in the world has become even stronger.
Stanaura went on to point out that the end result of the West’s lack of diplomacy in Ukraine had been the fact that “Ukraine is drenched in blood” and prolonging a “terrible war with thousands of victims.”
Stanaura is correct that the West, specifically the United States, could have negotiated a settlement that would have prevented this war and chose not to.
As Noam Chomsky and Nathan J. Robinson pointed out in their recent book “The Myth Of American Idealism”, “Even As the U.S. warned of an impending invasion, it made no diplomatic efforts to influence Russia's behavior.”
Robinson and Chomsky went on to point out that the U.S refused to negotiate over NATO expansion into Ukraine saying:
The United States ... declined to push for a settlement. It Refused to consider revoking the commitment to admit Ukraine into NATO. In fact, in December 2021, NATO reaffirmed that it was ultimately planning to integrate Ukraine.
Chomsky and Robinson go on to point out that the U.S. intentionally “took steps that weakened any possibility for a negotiated settlement” mainly because “a Russian invasion of Ukraine would be much worse for Russia than for the United States” and because they hoped to “weaken Russia to the point where it was militarily incapable of aggression”.
Furthermore, two months into the war, Ukraine and Russia came to a peace negotiation that could have ended the war, which was blocked by the U.S. and UK over their geopolitical interest in continuing the war.
The Ukrainian outlet “Pravda” reported in May of 2022 that during the peace talks the Russians were “actually ready for the Zelenskyy-Putin meeting” but it was stopped when then UK prime minister Boris Jhonson flew to Kyiv and told them that “even if Ukraine is ready to sign some agreements on guarantees with Putin, they (the West) are not.”
The outlet went on to report that the “collective West” “felt that Putin was not really as powerful as they had previously imagined” and that “the West wants to use it” as “a chance to press him”.
This was later confirmed by the former Israeli prime minister Naftali Benett- who took part in the negotiations- who told a podcast that “there was a decision by the West to keep striking Putin” and that there was a peace deal but “they (the West) blocked it”.
David Arakhamia, a lead Ukrainian negotiator revealed in 2023 that the Russians “were willing to end the war if we took on (NATO) neutrality” but the deal fell through after “Boris Johnson came to Kyiv and said that we wouldn’t sign anything with them at all, and that we should just fight.”
Finally, former Under Secretary of State for the Biden administration Victoria Nuland admitted that the U.S. was behind this decision to block the peace deal. When asked in an interview about this story she admitted that “the Ukrainians began asking for advice for where this thing (the peace deal) was going” and that they decided it was not a “good deal” because “it included limits on the precise types of weapons systems that Ukraine could have after the deal”.
One could easily argue that this war was a complete disaster for the West geopolitically given that-as Stranaura pointed out- “the Russian Federation is currently stable”, “the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine ended in failure” and “the anti-Western and anti-American alliance in the world has become even stronger.”.
But it was extremely successful in one other area: it was great for American corporations. As Noam Chomsky and Nathan J. Robinson pointed out in the aforementioned book
As Ukraine is devastated, some are doing fine. The U.S. military and fossil fuel industries are drowning in profit, with great prospects for many years ahead.
Chomsky and Robinson go on to point out that the Wall Street Journal has even bragged about how the Ukraine war has been beneficial for the military-industrial complex saying:
The Wall Street Journal reports that the Ukraine war has been good for the U.S economy, a huge boost to arms manufacturers with the Biden administration pointing to Ukraine aid's effect in building America's defense industrial base, jump starting and expanding production lines for weapons and ammunition and supporting jobs in 40 states.
Chomsky and Robinson are correct in their assessment that “Vladimir Putin's criminal aggression handed the United States its fondest wish: driving Europe deeper into the U.S.-run NATO-based system” Aside from the Military Industrial complex profit they brought up in the book, U.S. companies want as much destruction as possible in Ukraine so that they can profit off the rebuilding effort.
Ukrainian president Zelensky openly stated that “American business can become a locomotive of global economic growth” and “specifically thanked BlackRock, JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs for their cooperation with Ukraine in the country’s plans for rebuilding after the war.” as the Daily Caller reported.
To recap the U.S. had the chance to prevent this war by negotiating on NATO expansion and chose not to. They had the chance to end it two months in by supporting the peace talks going on between Ukraine and Russia and chose instead to block it. Hundreds of thousands of people have died and Ukraine's infrastructure is destroyed, while the West's goal of “weakening Russia” was not nearly as successful as they hoped it would be. But the military-industrial complex is profiting and giant investment firms will profit off the rebuilding of Ukraine once the war is over.
For the figures and news outlets now calling for diplomacy that previously supported the war, they are admitting that this war was pointless and will end in a negotiated settlement anyway. Had they called for diplomacy before the war began or during the course of the war, they could have stopped this pointless bloody conflict but that would get in the way of the profits of the corporations that fund them.
Where were they?
Absolutely correct assessment. The US’s big mistake was in not either including the Russian Federation into the NATO Alliance after the voluntary deconstruction of the USSR or dissolving it altogether as a pointless endeavor. The MIC and the political hacks that dream of profits and global hegemony will regret their shortsightedness in the end. My prediction: There will NOT BE A NEGOTIATED SETTLEMENT IN UKRAINE, the Russian Federation will no longer tolerate threats to its security from an obviously hostile West and WILL dictate the terms under which hostilities end as per President Putin’s previous statements or Ukraine will cease to exist as an independent state.