New Poll Shows Ukrainians Want To End The War.
A New Poll Shows That Regular Ukrainians Are Not Supportive Of Continuing The War Indefinitely.
The conventional wisdom in mainstream media is that the Ukrainian population wants to continue the proxy war for years on end in the hopes of gaining territory back from Russia.
Polls show that this is not remotely the case.
Ukrainians Want To End The War.
The most recent polls in Ukraine, from the British polling agency Survation show they are more desperate to end the war than ever.
The poll shows that, “78% of Ukrainians support either considering negotiations in the future or as soon as possible”.
39 percent of respondents said that “Ukraine should continue fighting, but should consider negotiations if military progress is stalled”.
The reality is, even with U.S. support, Ukraine never stood a chance of any military progress.
A recent report in TIME magazine noted that “When Russia invaded Ukraine nearly three years ago, President Joe Biden set three objectives for the U.S. response. Ukraine’s victory was never among them.”
The report spoke to Eric Green, a top official on Biden’s National Security Council who admitted that “We were deliberately not talking about the territorial parameters”.
As TIME noted, this meant that “The U.S., in other words, made no promise to help Ukraine recover all of the land Russia had occupied, and certainly not the vast territories in eastern Ukraine and the Crimean Peninsula taken in its initial invasion in 2014.”
Green admitted that “in the White House’s view, doing so was beyond Ukraine’s ability, even with robust help from the West.”
Now that the U.S. is no longer providing weapons and intelligence to Ukraine, the prospect of winning any gains is virtually impossible.
Therefore, these 39 percent of respondents will undoubtedly support negotiations once Ukraine is not able to make any gains.
The other 39 percent of respondents do not want to continue the war whatsoever, answering that “Ukraine should seek to negotiate an ending to the war as soon as possible”.
Only 16 percent of respondents said that “Ukraine should continue fighting until it wins the war”.
In other words, the position advanced by the Democrats and most of Europe on behalf of the “Ukrainian people” is only supported by 16 percent of the country.
Ukrainians More Open Than Ever To Territorial Concessions.
The Poll also showed that more Ukrainians are supportive of territorial concessions to end the war than ever.
According to the poll, 37 percent of respondents said that “Ukraine should be open to losing territory as part of peace negotiations”.
This is likely an underrepresentation of the real number given that, as the University of Ottawa professor Ivan Katchanovski noted polls on the question of territorial concessions are often “skewed due to social desirability bias, fear to express views contrary to undemocratic government & exclusion of occupied & annexed regions of Ukraine.”
The Brutal Draft
The reality is that the Ukrainian population is growing more war-weary by the day.
This means that those who support continuing the war in Ukraine are actually supporting a brutal draft to force them to continue to fight.
As the Daily Mail noted in November of last year:
Ukraine is battling to find new recruits for its army as the 1000th day of war with Russia approaches with a torrent of videos emerging of civilians being brutally beaten and forced into vans by mobs of soldiers.
Episodes of unsuspecting Ukrainian men being press-ganged are becoming more frequent as Russian forces continue to grind down defensive lines in Eastern Ukraine and seize more territory in Donetsk.
This phenomenon has only gotten worse with time.
This year there has been a slew of extremely disturbing videos emerging showing Ukrainians being forced into a van to be sent to the front line and fight in the unwinnable proxy war.
This has mostly affected the working class in Ukraine. As the Ukrainian historian Marta Havryshko noted recently on the “Useful Idiots” podcast :
Who is suffering the most? working class people, because they don’t have money to pay a bribe to leave the country, they don’t have money to pay a bribe for an exemption from the military, my relatives who are serving in the army now are from the working class, they are truck drivers they are plumbers, but my friends who belong to the middle class and upper middle class have found ways to survive this war. Some of them even sold their apartment to pay the bribe (to be exempt from military service or to be allowed to leave the country).
The reality is, those who are supporting this war are calling for a mass draft of working class Ukrainians to go fight and die in a proxy war that they have no chance of winning.
Ukraine proxy war supporters like to claim they care about Democracy and Freedom, but the outcome of their preferred policy is sadistic.
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Excellent point to bring up, D. If there's anything truly repulsive, it's the unending sight of liberal pantywaists cosplaying superheroes preserving global freedom while trivializing neofascist coups i.e. the Anglo-American astroturfed neo-Nazi "color revolution" deposing democratically elected president Viktor Yanukovych. Their arbitrarily applied concept of "democracy" parallels the superficial meaninglessness of fascists designating themselves "socialist."
This article illustrates that this is a war on the working class. We need more working class solidarity worldwide. Not even for Karl Marx, just for the sake of humanity.